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Michael Anders

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Posts posted by Michael Anders

  1. I have the same problem as the Thread Starter.

    Everytime when i record notes in realtime the notes will be cutted.

    I record a 4th note and the sequencer only plays a 16th or 8th note.

    It seems that the sequencer forgets the "tie" notes.

    I dont found an option to change that.

    Can anyone help me?

  2. I am an absolute beginner with Midi CC. I looked into the midi implementation and found "7.39.5 Step Sequencer Pattern Number Select. This was very confusing for me and seems incomplete. So i downloaded the free App Midi Wrench for Ipad. The app shows me the Midi CCs when i press a button on my Synth. :-)


    I do Midi Recording with my DAW on my PC. But I want to record Midi without the PC or Ipad, too. So when i am practising with my synth and i have a spontaneous idea, i want to record it immediately without booting my PC. :-)


    By the way. I have a tascam 4 Track, too. Its a Tascam 424. I used it in the mid 90s for recording a complete Band: 2 Guitars, 1 Bass Guitar and Drums on 2 Tracks, on the other 2 Tracks Vocals. That was very hard to mix. I am glad that i dont need it anymore, now its in the basement. :-)

  3. It is possible to record notes in more than 16 Steps in realtime.

    But only when i switch patterns and record notes at the same time.

    Therefor i need 3 hands or a friend who helps me.


    My solution is:

    Autoswitching with midi.

    I made a midi file in my favourite DAW Reaper (this will work with every Midi DAW).

    The midi file has 4 bars (or 2-8 bars) and no notes in it.

    It sends just Midi CC:

    On 1.1.00:

    CC100 = 127

    CC101 = 127

    CC038 = 000

    CC006 = 000

    CC098 = 001

    CC099 = 037

    On 2.1.00:

    CC100 = 127

    CC101 = 127

    CC038 = 001

    CC006 = 000

    CC098 = 001

    CC099 = 037

    On 3.1.00:

    CC100 = 127

    CC101 = 127

    CC038 = 002

    CC006 = 000

    CC098 = 001

    CC099 = 037

    On 4.1.00:

    CC100 = 127

    CC101 = 127

    CC038 = 003

    CC006 = 000

    CC098 = 001

    CC099 = 037


    Now i can connect my Casio with my PC and let my DAW switch the pattern.

    But better is:

    I export the midi file and import it in my favourite Ipad DAW Genome Midi.

    Now my Ipad switches the pattern for me.


    Casio Synthesizer should work in midi clock master and the DAW in slave mode.

    So everytime i hit the play Button on my synthesizer, it will loop pattern 1-2-3-4.


    I would prefer to do this without external DAW.


    I wish Casio would give me a firmware update with auto switch pattern, so that I could record notes in more than 16 steps without external DAW.


    I think that this could be not too complicated.


    You find 2 example midi files attached.



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