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Posts posted by Harpon

  1.  Good for you and your resourcefulness.  I'm sure your keys are much quieter.  I happened to see a video- several actually- comparing the px-350, with the 360 and 560 I think and then later the newer models- 1000, 3000 ?.  I won't search them at this hour, but one point seemed to be was that the keys were getting more quiet all the time.  I was tempted to pick up a newer model when I got my corona relief check, but my playing around on the keyboards I had already, and diverting more back towards guitars had me deciding to keep the money in the bank for awhile.  Last week I found a PX350m very reasonable on Facebook Marketplace, at $300 it was a hundred less than one listed at Guitar Center would have been with shipping.  And so I've been playing that quite a bit- through headphones mostly too the past few days.  The key noise hasn't bothered me as yet, but I'll probably listen more critically now.  It's really a great machine, and I still have a WK-6600 76 key board if I am in need of more voices-  I think you're right about the 17 track recording on the other thread I was asking about this machine- it might be a little easier on the 6600- if I ever get it down!.  Been doing some tracks on even older boards.  It's time to sell my older boards and leave the '80's and 90's finally behind I guess.


          Though they are about the same vintage- I think the 350 definitely has better voices, than the wk-6600, but not the voice editing either.  Between those two I think it's all pretty covered for now.  


  2. It has occurred to me- the old WK-1200 does in fact have a synth function- and if cut the release time of the tone when I recorded the first track- the tone would probably sound more "harp-realistic"  The upper ranges let the sound ring on more like a keyboard than the treble ranges of a harp, while the lower strings sound more appropriate untouched.


    Got to kick up more to the WK-6600 where the voices are much more realistic- I'm assuming more samples each voice- and the tone editing has greater control.


    Also having a great time lately with a small Yamaha PSS-480 board with some fun synth sounds that I also had back in '88 and was fairly clueless with, and absolutely NO playing ability either.  So yes- I'm having some fun and quite satisfied with myself.


    below- my electric bike- a vintage 1960's Peugeot Mixte frame



  3. I'm afraid the "celesta" aspect is actually the harp voice of the old WK-1200-  It's more accurate sounding in the lower octaves I think. The voices got much better with the WK200/500 level- that's why I need to get something more going with my WK-6600 with another improvement still in the voices and tone editing- which has gotten more of my attention with that newer board.  This one I'm more familiar with still.


    Yes- maybe the strings take it a little "alpine"?  Not to defend, it's just the first sketch of an idea- there could be many versions for different reasons.


    Maybe this sounds cinematic- I've always been a film buff and student-  I wowed myself a bit that that part of the track could flow in different directions- to me it says "conclusion!" 

    roll credits-  Ah, Sin a ma......




  4. Tracking on the new to me old wk 1200 I lost in the flood a decade ago and replaced with a used I found on Marketplace-

      (I'm just getting through the essentials on the wk-6600- Hey it's only been 4 or 5 years!)

    So I'll move projects onto that sometime- this technology is hurting my PRACTICE TIME!  This board may be easier- 5 tracks and 2 song memory.


    anyway 3 tracks- two harp and one synth strings- call it "Celtic Thing" for now- 

    It's got a couple of glitches- when I'm wrestling with technology- I tend to move on without getting perfect tracks- usually regret it too later

    Audacity is wrestling with my inputs- this is recorded directly to my laptop through the computer's small microphone,

     and damn the man who took separate audio in and out jacks from laptops!  I'll get it straightened out, and this song is a keeper to develop more I think-

    I've played it now on real harp, and accompanied with guitar.  I may post future incarnations or I may move onto to something else.




    celtic 2 direct reverb.mp3

  5. Here's a track I recorded on it before the flood- it was actually done in several pieces, and I got the computer files confused somehow so the end is on the front and the front is on the end somehow I think- I put some pictures of what I was doing10 years ago and put it on youtube.  The tone is mostly "sequence" and 150 the number I think.  Anyway it's a sequence that really is a sequence- some things were labeled "sequence " on the later WK 200 and the see to be just a single tone so WTF? 


    WARNING:  Bad Santa Ahead!



