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Everything posted by XW-Addict

  1. Thanks it's a bit sloppy, I really want to get into it and made a few idea's of me discovering this synth. My next songs will be short and clean with new created sounds which I will add to the forum with each song.
  2. They are not songs in whole but my trip into discovering what the XW_G1 has to offer on a sound exploration trip. I was experimenting by creating sounds in manipulating every synthesis feature in the G1 dsp, osc etc using the standard patches I used standard perfomance mode sounds and step seq rhythms. I also was trying out the Looper in combination creating beats, I would first do a drum beat and build the sound up each layer what to me sound nice enough by ear. Enjoy. Everyting recorded in portable recorder start your volume low first please . BR_006 This one I made inspired by the movie Tron. BR_008 A looper experiment I used the step seqeuncer salsa to build up the layers onward. BR_014 I programmed a beat in the Looper and played the whole combination with the conga's from a performance patch. BR_021 This is one totally an improvisation I played with a range of sound and recorded snippets what I played in the looper creating each layer, or played a sequence by ear while manipulating each synthesis of that sound. This one a bit loud you might turn it low first specially the bass. Enjoy my sound discovery. BR_006.MP3 BR_008.MP3 BR_014.MP3 BR_021.MP3
  3. Love the sound of the second so underground.
  4. I like this it really sets an spacious ambiance, nice piece of synthesis.
  5. Pc mainboard sound input are pretty crude for recording its nice to use it for a multimedia mic and headphone but it doesn't cut it very well. I've chosen for a Roland digital recorder Micro BR connected to a mixer, For my Pc I've chosen for the 0404 soundcard it has unbalanced input and output channels pretty much anything I need. There are more specialized audio interfaces for recording for the Pc with higher sample rates it all depends if you want an usb or card type, personally I opt more for such an solution then the standard sound card of an PC.
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