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Sami jo

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Posts posted by Sami jo

  1. update:  Casio Support Center sent me the contact to the closest casio repair center (~20 miles away).   I called the little shop & they aren't even taking calls right now, overwhelmed during the virus shut-down out here, but said to leave an email with the details-  which I did.   So now I guess I just wait and see if they contact me in the coming weeks...   (luckily i can still play and teach online with this keyboard for now,  I just have to avoid that one note).   

    Hopefully whenever the shop re-opens & I'm able to get it looked at, it's a simple fix and won't involve shipping anything back.  Fingers crossed.


  2. Unpacked & assembled my new PX770 today (& unwisely cutting up all the boxing to fit in the recycle bin *before* trying the keyboard, doh!).

    Found one bass G# (the one below C3) will get suddenly LOUD and electronic/buzzy- but still on pitch- if I play it more than once in a measure:(

    Now, after trying to take a video of it and playing the note a few dozen more times, it's no longer going Loud & bright, it plays normally but with a distinct clacking sound!

    So is this a hardward issue maybe?


    I bought it through Amazon, never guessing I'd have any issues bc my last Privia worked perfectly for over a decade with no issues at all.

    Has anyone seen/heard this before?  Any fixes?  Or ideas of who to contact?   I'm at a loss and couldn't be more disappointed (after lugging the

    whole console & keyboard up a 3rd floor walk-up apt & putting it all together & destroying the shipping packaging.   #feelingdumb

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