    • Like 1

    Then the one other thing- Can anyone give us a general year of introduction for the PX-350, and then also when the PX-360 appeared (I guess it's up to PX 560 now?  Is that a lineage?) and when the CGP -700 came along?


    I'm assuming the larger colored Icon screens came along later- at the same time?  I'm just interested in the ages of the technology at this point.  I saw a video comparing the 350, the 360 and the CGP700 on youtube and I think it was dated 2015.  What has been the progression since then, if any?

  7. OK- Thanks!  Much to think about and variable factors- as ever- with technology that's hard to keep up with.  The more I play the WK-6600 the more I'm happy with it, and I see those going used for $200- incredible board for that price.  I still have a Baldwin Hamilton acoustic studio upright, but growing tired of tuning it and afraid it might fall through the floor of my shack, so just turning my attention back to weighted 88 boards.



  8. I've been thinking about getting a Privia, and I want one with a lot of voices.


    The Privia PX 350 seems to be quite similar to my WK-6600 unweighted 76 key board, in terms of sound layout and selection- the same tone names come up in the same sequence under the "piano" selections for example- and seem to have the same 17 track recorder with 5 song save.


    The PX-350 seems to have been discontinued, when?, while the WK 6600 board is still available new-  I've thought about looking for a used Privia maybe. 

    I got my WK-6600  4 or 5 years ago, and being spread on a lot of instruments- still getting to know it, but fairly comfortable with the controls.


    One question I have is: Are the speakers on the PX 350 ported out the back the way I've heard promotional blurbs for some Privias the past few years?


    And also, Is there a sound level (Too quiet) problem that models before that have been often reviewed as having?  I had a PX 100 or 110 for awhile, and one thing I found was the 8 watt oval speakers didn't put out a large volume.  The sound on my WK-6600 board is adequate for my tastes and living situation I think, but top side, not ported in back.


    Finally, what are the relative timelines between a PX-350 (Release year,  year discontinued?) as opposed to the  Privia PX-360 and Privia CGP 700 


    Are there many PX-350s still around?  They have a flash USB port, right?

    One last question: does the PX 350 have the tone editing functions my WK-6600 has?


     I'm not yet ready to spend the kind of money the newer models cost, but maybe if Trump buys his way to another term and I have $1000 more and haven't died from Corona viral,  maybe then.🤪


    Can anyone answer ?



  9. I can't speak for the keyboard- although I have one- never connected a mike


    but I've never had much luck using a balanced mike with a 1/4 jack connector-  they buzz because the balance line is eliminated.


    What do you do with a mike on this keyboard- mix in vocals?  Does it record to the 17 tracks?  I see a 1/8 line input too.  I never spend enough time looking at these things- usually just practicing or playing with the tone editor....


    I've been irritated with this board only because it's black and I'm getting on-66- and can't SEE any of the etched writing- wish they'd put it in contrasting colors


    I first got a red 61 key model- but I found 61 too few keys- so I exchanged it for the 67 wk-500 which doesn't look as good and is hard to read.

  10. I still have the original a/c adapter and that still works_ I wish I'd given the keyboard more time after the flood.  An SK-5 eventually came back to life, but the WK-1250 LCD screen was full of water and it wouldn't power up- I threw it out, kept the ac adapter but foolishly threw out the music rest too.  It was all a real mess and I couldn't re-inhabit the house for three months and never in winter again. On the other hand I ended up in Florida and winters are better than in Indiana, if not so wooded....


    I didn't know so much was available on ebay back in 08 either.  I've replaced a collection of children's books and even found old books I had as a kid more than 50 years old. I'm searching for sound samples I'm sure I still have....

  11. Yes- you are correct and thought about it later- I might cheat some on the strips carefully if in fact the had deteriorated, but not on the contacts though- this might never be really necessary.  But hey, I'm someone who puts oil at the bridge contact points when I tune my Baldwin Hamilton Studio upright- which gets me extremely dumped on at the piano forum.  Then again I'm not the one who designed the metal-file like casting there way back in 1980.  Newer pianos went to smooth castings, but if I'm stressing old strings I want lubrication and protection for old strings- I'm never near the pinblock or let it travel down to felts.


    Sorry to stray off topic- you are right- I'd only consider it on really pitted stiff rubber as a last resort.

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