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Morning Rituals.


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Since a few weeks every working morning when I'm waking up while walking to the kitchen I also fire the PX5S up,

which sits nicely in the living room near the window.


It takes time for me to get into gear each morning but getting  out of bed is the first step. After turning on the keyboard

and either have my cup or not mostly I'll sit at the couch with the radio on my favorite classic channel it turns on at a ,

specific time and while I do not consciously completely  hear  the music I am watching the key's of my PX5S while 

thinking the day ahead but this the thing. 


Those morning times when I sit on the couch going through my waking process, Five minute or two I don't know I'll go 

sit behind the keyboard and try a brand new tune something out of no where. Before I even touch the key's I see my hands

moving over for some kind of chords and then I'll keep going until a tune is there. 


And it actually is every morning going through my morning rituals a new tune comes up and it even doesn't require a lot 

of though or key presses something comes up from nowhere and there it is.


Thank to the recorder inside the keyboard when I come home I always listen to the things I've tried that morning which is 

really funny but in the end it sounds quiet good. 


Thank You. 





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