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SMF Files - Track Names


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One thing I've noticed and can't seem to find any reference to has to do with the Track names.  I use Anvil Studio when editing MIDI files and assign Track names to the various tracks within the MIDI file.  However, when you import a SMF file on the MZ-X500 the track names get dropped.  SMF files have a standard file format and the track names are a part of that format as to how they are saved in the MIDI file, so I was kinda surprised that the track names were dropped.  I haven't tried naming the tracks in the X500 and then loading the MIDI file into Anvil Studio to determine if the track name is dropped, but I am going to do that.  It would just be easier if the track names would transfer and you wouldn't have to do double work.  Does anyone have any insight into this issue or maybe this is something that Casio would consider changing in a later update?


I usually play with two other people, guitar and bass, and sometimes the bass player has other commitments and can't make it.  When he is there, then I mute the bass track so he can play it live.  I try to follow a strict format with the MIDI recordings, i.e. bass is always on a specific track, but that sometimes doesn't always follow suit and have to keep a separate notebook so that I know which track to mute.  Yes, its a PITA!!  Ok, enough whining LOLOL!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just checked to see if it had anything to do with MIDI file type 0 & 1 as I know my VanBasco midi player will show track names for MIDI type 1 files but not for MIDI type 0. Didn't make any difference on X500. I can see what instrument is assigned to each track in the Mixer Display though. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Rick, I still have to do some experimenting with the x500 by naming the track in the x500 and then looking at the MIDI file using a HEX editor to determine if the track format is correct.  Yes, I do some programming and Standard MIDI Files are a PITA!!  The MIDI File Standard is very specific, but different manufactures could use the meta-event identifiers differently for their purposes.  For example, the Track Name meta-event identifier is FF 03.  The next byte identifies the length of the track name.  So, if the track is called "Drums" the next byte would be 05 followed by the hex numbers for each letter in the name, one byte for each letter.  Another example:  If the track name is called "Drums - Primary", then the length is 0F for 15 characters.  The next 15 bytes are the hex number equivalents for each letter (or space) in the track name.


The test is to load a MIDI file and then name a track in the x500 and then look at the MIDI file within the HEX editor to determine if the x500 follows the correct meta-event format or if it uses something else.  Then, report back here with the results and decide whether or not it's an actual bug or limitation with the x500.

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