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Everything posted by astrodummies

  1. Hmmm a nice idea, I'll check if it will work. Thanks bro! [updated] Yeah, it is working! I created a new user style, set up FX for that and now thay work inside external MIDI tracks. Well, I can't say this is really comfortable *lol*, but it works perfectly! Thanks again!
  2. Hi guys! I enjoy with my new CT-X5000 and really love the gear. Now trying to make it work with the PC (I use Sonar Home Studio). Everything is great, and I even attached my Novation Launchkey MINI MIDI controller's knobs to edit CT-X5000 sounds on the fly (filter, vibrato, EG, portamento etc). But there is a problem. The manual indicates, that sounds, controlled by external MIDI source, use their own separate block of effects (Reverb/Chorus/Delay) - a so called System Effects 2. So I can only change depth of these effects (CC#91,#93, #94), but I can't change effects' type. When I enter into a [SET] menu on the CT-X5000, it changes only System Effects 1 (used for keyboard/style playing, but not for external MIDI). Any ideas how to reach System Effects 2 block and switch there Rev/Cho/Delay type for external MIDI? System Exclusives? NRPNs? Thanks in advance.
  3. Hi guys. Must notice, that .INS file (Cakewalk/Sonar) for CT-X5000/3000 is not complete and doesn't contain defintions for continuous controllers (CC) names/numbers. I edited the original file and added the information. Now everything CC controllers work properly and can be viewed/edited in the piano roll window of Sonar. Enjoy. https://yadi.sk/d/82G0nVcv_dJinw CT-X3000_5000_with_CCs.ins
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