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Posts posted by pkd23

  1. Thanks, michaeln2.

    There might be a way to achieve this effect:

    Can you program a Zone so that it plays only the top note of a chord? If yes, then create a Stage Setting with 2 identical Zones, however set one Zone to play only the top note, and apply the Bender only to that Zone.


  2. Of course. Great catch, Brad. Decay, not Delay.

    Envelopes 101. ADSR: Attack, Decay, Sustain, Release.

    ....so, I've been playing with Sustain, and was wondering if Decay levels have to be = 127, which means it's at it's highest (loudest) level. It is possible to set the Attack Level to, say 100, then set subsequent Decay levels to, say 50, which produces a lower (quieter) Sustain level. The classic plucking timbre.

    Inversely, if Attack level = 50, and Decay levels are higher (127), then the Decay is behaving more like an Attack. Very flexible.

    And fixing Release 2 Level to zero makes perfect sense, as you want the note to end with silence, at some point. BTW, having 2 Release levels can produce some very nice timbres, almost reverb-like, if the second Release Level is lower than the first.

    Anyway, thanks so much for all your help. I'm finally getting how PX-5S envelopes work.

    • Like 1
  3. Ok. This is good progress. Couple more questions:

    For a given Amp envelope, in a single Layer of a Hex Tone, we have the following parameters:

    IL AT AL D1T D1L ...where DT = Delay Time, and DL = Delay Level

    D2T D2L

    D3T D3L

    R1T R1L ...and RT = Release Time, and RL = Release Level


    1.) How do we get a Sustain Level, since there is no Sustain parameter?

    (I'm guessing we set D1L = D2L = D3L?)

    2.) What is the significance of R2T, since there is no R2L?

  4. Thanks Brad, for the response.

    I get what you did in your sequence: set all Layers of a Hex Tone to program identical values, and initialize Initial Value = 0, and Attack Time = 127.

    I'm still unclear about the Melody Tone parameters. For example, for a given Tone, Amp envelope, I can set Initial Value = 0, then set Attack Time = -10, and set Attack Level = -10. What does a negative Time mean? Is that 10 less than some preset (unknown) time? Also, how can I have a negative Level, if I set the Initial Value = 0?

  5. Would greatly appreciate some help programming envelopes in the PX-5S.

    I'm familiar with ADSR envelope concepts, and have been programming them for years. Sometimes I'm playing a Stage Setting on my PX-5, and want to make some adjustments, so I dive into Edit, and unfortunately am not able to get the results I'm looking for.

    The Tutorial (manual) does not offer much practical help. Surprisingly, the Forum does not seem to have much on this topic, nor do Mike's (otherwise great) videos. I've tried the reverse engineering approach (turning things off), but the behavior is not what what I would expect. Not complaining, just looking for help.

    Part of the problem is that a given Stage Setting with 2 hex, and 2 Tone Zones has (by my count) 418 envelope parameters! That's a bunch.

    So, are there some strategies for programming envelopes? And I'm confused by having parameters that go from negative to positive values; if that's relative to an initial setting, how do you find and set it?

    Some basic tips would be greatly appreciated, Learning by trial and error is great, but has limits.

    Many thanks,


  6. Hi....


    I bought my PX-5S several months ago, and started exploring the many facets of this great instrument. I soon realized that I needed an organized system to manage the Stage Settings. (Maybe that's just me.) I had several goals in mind:

    • Familiarize myself with the Factory Stage Settings. (I'm talking about sound, texture, musicality, etc. At this point, I'm not concerned so much about sound design or construction.)
    • Retain the Stage Settings (SSs) that I like, and feel will be useful musically.
    • Label the each SSs so that I can easily find it, play it, edit it, save it, delete it, etc.
    • Other goals I haven't yet discovered

    So I came up with this system. I'm sure there are many ways to do this, and not so sure how this will work out. It's brand new and I'm just starting to use it, but thought I would share it in hopes that it might be useful to others.


    Generally, the steps I used were as follows:

    • Listen to each SS
    • Using a spreadsheet (see attached), I color-coded each SS (more on this later)
    • After all 100 SSs were evaluated, using the PX-5S Editor, I deleted those that I did not like
    • Now, with the new space available, I can download new SSs, or edit and save SSs in available locations.

    To continue, make sure you have downloaded the Editor, and the very informative Manual. Get familiar with it. It's easy to use and intuitive.


    Next download the spreadsheet attached to this topic. The spreadsheet contains several "SETS."  Each SET is simply a group of 100 PX-5S Stage Settings.


    SET 1 is the Factory preset. That's what the instrument comes with, out of the box. Personally, I don't like the way SET 1 is configured, in that each BANK contains a sampling of Tones (e.g., Piano, Clav, Orchestral, Synth, etc.). I prefer to have Tones organized by BANK; for example, all Pianos in BANK 0, all EPianos in BANK 1, all Reeds in BANK 2, etc.


