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Mike Martin

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Everything posted by Mike Martin

  1. Welcome to the forum Glenn. Most of the links, videos and information you're asking for is right here in this thread. If you have other specific questions use the search tools here and if you can't find an answer just create a new topic.
  2. I'll make the Stage Setting available for download. I worked on it a little on Wednesday, listened to the track and did some research on it yesterday and finished programming it last night. It wasn't done in one sitting so it is hard to estimate. Maybe 90 minutes? PS. I think the XW series can probably pull off the main note sequence quite well. I'll try to do this on Monday.
  3. Shameless post, but this was pretty fun. My iPod decided to play this song yesterday so I had to give it a try on the PX-5S. Pink Floyd's On the Run. One Arpeggiator is in use for the main note pattern and simultaneously doing the hi-hat on the same zone, nothing else is sequenced. This is two zones on the PX-5S with different elements on different keys. All sounds are raw waveforms with pink noise used for the high hats and mixed in with the "helicopter". Not bad for a "piano".
  4. There are two USB ports, one for connecting your computer. The other for a USB drive. They are both underneath. The one for the USB drive is easy to reach. As you're sitting it is just reaching ahead of your right knee. If that doesn't work for you, a simple USB extension cable will allow you to put it anywhere you want.
  5. Some of the XW-P1 presets that weren't included in the G1 http://xwsynth.wordpress.com/2013/02/28/xw-g1-solo-synth-bank2-the-xw-p1-leads/
  6. Thanks Lucabbrasi, The XW's are amazing machines. They're quick to program and an incredible learning tool if you've never done any programming before.
  7. Nili, I'll look into this but I don't have immediate access to a CTK-7000. Stay tuned.
  8. Sorry I missed this thread. So if you press the two buttons for "DEMO" on the front panel, the lights don't light up?
  9. Do not take it apart. Either call Casio service or your dealer. It has a 3 year warranty but I would suggest you get it looked at now.
  10. There is a small section underneath the keyboard where the power supply connects. This also where the USB port is for connecting to a computer. The 3 pedals connect by a small thin cable which when assembled is clipped along the back side so it is mostly not noticeable. I don't have a PX-780 at the Casio America office yet to get you pictures but as soon as I do, we'll get some up.
  11. Just added it to the x50 section.
  12. There are already some in progress. Probably towards the end of March
  13. Carl, I'm trying to understand what you're trying to do. Each of the parts use standard MIDI CC's for the Reverb / chorus Mix. Can you explain your application in some more detail?
  14. More sounds: http://xwsynth.wordpress.com/2013/02/27/xw-p1-hexlayer-10-pack1-released/
  15. On Thursday we'll be releasing all of the XW-P1 Solo Synth patches that are not built in as presets on the XW-G1. Stay Tuned.
  16. Hey guys, No big deal but in the future, keep discussions about pricing elsewhere. See the Forum Rules. The bottom line is we'll get someone pretending to be a user just like anyone else here. He'll start talking about what an awesome deal he got at this store, when in reality he's a store employee and he's trying to direct business to himself.
  17. Lucabbrasi, All of these sounds have already been released for the XW-P1. http://xwsynth.wordpress.com/2013/02/25/xw-sound-week-todays-solo-synth-6-pack/ http://xwsynth.wordpress.com/2012/06/13/download-new-xw-p1-sounds-2/
  18. A 12 pack of Solo synth sounds has been published over at the XWSynth Blog site. This includes the 6-Pack of sounds that were released for the XW-P1, plus other previously unreleased sounds like the Vangelis lead. http://xwsynth.wordpress.com/
  19. No it is not possible to add new samples into the XW-P1. You can edit parameters on any existing PCM tones, change envelopes, filters and effects. If you want more editing the HexLayer side really allows the most flexibility for editing creating your own sounds using the existing samples.
  20. New sounds this week. Here is the first set. XW-G1 leads tomorrow, then some Hex Layers for the XW-P1 on Wednesday. https://xwsynth.wordpress.com/
  21. Lune, Not ALL of the oscillators (therefor the sliders) work for every solo synth patch. There are plenty examples were #6 is not enabled or when only #1 and #2 are in use. Technically if the Ext oscillator is not used but turned on that could caused unwanted noise.
  22. Is the 5th oscillator turned ON? If not the XW will just pass the audio and the slider will do nothing. Make sure that in whatever solo synth program you're on that the 5th oscillator is actually turned on. Once it is on, you'll only hear the audio source when a key is pressed. Then the slider will control it's volume.
  23. Guys, tomorrow when I'm back at the office and have an XW with me I'll address the questions here.
  24. We just added about 10 more electric piano demos to the page.
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