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Silvano Silva

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Everything posted by Silvano Silva

  1. Summary of everything. The MZ is not a DAW or a KONTAKT or a ABLETON. Everything that is inserted in it must be modified to work. If you have a sample of kontakt with 100 megabytes it is necessary to do the proper conversion for the MZ. The same applies to using samples. If I have a sound in MZ, why should I add a similar ZTN Sample? I've followed the MZ since launch and before I bought it I had a brief reading of the manual. Today I am more surprised by my MZ-X300 than having frustration. A conscious use would be to use the MZ as controller.
  2. Thanks Brad again. is an excellent tool for hit-hats and more drums
  3. HELLO FRIENDS! Hello friends! I am studying the manual of the MZ-X300 and got the Assigned Group part for ZDR tones. I saw it's 15. ARE THESE 15 OPTIONS DIFFERENT OR EACH ONE HAS AN EXPECIFIC FUNCTION IN THE DRUMS? You can target and add other dynamics with this function. SAMPLE MANAGER only accepts 1 note per part for ZDR.
  4. Ok Brad! I have no issues with editing loops and I have powerful editing tools. What intrigues me too is this disappearance of notes from ZTN sounds. If I place a new Sax soon it disappears the G # 4 of the accordion that also had installed. I only put samples when the keyboard palette does not. At most I always edit my sounds with the native keyboard tools. I'll create a Rhodes with loops Points and edit decay for testing. Thank you.
  5. Thank you very much Brad. But it is already being reported and mistakes are happening to me. Because if you put bigger samples, other samples of the other ZTNs are disappearing. They are system errors and I believe that an update will solve it .. The PRELOAD tool is great and works great. The challenge is the disappearance of ZTN Notes. And making small ZTNs the error is less evident. Bass DX piano and Rhodes Piano do not work well with loops. They need to die while the key is pressed.
  6. Bass Fender Piano Rhodes Dx Piano Max for ZTN 1.5mb
  7. Thank you Brad. But can I do this within the Sample Manager sample by sample? Because if it is possible I can put very short samples and stretch by the software.
  8. Hello friends! I have already understood that MZ-X recognizes very well loop points in the wav imported in the Sample Manger. The question would be whether he MZ-X acknowledges Sustaining With Release or someone else has tried other options like One Shot Loop.
  9. Not BradMZ.I started using samples with last update.The error persists less on small 1.5mb files.Larger files the chance to give problem is great and have already talked to friends who are having the same problem.The preload works well when it is not used at the 30mb limit and if you load the preload near the 30mb it locks factory sounds.The SAVEALL tool does not work well with Tones ZTN samples.I have to save one by one the tones with samples.Is a problem reported by some friends here as well.
  10. Hello everybody! I Have the MZ-X300.What safe levels for ztn samples on the keyboard without giving problems.I'm reducing the ztns to 1.5mb and still have ztn files dropping lost samples.Have I seen ZDR drum with 3mb from Casio's official website and this is safe?I love the factory sounds of Casio Mz but there are times when you need to add regional sounds and that is where you add the necessary ones with the problem with sounds already installed when accessed later.An example is a Snare that disappears when it accesses the ZDR. I am already with the last update 1.5 and preload enabled and continue these errors.
  11. http://support.casio.com/pt/support/download.php?cid=008&pid=1209
  12. Record time by registration you lose the freeze adding feature. And it has to decorate where you put the beats in the registration. Only update to solve this problem.
  13. I bought the MZ-X300 and so far it's wonderful.
  14. Version 1.0.0


  15. Yessss I find the Feature Hello. I had made a request on Fingered's MZ for one note Chord. I was able to find the feature used eighth notes as on Yamaha keyboards. Thank you so much. On the keyboard screen the chords are seen as ex (C8)
  16. Hello KHHandschuh this system Full chord has in other brands also included in my Roland and does not solve. If you do chords in both hands and need to do solos can give chord recognition problems. The Yamahas understand when if two key C1 and C2 for example (Octave). Rolands recognize a single note.
  17. Version 1.0.0


