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Posts posted by Flying_Roger

  1. Thank you Gary for your answer.


    Unfortunately, the generated format cannot be transferred to the CTK-7000 using the data manager; only CMS files can.

    Actually (cf my other post yesterday), I was looking to a way to transfer midi files to my keyboard through the USB link instead of constantly swapping my SD card between PC and keyboard.
    A .MID conversion to .CMS would allow me to transfer songs to the keyboard.



  2. I am able to copy MID files to my SD card and to use them on my CTK-7000.


    However, I had like to avoid permanently swapping my SD card between my CTK-7000 and my desktop PC.


    Instead, I would like to use the data transfer utility.
    The latter cannot transfer MID files, but well CMS files.

    So I am looking for a "MID to CMS" converter.


    The existence of such converter is mentioned in another post (looking for the opposite, ie "CMS to MID"), but no link is provided.


    The search on "CMS" is not allowed on this forum so I could not find other posts on the topic.


    On the Casio site, I found the Casio SMF converter, but it does not hook properly onto the CTK-7000 to tranfer data, and it convert the file to .CM2 instead of .CMS.

    Thank you in advance for helping me to find a converter.

  3. Nice program.. you just need some Russian knowledge to understand what the buttons mean.

    Unfortunately all windows components (windows titles and some pull-down menu) do not show up in a cyrillic unless you set your system language to Russian, but it is worthwhile to give it a try.
    It also creates excel sheets with midi file decoding, etc...

  4. I use the same workaround, i.e. saving the backup on the SD card and then copying it to my PC.

    Concerning the fact that the files are "hidden", there is an easy workaround by setting windows to display system and hidden files, saving a copy of the backup files and then going back to the original windows setting.


    Warning: in the hidden folder on the SD card, the keyboard only sees the files that it has saved, not files that have possibly be from the PC.
    So the only way to restore a backup is probably to overwrite an existing one created on the SD card from the keyboard!


    A pity anyway that Casio developers do not simply fix the "communication error" issue in the "Data Manager 6.1".
    Seen the number of posts on this topic, the problem most probably happens everywhere so Casio should be able to reproduce it.

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