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  1. Hi everyone. I own a XW-P1 for 4 years now, and since early 2018 I was Looking for a 88 key digital piano, because acoustic and electric piano sounds are maybe the weakest point of the XW. I was close to purchase a Kawai ES8 and later an Artis 88, but due to high inflation rates in my country, prices jumped 50% from one day to another. After this episodes, my frustration growed and my bank account shrinked. So during 2019 I abandoned the idea of a DP and I started looking for used upright. None were of my liking. The only one that sounds very good has a terrible paint job. But then, magic occurred. In ealy march I found a new PX-5S for the equivalent of 680 dollars. In my country this is cheaper than a PX-160, a Yamaha P-45 and half the price of a PX560. Without any dubt I brought it and a week later, I was unboxing it. First look: It's damn beautiful. I really love the design, and that pearled white colour is stunning. I don't understand at all the critics. I mean, why you would want another boring all matte black instrument?. The piano is also very well packaged and protected. Build quality: being all plastic, it's not on the same league as other keyboards, but that said, the materials used seems to be excellent, and that's great for transporting because of the lower weight. The power supply is small but also well constructed. The pedal is very light and springy, I don't like at all. The panel buttons are nice. The four knobs do the job but they look and feel cheap. The sliders have a very short travel. That's good on some situations when you are using them with you left hand while also playing a note, but you loose a lot of fine control. Interface: In an era of deep menus for editing, the PX-5S is rather accesible. The synth engine is rather simple (but very powerful) so programming a custom sound is not a nighmare. However, the screen es TINY. Why they put such a small and devoid of information screen?. Nonsense really. And things are worse considering the lack of continuous wheel for navigation and the arrow buttons being in a line instead of a cross pattern. The pc editor is nice., but I really hate to use the computer for creating music. Well, I have no choice. I'm getting used to it. Sounds: A thing that Casio does since ancient times is selling excellent instruments with underwhelming presets. At first, the PX-5S sounds rather sterile, but once you start tweaking a little, this instrument comes to life. The pianos are of great quality and detail. EP's are very good. Factory strings and synths are lackluster, but the potential is so big that you could create extremely beautiful ones. On the other hand organs are third rate, which I don't care since this instrument is not meant to be an organ clone. Same with guitars, violins, brass instruments and acoustic drums. They are old and low quality samples. Still you can get some usable ones due to the powerful DSP this piano has. Speaking of pianos, they have damper noise, string resonance and damper resonance (I think that's the name). I've found them rather annoying and fake sounding, specially the damper noise, so I disable it. The strings and damper resonance work well at a low level. There are a bunch of sounds not represented such as Mellotron, 12 string guitar, and Electric Grand. Controls: With 6 sliders, 4 knobs, and 2 foot pedals all assignable you can control most parameters you need in a live situation. I still miss a foot volume control (happily Casio included this in newer models) and the half pedaling support. I had a Yamaha P120 from 2002 and it already supported that feature. I suppose that keyboard's technology doesn't improve at the same rate as computers or cell phones... Extras: It has USB audio recorder, which is very helpful for doing demos. This really is a feature that most keyboards should have but is not the case. It can record external audio but I never used that because the audio inputs have a noise gate (the XW-P1 too) which cut the sound when it is at a not so low volume. A shame really. In conclusion: is not a all in one workstation, but it doesn't pretend to be that. It's a wonderful piano and a powerful syntesizer. Just that. If that is what you're looking for, this instrument is perfect. I'm very happy with this purchase which happily I did right before the quarantine! PROS Design Price Editing capabilities Use as a controller Weight CONS Small screen No half pedaling and Foot volume support No mono synth mode The biggest disappointment for me was the lack of a CP70 sound. Why Casio?... Why? Thanks for reading, and I really want to know your experience with the PX-5S.
  2. Hey all, I'm new to this forum, but I'm looking for help repairing my Casiotone 403. I accidentally knocked it over and it now no longer powers on. If anyone happens to have any experience with these and could point me in the direction of the possible components which might've failed, I would be eternally grateful.
  3. Hi everyone! I would like to ask a question about the MIDI capabilities of the keyboard I recently purchased. I connected it to the computer with the USB cable to send MIDI data, so I could play with the sampled piano sounds of the Kontakt software. Unfortunately I encounter this problem: the velocity value sent to the computer seems limited from 1 to 64, rather than the full range from 1 to 127. This means that the force applied to the keys is limited only to the first half. I tried changing the settings on the keyboard, but I didn't solve the problem, I only found a way to totally disable velocity and at that point it always and only sends the value 64. Can anyone tell me if this is a configuration problem or a limitation (hardware, software, firmware) on the PX-S1100 model? Can I solve the problem by changing some settings on the Kontakt software? Could you give me advice? Thank you! Chris
  4. Greetings I am looking for some accurate and open source emulation cores of casio synths, iPD and older. If you can find them, please provide links to them in the replies to this post. If you've made one and are willing to allow it to be used freely, please also share it here. Thanks!
