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Everything posted by aron

  1. Well the weird part is that I am fine practicing in time. Been playing the PX-5S every day, fast tempos. Yes, I find the key action a little slower than my S90ES but mostly on the repeats of the keys. Will fool around with it more - it's also possible it could be the drummer I played with (hehehehe). You could be right though - I have been practicing on my Yamaha S90ES and Yamaha P80 for all of these years so I am very familiar with the action.
  2. For the people that just got your PX-5S.... are you having a harder time playing faster in time? For some reason I find the PX-5S harder to play in time - live with the band. I'm not sure what it is. I played a Motif XF8 recently and it was flying and was easy to play in time - (Jazz, fast tempos). It may be that there is more key travel on the PX???? Not sure. Playing slower is fine etc.... I have adjusted the hammer response from 2 to 1 so will try that. Maybe I should make it zero? This is with the piano sound.
  3. Get the QSC 8 or 10 inch versions or the EV ZLX 12 inch series. They all sound great. The Roland keyboard amp is IMO one of the worst possible amps for keyboards. Although it is provided around the world, I really hate playing through that amp. The QSC 1000 watt powered speakers are awesome. I play through them all the time, if the ones you played through sounded boxy, either the EQ was screwed up on the PX-5S or something else was wrong. The PX-5S is great through the QSC or the EV. Crystal clear - not boxy. The CPS seems awesome, but I have a feeling it doesn't have enough bass and that I would blow out the puny speakers. I don't know why I think that, except I do :-) No offense to Michael Boddicker!
  4. There are lots of 76 weighted keyboards on the market. The Korg Kronos is one - but you are right, it's heavy.
  5. I would think a cool mod would be to put an LED under the blue strip and light it up.
  6. I miss my PC361 which I liked a lot. The interface was archaic. The programming on it was quite painful, but it had a lovely smooth tone. Interestingly enough, the PX-5S has a very smooth sound as well, with a nice high end. I like the PX-5S piano just as much as the PC361 but the Kurzweil was a much more powerful synthesizer and had better strings. The electric pianos on the PX-5S are a match for the Kurzweil, but the 88 notes of the PX-5S and the weight is so much better than the Kurzweil. I replaced my Kurzweil with a Korg Kross - which seems ridiculous, but no it's not. The Kross is an amazing keyboard with a really bad keybed/action. The sounds are great and it's only 9 pounds. The Kross is the synth equivalent of the PX-5S, the Kurzweil, although heavy, was almost as good as my Korg Kronos.
  7. Yes, but not 88 keys and not battery powered. The PX-5S looks better too!
  8. Thanks Dave! I forgot about the most obvious one - be able to see what you are overwriting!!!!! And make it remember the last slot you overwrote when loading from USB. It always defaults to 00 and wipes out my most important stage setting.
  9. http://www.casiomusicforums.com/index.php?/topic/5878-how-to-connect-a-midi-controller-to-px-5s-and-assign-a-different-tone-to-the-midi-controller/
  10. Chris, The problem is I have been using FM keyboards since the DX in 1985. As soon as I hear that sound - they all sound similar to me - and will be to most people. If you hear some type of big difference, then you are most likely hearing something specific like the effect or something else. Almost every keyboard ever made since the DX7 will include some sort of DX Electric Piano - if it's sample based. For yours, switch off zone 3 and 4 and save it. The effect on the video is chorus. Play around with the speed/feedback and wet level.
  11. Is the DXEP1 not working for you? Dave and others like me have owned the DX7, we know exactly what it sounds like. I'm not sure what you are hearing. Maybe the sound on the video had a little more bass, but it's the same type of DX7 EP sound. That's why Dave said that. This is a generic DX7 FM sound. If you are hearing something else, it's either effects or ???
  12. The video you posted is a standard dx7 FM electric piano sound with chorus.
  13. Edit->Stage Setting->Zone Edit->MIDI Edit page will have everything you need. To only send MIDI, turn off Generator Out.
  14. I put up a few DX type sounds, but while I was uploading I noticed there are a bunch of them. Look for FM or DX electric piano sounds. Here is a demo of the DXEP1 I uploaded: http://aronnelson.com/px-5s/dxep1.mp3
  15. Version 1.0


    DX and Piano layer - use sliders for adjusting balance of sounds.
  16. Version 1.0


    Two DX EP type pianos, panned left and right with knob 4 chorus
  17. Version 1.0


    Simple DX type FM stage setting. Knob 4 is chorus amount.
  18. aron


    I agree. Too bad it doesn't have mono mode.
  19. Will make a few tomorrow when I get back to work.
  20. I will make a few FM EP stage settings soon and post them.
  21. Brad is right, the PX-5S does have some FM type EP samples. Just use those - either by themselves or layed with another Rhodes and then use the multi-chorus on it.
  22. I think you have to have Logic send MIDI beat clock and have the PX have sync to slave. You had it set up correctly, but I have never synced the PX with Logic: https://support.apple.com/kb/PH13383?locale=en_US Check: Transmit MIDI Clock: Destination 1 checkbox: Activates MIDI Clock transmission
  23. aron

    Hex Layers

    There are weird problems I am having with the Data Editor. Where the data editor was "out of sync" with the current state of the board. I haven't tracked it down, but when I saved the stage setting and sent it back to the board, it sounded different.
  24. Yes, but you have to turn them off for each zone that doesn't want to use them. What I am asking is that if you want slider 1 to affect zone 1 ON/OFF, you simply choose that rather than a generic ZONE ON/OFF command which then needs to be filtered for each zone that doesn't want it. There can still be an ALL ON/OFF command.
  25. So.... let's see what we want for the next model? I love the PX-5S, so what do I wish it had? MONO mode 8 siders/buttons/knobs with 8 zones - if not possible, then 6. More modeled DSP - even up to 2 per slot For each slider - direct zone address - so Zone 1 ON/OFF Zone 2 ON/OFF Metronome and/or completely separate drum track. to start.
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