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Posts posted by zymos

  1. That's a really inaccurate assessment of Cubasis. It totally IS a stand alone DAW. It is not a one to one port of Cubase, but it has most of the functionality. You can open Cubasis projects in Cubase, but it absolutely does not require "being umbiliculed to a PC running Cubase"

    And you can of course control external hardware with it.


    I was not judging the iPad. I was judging the apps that run on it. I even mention that even though the iPad connects to the real world, very few of the current crop of apps take advantage of that, and as the original question was about the Yamaha Mobile Sequencer, I addressed that. Even so, the exception you mention, Cubasis, is not a full fledged stand alone DAW app. It still requires being umbiliculed to a PC running Cubase. Actually, it's not much more than a remote controller for Cubase. I am looking for a full fledged DAW, complete with sequencer that I can connect to my keyboards and run just like with a laptop. When I see that, I will know that the tablet market is finally looking at the current music world realistically.

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  2. In their defense,I have to say that the Korg M3 manuals are quite good. There's a smaller getting started one and a huge parameter guide, and both are written in correct English (or were translated properly at least). I think the most pathetic ones I've seen have been from Yamaha, but I wouldn't be surprised to find out that some products have better or worse manuals than others from the same manufacturer.

    A third party XW guide would be awesome though!

  3. It has been proven that people learn faster and better when showed how to do something as opposed to learning it from a book or manual.

    That is why there are you tube  tutorial video's.

    That's debatable.

    SOME people prefer learning that way.

    It takes me seconds to glance over a paragraph of text, but many minutes to sit through a video. If it's a really complicated step by step type of procedure, you are going to either have to take notes while watching, or go back for repeated viewing. I've watched countless hours of motion graphics tutorials, and to go from "first do this, then click here, then adjust this value..." to actually LEARNING something is a long process.

    As much as people like to hate on the XW manual, I've seen worse. To me, the main issue is the complexity of the instrument, not anything inherently wrong with the manual.

  4. There's a great Yes DVD, think its on Netflix- Songs from Tsongas 35th Anniversary. Howe's playing is just spell binding- I can't even express how masterful it is, and Anderson's singing is really strong, even after all these years. Wakemen? He was there too, they show him a few times, but it's like he's almost an afterthought. Obviously he was an important component to their overall sound, but I've never felt he was as essential to the band as Howe, Anderson or Squire. I think most people remember him as a "virtuoso" cause he wore the cape and had a whole bunch of keyboards around him in that concert film in the 70's.

    I'd suggest anyone who isn't impressed by Banks' playing might need a refresher. "Firth of Fifth", the solo on "In the Cage", the organ solo near the end of "Supper's Ready"- just 3 off the top of my head...

    So, without using Google- who WAS the keyboard player for "Moby Grape" or "1910 Fruitgum Company"??

    That's probably why they aren't the topic of this thread!

  5. Also Rick Wakeman's keyboarding in those days absolutely blew away anything Gabriel was capable of at the time.

    Again this is only my opinion. YMMV.

    Gary ;)

    Since Peter Gabriel only did vocals and occasionally flute, I must agree that Wakeman is better at the keyboarding.

    I really don't understand why you insist that Genesis was "corporate" and "manufactured by the record companies"- they were like most progressive bands of the era ( oh, except for Yes, with their radio hit of the shortened version of "Roundabout" ) - hardly anyone listened to them and they only got played on the college stations.

  6. Yes pretty much created the genre and style.  Genesis came along later as a corporate "knock-off" pretty much copying their style.


    At least IMHO...



    Well, you are entitled to your opinion, but I don't think that claim is supported by reality. They are not even slightly stylistically similar, musically or in lyrical/thematic content. I like them both, in fact Steve Howe is one of my all time favorite guitar players. I'd never even thought of comparing the two bands before, they are just so different.

    Are there any specific Genesis songs that sound like a "knock-off" of a certain Yes song?

  7. Shoot, I even went back and edited my post a minute after I made it, cause I thought "waitaminnit! We're talking about plugs, not jacks".

    But my edit didn't go through for some reason- a window even popped up that said "this post has been edited".

    So much for my face saving attempt....

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