    SET 2 is what's called the Alternate Stage Setting. It contains the exact same SSs as in SET 1, however is organized the way I prefer. It's available for download on this Forum, so I downloaded it into my board.


    SET 3 started as an exact copy of SET 2. I then listened to each SS, evaluated it, and color coded each one. Here are the meanings of the colors:

    • No Color - keep the SS, I like it
    • Yellow - hmm, maybe delete it later; it's ok, so keep for now
    • Blue - keep it, because it might be interesting to learn about it's sound design....later
    • Red - delete this one, and free up some space

    SET 4 is what I ended up with after doing the following:

    • Using the Editor, rearrange each BANK by moving up all the keepers (No Color), Yellows, and Blues, and in the process, overwriting the Reds. Now I have open spots at the bottom of each BANK
    • Next, I filled some of the open spots with new SSs that I downloaded from this Forum, and colored them Orange. And finally, any new SSs that I designed myself are Green, and blank spaces are open.

    SET 4 is the final arrangement of 100 Stage Settings. I can easily see the original Stage Settings, those I may want to delete later, new ones, open spaces, etc. Of course the meaning of what's in each BANK may change, as things get mixed up in time. PX-5S Stage Settings.xlsxPrinting out SET 4 and keeping it handy may be a useful way of easily seeing the big picture.


    Anyway, I hope this is of some use to you, while you get familiar with this incredible machine!















    • Like 5
  7. Ahh, the dots are finally starting to connect! Thank you, BradMZ.

    This leads to 2 more questions:

    1.) If there is no connection between a Tone saved with a Stage Setting, to the Tones in the Tone section, then what Tone gets pulled up when you depress + or - ? It seems to jump to the same location in the Tone section as where the original Tone was located in the Tone section…which now may or may not be the same Tone (possibly due to Tone firmware changes).

    2.) So if I'm playing a Tone in a Stage Setting that does not have the '!' indication, does that mean that the instrument is actually playing a Tone right out of the Tone section, or is it playing a Tone in the Stage Setting that was never saved in the User Bank?

  8. This is a good thread, and explains a lot. I get the fact that the Tone is saved along with the Stage Setting, if/when a Setting is saved. Yes, very cool. But the original question at the very top of the thread remains unanswered.


    Here's the question again:

    What is supposed to be the relationship between the Tone listed in Stage Setting and the Tone as it exists in the Tone settings. For example: Stage setting 0-4 is AutoWahClav1. It indicates Tone P:040 as Wah Clavi 1. But in the Tone settings P040 is Clavi 4, and Wah Clavi 1 is actually P041. So if I press the minus button once then plus button, I expect to be back at Wah Clavi 1 but actually end up with Clavi 4. Confusing?


    If you study the question, I'm just as confused as the original (anonymous) submitter.

    In Stage Setting 0-4, the Tone =  !EPN:  P: 040 Wah Clavi 1.

    That's odd, because in the Tone library, P: 040 is not Wah Clavi 1.

    In the Tone library, P: 041 is Wah Clavi 1.

    And when you select SS 04, and decrement the Tone by 1 (from P:040 to P:039), you have to increment by 2 to get to P: 041, and back to the same Tone. Huh?

    That begs the original question: what's the relationship of the Tone in the Setting to the Tone in the library?

    And also, what's the significance of the "!" in the Tone display when you first select SS 0-4?

    • Like 1
  9. Thanks, Joe... for the quick response, and great guess!

    You were right. The Alternate Order Stage Settings file is an ALL DATA file type which is apparently serviceable only through the USB drive on the instrument. In fact, when you are in the Media function on the instrument, one of the Load options is ALL DATA, which is what is used to download that file type into the PX-5S. Slick. Thanks again.

    • Like 1
  10. I'm having a problem getting the Alternate Order Stage Settings loaded into my PX-5S.


    Background & problem description:

    • I have the latest Editor downloaded into my Mac, and it works great, moving Stage Settings between the Editor and the instrument without any problem.
    • I'm running the latest firmware version:  1.12
    • I load the Alternate Order file (FACTALT1.ZAL) into the Editor, same as any Stage Setting.
    • But when I open the Editor, it does not find the file, as if it was not even there.
    • The Editor Manual talks about different extensions, but .ZAL is not one of them;  in Mike Martin's description of the  download, he indicates that it's an "ALL file."  What is that?

    Help would be greatly appreciated!!




  11. I had the same problem, tried various settings, and nothing seemed to work, until....

    I stumbled onto the PX-5S Editor Manual (!) and the answer, which fixed the problem.

    The Manual specifies what the correct settings are for given setups (e.g., MIDI vs. USB). In my case, I'm running USB between computer and instrument; for that setup, the Preferences section of the Manual clearly states that you should select the 'Auto-Search' option. When I did that, the connection was established, and it started to work!

    BTW, after a quick pass thru the Manual.... looks pretty good.

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