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Posts posted by StefanoNeuro


    thank you very much for Your detailed answer,


    unfortunately the track you ear is not an external audio signal: all the track in this mp3 file is played with the standard instruments of the keyboard


    the recording is made on the UK beat style (style A06) from which I turned off the A12-A13-A14 traces

    tempo :124 bpm


    B025 phaser piano

    D055 ovd.gt.m4

    D035 dist.gt.3

    E022 synth string 1


    i simply saved the song on 1 of the 5 "user song slot"

    and then i recorded the wav file in the following mode:


    - select, in the song sequencer, the user song i wanted to record in a wav file

    - push the "audio recording" button

    - select the "casiowv*.wav file to write (between 1-20 slots on the SD card)

    - push again the "audio recording" button to start the recording

    - wait 3-4 seconds to see if the recording timer starts counting

    - press "start" button to play the song i want to record

    - push the "audio recording" button to end the recording


    but still, every time i try to do this operation, through the headphones I hear in some part of the song the beats go faster or slower or "syncopated" / "crossed"

    the wrong part is never the same part: if i try to record again the song, the wrong beat It occurs at another point, or does not occur,

    but the cases in which all is well are few


    thank You again



  2. hello all

    i have the problem while recording an "AUDIO file" (CASIOWV**.WAV) on my SDcard


    the song plays normally when i  play without recording

    when i push "audio recording" button and start to record, i hear the song lose or jumping the beats, it goes out of beat in random points in the 90% of times i record it

    the points where the song goes out of beats are always different

    please help me

    does anyone have this problem ? 

    thank you

    if you wish, i attached, for an example, a mp3 file, at minute 0.11 you can hear the "jump" (this is not the worst case, many other times the jump is very long)



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