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Posts posted by Whalebone

  1. Thanks Scott,

    So essentially, i can't pick a sound from the computer, hit a key, and then have it play through the XWP1?


    When i hit a key, it triggers the computer to play the sound, but that sound only comes out of the computer, and not the line out on the synth. I've gotten around this by attaching an aux cable from the line out on the computer and running it to the mixer, but i have a feeling thats not how the pros do it...

  2. Hi,

    I have searched over the forums, and the companion, and the midi implementation, and the faq and am still having trouble with this. I am using MIDI cables to connect to my xw-p1 to my computer to use LMMS (Ableton is a bit over budget right now) to use some additional sounds with the synth. The computer is picking up the signal and playing it out of the computer, but i cant seem to get the sound back into the xwp1 to play through the output on the xwp1(It just plays whatever tone is selected on the synth). I think i am missing a major step in this process. Any help would be great. I tried reading through the manuals but i might just be a rookie at understanding the technical language of what is actually happening. Apologies if this has already been explained somewhere and i happened to miss it. Big thanks to anyone who can point me in the right direction here...

  3. Thanks maarkr! I have tried combining those. There is just a certain smoothness i cant get. Maybe its just not achievable without the EMS V3, but if you ever get any extra time, i would love to add some more Floyd sounds to my attempted inventory...

  4. Hi All, 

    I was wondering if anyone else ran into the File Format Error while trying to add some of the downloads from this site to their XW-P1 through Data Editor. It seems to happen with the Performance menu with .ZPF files. Theres some really cool looking tracks I'd like to put on but cant seem to do it without getting the error. But only for Performance Mode. I havent had a problem with the Hex Layers. If there is already a post on this site that i missed it would be much appreciated if you could add it. I'm new to the site and new to the XW-P1 and love it so far and this forum and download site is awesome!!!.


    Much Thanks



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