    Wonderful strings for MZ Keyboards
  18. Hello Friends I'm back! I wanted to punctuate here some improvements that could be made in the MZ that I did not find on the keyboard. Detail I have the MZ-X300 1-Synchronize Bank of Pads Created with Rhythms Instead of changing the pad banks manually or by registration a good option would be if at each beat a bank of pads was attached to the rhythms. Of course you could by the feature of disabling this feature and continue using Registration. 2-Time-locked rhythms If I am playing a bolero to 95 BPM and change Style to a Disco there is not because the Disco continues to 95 BPM if the Disco by default is 120 BPM. And it relieves the REGISTRATION MEMORY of a task where you do not have to disable FREEZE for sound changes. 3-Open Big Screen Time In the changes of tempo by the buttons would be good a picture in the middle of the screen to show the time. 4-Fingered one note unique SOLVED (Hello. I had made a request on Fingered's MZ for one note Chord. I was able to find the feature used eighth notes as on Yamaha keyboards. Thank you so much. On the keyboard screen the chords are seen as ex (C8) Whatever news I find I'll continue with the list. Mike Martin you could put these improvements to the MZ as they are standard features for professionals who use arrangers Keyboards
  19. Hi, Rick. Casio is to be congratulated with the MZ line because many improvements have been made compared to the CTK / WK line. For you to understand how the FINGERED of a note works is not only pressing the note C and the keyboard makes a chord of C. It is interesting a fingered system that recognizes as an example C by pressing the triad. If we only pressed the note C the accompaniment would put all the instruments for a single note in the accompaniment. This feature is very useful for fast inversions without having to make the chord inverted. You can make a C/E chord by pressing only the E note and completing the harmony in the right hand. This feature is already in the other brands. Sorry My English
  20. Yes BradMZ. Is Chord Mode It is a system that recognizes the chords normally as FINGERED 1 but when you play a key the keyboard does not sound bigger but only the note. All the instruments of the accompaniment launch a single note including the bass that stops groove and stays in marking. This feature has other YKR marks. My old Roland already does this recognition.
  21. CASIO could put in a new update the insertion of a single note FINGERED. Playing inversions in FINGERED3 is sometimes complicated by chord chaining. The other brands already have this recognition of chords in which by doing triad the keyboard recognizes the chord and if make a note only for quick inversions the keyboard plays all the instruments of the accompaniment in a note only allowing to complete in the left hand minor and major chords. Playing Bossa Nova and Standarts with FINGERED 3 without chord encoding is a difficult and uncomfortable task. Yamahas Keyboard Recognize notes using octaves and keyboards Rolands recognize just by pressing a key in the accompaniment!
  22. What I heard is simple in sax. Created a ZTN with the last layer making these slides down and up. What we need to know now are the proper parameters for creating ZTN without overloading the system. In the SAMPLER MANAGER manual you can use up to 2.5mb. Should have an average here from someone who uses the advanced features of sample to limit parameter. Example: ZTN = 2.5mb per tone ZDR = xx mb per drum set Regions where you can edit a sampler (Bass E2-G4) Casio could have officially optimized ZTNs for reference in creating ZTNs. This is valid for ZDRs too
  23. I sure think you should get the MZ-X500 Especially for sample expansion. Everything in MZ has been improved since Drawbar, hexa layer, Pad Loops. You can even pick up some samples of your hammond on the MZ for a support base. Since you will not need MIDI. And yet you have the arranger feature that can serve as inspiration for an individual playing.
  24. Now a doubt as I do not have the MZ-X500 yet If I create a congas audio loop with sync at 100bpm on Audacity or Sonyforge and mark the loops, will the MZs only touch one shot? Correct me if I'm wrong. An excellent program to create looping is ACID.
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