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Everything posted by Kodachrome

  1. Yup, gone through the videos ad nauseum. I think I finally understand that each bank, say 0-0, is its own stage setting. I was thinking that the unused locations within each bank were meant to save any stage setting. For example after 020 or thereabouts in the piano bank there are no further piano sounds, just the same concert grand tone available. I had thought that this is where the stage settings were loaded into and that the first 20 or so tones always stayed within the stage setting. (Whew - hope that makes sense). Anyway, I think I'm on track now. Curious - when I saved my first stage setting to the 0-0 bank, it also saved these settings including the re-named title to the tone section (left side of keyboard) for piano sounds. I don't grasp why that happens but hope it will eventually make sense. Had to manually adjust them back to normal.
  2. At the risk of annoying everyone with these dumb questions, here goes. I understand how to pull tones into a homemade stage setting, using some or all of the 4 zones to create the sound. The video tutorial explains how to set a target location for the newly created stage setting, using Knob 2. However it seems to only allow you to select 0-0 for example. Are we able to load this sound into say slot 025, or 030, or wherever within the 0-0 bank? I seem to be missing something at this point in the saving process. I'll keep scouring the available resources for clues but any input would be much appreciated (again). Thanks...
  3. Awesome! Thanks Brad. I did just that and all is back to normal again. Now I have to spend some time figuring out how to save settings before causing more grief. Thanks again - Neil
  4. Thanks for the quick response! I went to the 0-0 Bank of Stage Settings, then moved up to the 025 slot where I intended to save it. The tones I used were from the Tones area Z1 = warm pad, Z2 = concert strings, Z4 = orchestra pad (skipped Z3 because, for some reason, the tones would only activate on the lower end of the keyboard - but that's another problem...) The file is from the Casio PX-5S portal, FAQ, Page 23, factory stage settings link. I'm trying to return the 0-0 bank of stage settings to the original settings (piano). Right now this area contains only the above settings I saved. Also want the Piano section on the Tones side returned to only the original piano settings. This area has the piano settings on Z1 but it also has my above settings saved for Z2 and Z4 - would like to cancel them - back to original settings. It appears that these are the only areas affected, so not sure whether I should be trying to restore All Data, or just specific areas. Because I really don't know what I'm doing I've been trying to simply restore All Data. But I must be missing a step somewhere along the line. I've watched the videos and searched this Forum and the other Casio resources but still struggling...
  5. Hi - I know this answer is around somewhere but not having much success locating it. I saved a Stage Setting to the 0-0 Bank (Concert Grand area) thinking I was saving it to a specific area of this Bank. I picked 25. When I saved it, it wiped out all of the piano tones from the bank. So, now I'm trying to re-load original settings to start over. I have the file loaded onto a USB in the musicdat file. I saved the file and it displayed the success! message. Powered off and back on but nothing has changed. All of the piano tones now have my handiwork attached to them - not just in the piano stage setting area. Can anyone assist in getting the sounds back to the original settings. Thanks in advance - Neil
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