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Everything posted by pax-eterna

  1. FWIW, I do have the speakers disabled.
  2. Thanks for responding Mike - trying to figure out selecting Registrations via MIDI - did a check in MIDI Ox of what is happening when a Registration button is pushed, and got a range of sysex data (as well as CC data) so I am trying see if any/all of these are needed to do this. But when I send the data back to the 560, nothing happens.
  3. Just wanted to ask and Casio techs if sysex messages are blocked for being received? I see in the specs that they are supposedly not, however none seem to work. And I ws wondering if using the correct port (A B or C) would make a difference. Thanks
  4. Nope, yet another thing that doesn't work all that well on this keyboard. I go back to the main screen and there is the recorded midi file (still ahve not figured how to save it to memory though) at the bottom and it plays as it should. However if I adjust the tempo for it to suit an different song for example, that works fine, BUT (haha and there is ALWAYS a but on this thing) if I stop the beat for a dynamic pause in the song, and then restart it, it reverts to the original tempo. IE the dynamic tempo setting does not over-ride the one in the midi file. Means I would have to record/save the same beat at varying tempos. And then have to save this in a different Registration for each tempo! Or alternatively change the tempo on the main screen and then still have to use a Registration slot for each tempo!!! Ridiculous
  5. I found that after recording the four beats, if i set B to measure 1, beat 4, tick 79 it plays back nicely! This was at 90 bpm. Now to figure out if I can dynamically change the tempo when playin live! And, erm, how do you actually save this MIDI file and use with keybaord parts? Manual is a bit unlcear on this.
  6. Tried the above method, recording the MIDI, what the hell is that time lag when repeating a pattern? And how (if at all possible) can it be removed? Never seen a MIDI recorder that added a 1-3 beat delay on repeating a simple MIDI pattern. Sheesh, just another bug/issue/fault/bad programming thing on this instrument!!! I am seriously thinking of returning this and getting a "true" pro instrument, not a home rinky dink unit!
  7. yes a ckf editor wold mean one could do as I ws asking in the OP, then save it as a ckf then import it
  8. excellent reply, thanks arturus I'll give that a go
  9. haha cool thanks Alen - I found it previously though. And it has very limited info indeed!
  10. Oh and just an aside....if I have the master volume knob pointed at the V in Volume, no clipping occurs. Move it a millimetre right and clipping restarts.That, to me, confirms it IS an output jack driver/hardware issue.
  11. Okay say I want to have a simple kick drum only happening, four to the floor. Can this be done using the arpeggiator? The rhythm section (although beats cannot be changed or added afaik) or some other method? maybe assigning a kick drum to the metronome? Or none of the above as it is not possible? Oh and this without live playing the keybed so that other drum sounds play as well. Pretty sure this is doable on the PX5 - trying to do it on the 560 and I am coming up blank.
  12. Sorry to come late to this thread.... But and the big BUT is that you need the data information to input into these apps. They are not going to magically change things in the 560 for you. We need Casio to come good on this sort of information. as apparently evidenced form the aforementioned video it IS possible to change setups on the 560 from an external device, Casio just do nto seem to want to share it!
  13. thanks. haha I don't either. But the only way to fix this I think is to re-create all the tones I want to use on a regular basis and save them to user slots, then re-program all the registrations to use these edited tones. But again, it really shouldn't be necessary to do all this JUST to stop clipping haha!
  14. Having another look at that list (and after seeing another similar thread) I see there are RPN msb/lsb and data entry messages...perhaps it's not as straighforward as simply sending a sysex...Man it would make it so much easier if we could select registrations using MSB/LSB Program changes as per the 5S...
  15. okay so far nothing....just wondering if SYSEX Rx is disabled somehow on the 560? Might see if I can check this in the midi spec sheet... right, note 3 says However this is the main portal only for ALL Casio products...hmmm. Tried to do a search there and couldn't get very far haha!
