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Mike Martin

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Everything posted by Mike Martin

  1. Welcome to the forum Casio Man - Great ideas!
  2. If you registered your product with Casio it has a 3 year warranty.
  3. SonnyDaye, Curious why a 76 key, could you elaborate? Our 88 key Privia models are already the smallest and lightest in their class. Is it a matter of fitting in a car or something else?
  4. SonnyDaye, Welcome to the forum. Great suggestions.
  5. My apologies once again. Usually if our customer support has an issue they can't solve they come to me....and if I can't solve it I get in touch with Japan. I'll get to the bottom of this but honestly it may be a little while. I'm hoping someone over there has the same Core 2 Duo.
  6. Here is a clue for one of the products we'll be showing.
  7. Carl, I'm trying to understand your question. You want to put effects from the XW on the audio input?
  8. I'll look into it but I've never seen this before. Let me see what I can find out.
  9. Good idea Travst. The show will be frantic, but I'll see what I can do about posting something here on the first morning.
  10. Actually, I need to modify my original statement. No one has it 100% correct. That being said, many of the things mentioned are correct. That's vague....well it's only two weeks. Just hard to contain my excitement.
  11. Guys, Here is a quick list of all the videos that we've done so far. XW-P1 and XW-G1 Step Sequencing Part 1 XW-P1 and XW-G1 Step Sequencing Part 2
  12. Of course I can't be more specific yet, but ONE of you mentioned something that we will show at NAMM. Sorry, I'm such a tease.
  13. Great discussion guys. Keep the ideas coming. jirikrecek, I understand what you mean about the solo synth on the XW-P1 and XW-G1. That's why I have both.
  14. No this isn't possible. You'd have to switch Performances on the fly, but you can do this without the sequencer stopping. In the Performance EDIT area under CONTROLLERS, you can set the KNOBS to work this way not the sliders.
  15. We had some booth models last year, not Japanese though.
  16. So what are you guys expecting? What would you like to see from Casio?
  17. I uploaded a 1.3MB file and it is still showing me that I can upload another 2MB file. I'll keep checking into this but it seems to be working. I'll create a non-admin account and double check.
  18. Just testing..... JoeSample-PX350.mp3
  19. It is 2MB per message from what I can see. I have an email into the IPS Board people to confirm.
  20. The file size limit is now set to 2MB.
  21. Also, to clarify. While I am an Admin - this is a USER forum designed for USERS to support USERS. Myself and others who represent CASIO are here as much as possible. Through the holiday months including January which is right before our largest trade show of the year is an extremely busy time for us. As the community continues to grow, we'll have more people asking and answering questions and soon someone will be able to search here and find an answer to any question imaginable which I hope will work out well for everyone. -PS I've already blocked anonymous posts so hopefully the SPAM will calm down. I'm looking for a way to increase attachment size.
  22. Happy Rat, Counting myself, there are two admins. I'm working on setting up some things to get some things changed including some of the suggestions that have been mentioned here. We will probably get some other moderators set up here soon too. Hang in there.
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