  16. thanks fearless, was this done as a "system wide" thing or on a tone by tone basis? IE if system wide, is it a setitng that "sticks"? FWIW everything on my 560 sis at "factory settings" so no adjustments to compression or EQ have been made. Certainly no "gains"
  17. Yeah I still have the PX-5 ...its been so long and i have adjusted all the sounds so much, I'm not sure I could now recall. But as a general thing, it ws mostly the EP's - even those without DSP distortion, especially when a left hand bass was added. although at higher velocities even the EPs by themselves could overload the output gain staging. The common thing seems to be if you run the main volume knob at less than half (this I found, was the same albeit to a lesser degree on the 5s) - probs 1/3 to 1/2 it dramatically reduces the overloading, which indicates, to me anyway, that something is not set right. Once the knob gets to past half then the clipping starts, moreso with low frequency heavy sounds like the EPs, but if one is playing APs (rock and roll for eg) and more energy is going on to the keybed, then even they can be heard to overload the outs. Not sure if this is a hardware thing, ergo not fixable, or whether a firmware update could fix it?? As I wrote earlier, it (the 560) does SEEM to go into overload quicker, or I should say earlier, and I suspect this is becasue its audio is setup for using the on-board speakers, not live PA audio. One thing I notice is that volume for ALL patches in the bootup registration are set to 127 and any patch loaded seems to default to 127. Now perhaps the overloading of the out jacks could be ameliorated (haha love that word!) by resetting all these levels to say 100+ however as one cannot over-write factory patches, we are left with the user slots and these will quickly run out if one starts saving all the adjusted for volume patches. Especially as I need to have many of my patches setup with specific note ranges (for running external gear) however on the 560 this is ONLY possible by creating hex tones! And thereby using precious user slots. Just like the 5s, it is a board that is ALMOST there, but falls down in some critical areas IMO. However that is going OT so wold be the subject of another thread hahaha. I actually like the 560 (although being able to add user created midi parts to the arranger section would be nice!) so I am trying to see some sort of viable workaround. Even registrations are limited, and as there is no way to dynamically load these from USB memory it is probably another dead-end workaround method. Although I suppose a user could create four patches per screen. What I mean by this is I could create four different APs in one registration, and then simply use the "activate" tab live. Casio are not making it easy for pros to use this 560, however with no PX 5 replacement on the horizon, it seems it is the only option.
  18. Thanks John, yeah I already knew all of that. But nice to have another person interested If I end up keeping the 560 I willinvestigate further, might ecen create an INS file as well. But unless these clipping at output jacks issues are resovled, it is going back!
  19. Well, sorry, but you are wrong! Not using headphones at all for a start. Look Brad, I know you are experienced with the PX5s but as you yourself have admitted you do not own a 560 so perhaps its best if you don't comment on a board you dont own. Oh and btw , from the factory the px-5s DID clip. As Egor says, he is basing this not onyl on his experiecne but also the testimony of audio professionals. And tell my why if I hook up say a Korg Kross, using very similar patches and keys setups there is NO clipping from its audo outs? Nothing has changed. Simply trying to blame it on external gear is just burying your head in the sand afaics.
  20. well all the RPN and effects CC's are not needed to select them (I just posted those for curiosity sake ). Just the Sysex. What I will do is extract the sysex data, and one by one send it to the 560 and see what happens. It could also turn out that ALL the sysex strings are needed haha!
  21. Brad, with all due respect, its not that simple. And for the record I had a PX 5 before this and out of the box IT had overdriven outputs issues. Particularly when playing left hand basslines and right hand keys. Even AP's. And one should NOT have to go through and edit every sound (not that there are that many user slots) on the keyboard to adjust all the levels, effects levels and overall EQ etc etc. That's ridiculous. Never EVER had this issue with Roland Yamaha Kurzweil or Korg boards and I set them up exactly the same way! I suspect on the 560 it is setup (with gain staging and levels) to match the onboard speakers, as they figure that most buyers will be home users using it with onboards and nto running through desks and PA's.
  22. Yep, I just got a brand new 560 and it does the same thing. Add if I add a lower bass sound for playing basslines with keys, it goes crazy with distortion (relatively speaking of course). It was an issue on the PX 5s too, although ameliorated somewhat with zero master EQ/Compression - although it cold be said that shouldn't have been necessary! It is not acceptable really for this distortion on output stages...I would have thought Casio would have learned the lesson from the PX 5s - anyhoo, mine is going back too...might even replace it with a Kurweil or other pro board!
  23. I'd like to suggest that the Factory Reset tab be assigned a secondary "Are You Sure" question. As it is, the second you touch it, ALL user data is lost permanently, and with the sensitive touchpad this could be dangerous! I already accidentally touched it and lost data, luckily I had only programmed two sounds at the time!
  24. Would be nice if Casio could develop a way to allow users to dynamically access stored registrations on the usb drive. 96 just are not enough, well for me anyway. For example, I have used up 8 already and that's for only acoustic pianos as the lead instrument! By the time you have variations, EG a different bass, or upper two tone, different split point, or octave for upper1/2 lower 1 sounds etc etc. Man I could fill 50 registrations with piano alone! Let alone EPs, organs, synths and guitars. Nope, 96 is definitely not enough. So if Casio could allow accessing external memory - vis-a vis - USB thumbdrive....wow, what a huge amount of variations we could have! Just a thought, what do others think? haha, although IF they do anything like that I imagine they would go the Roland/Yamaha route and ONLY make it available on a new release 'board, so if a user wanted it they would need to spend more money on updating hardware
  25. Just thought I'd run the 560 through Midi-Ox to see what is generated when pressing one registration button to see if there is some way to select the via MIDI. Turns out there are some sysex messages so it looks lit it might be possible...just need to sort exactly what one/s is/are needed hahaha! See the attached pictures to see what I mean - remember this is for ONE button push Had to do it in three snip pictures to capture all of it.
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