  5. Casio happens to have a few desktop midi synths and sound modules. I've listed a few of them in the solution, but I was wondering if there are more I don't know about. Feel free to share what you know about them! I've been looking for a VZ-10M btw, if you happen to find one up for sale, I would appreciate hearing about it. Thanks!
  6. I have a privia px110 that's been sitting a while with the power on. When I press any key with any tone selected all I get is a snare drum sound.. any ideas how to troubleshoot it and possible repair needed.
  7. Hi all, I finally got round to uploading another of my XW demo tracks. This also uses both my XW-P1 and G1. Enjoy! https://soundcloud.com/twilight_dissidenthero/satellite
  8. Here is a summary of my music with often a casio synthesizer in the setup. Hard to pinpoint where and when there are about 80+ small albums. Thank you in advance for listening and the warmest greetings frenq. Mostly use a xw-p1 and g1. https://hearthis.at/frenq/
  9. For years Casio CZ fans have been calling out for a modern re-issue of the CZ Phase Distortion synthesizer series. Could our prayers be about to be answered by Behringer? And they should call it a "BZ-1"!!! Here's the announcement on the Behringer Facebook page:
  10. Hello. Do any forum members know where I might get a replacement B key for the above synth? Or, is there an equivalent replacement? Its really nice, has lovely CZ sounds and drums from the RZ-1. Pic enclosed (ebay). Key contact still works! Casio and Yamaha stuff lasts forever, only batteries are their Kryptonite Thanks. David.
  11. Hi chaps, After browsing this forums for several days since I got my CTK 6200 for two weeks so found that you can't really create a new rhythm from scratch . My ideal instrument now would be CTK 7200 but I got a good deal on ebay for a few months used CTK 6200 for £100 delivered Yesterday, I was trying to convert the rhythms/styles from Korg PA series to the Casio CKF so that I could load this into my CTK 6200. My workflow is: 01. Convert Korg PA style to Yamaha PSR 630 (SSF 1 styles which is actually midi file SMF format 0). I used Style Works XT style converter. 02. Rename the converted file extension .STY to .MID 03. Open the MIDI file in your sequencer (I used Cakewalk Pro 9 - old but very easy to use. You could use Anvil Studio free or something you're familiar with) 04. Change the drum track(s) from Channel 9 to Channel 10 05. Change bass track to Channel 11 06. Tweaks tracks for Chord tracks 12 to 16 (***Issues see below) 07. Test by connecting to your keyboard and playing each part as you hear the actual out from the Keyboard. (I actually connect the keyboard and set midi output of sequencer to keyboard before even opening converted file) 08. Save the file of you're happy. 09. Launch Casio Rhythm converter (part of IDES suit for last generation keyboards such as CTK 900 etc.) and open the converted style MIDI file 10. Set the markers for Casio rhythm parts i.e. Intro, variation, ending, fill etc. according to what is marked in the midi file converted and marked for Yamaha style. The Rhythm converter needs the starting point and number of bars so actual sequence in the midi file doesn't matter as long as you specify the part correctly 11. Convert to CKF rhythm by menu option Convert to Pattern which will save as Casio CKF file 12. Copy to your SD card in the Casio specific folder 13. Now load the rhythm (CKF) file in your keyboard in one of the user styles slot. 14. Now play! and have fun! *** Issues: The Casio CKF file only support 5 tracks for auto-accompaniment rhythm * Channel 10: Drum track * Channel 11: Bass track * Channel 12: Chord 1 track * Channel 13: Chord 2 track * Channel 14: Chord 3 track But the new generation of keyboards (CTK 6000/6200/7000/7200) supports 8 tracks for a rhythm in new AC7 file format. Technically it supports: * Channel 10 to 14 similar to CKF format plus 2 more channels * Channel 15: Chord 4 track * Channel 16: Chord 5 track which is great news and it makes the new generation Casio to stand with Yamaha, Roland and Korg in terms of style track counts. But right know I cannot utilise the track 15 and 16 due to stuck in the conversion from Midi to CKF. So I cannot transform the Korg PA styles to Casio rhythm completely and bound to exclude/ignore track 15 and 16. What I need is SMF(MIDI) to AC7 converter which has not seen the light of the day yet. Well, this is my journey so far. I think I am kind of happy because I have happily converted Korg PA series Progressive style and playing with the on my Casio 6200 but I would be more glad If I could completely reproduce the complete Korg rhythm for my keyboard Any help/comments would be great! I would share my converted Korg style with you guys soon for your feedback. Cheers, iNain
  12. So a few ago I picked up this neat little thing for 5$. Very good condition but without a ROM pack. Since this model has a slot for it I ordered one of those for the sake of making a more "complete" set. Now, this model also has a microphone holder and input jack. Is there anyone that knows if casio made their own branded microphones for these models as well? If so, I would like to find one! Any insight is appreciated as always! Joel
  13. On eBay I had bought parts of a Casio Symphonytron. I don't own the entire stage organ system but only one CT-8000, the RC-1 accompaniment/drum machine and a defective MB-1 sequencer in very beaten up condition (full of scratches, dirt and glue residues), but no pedal board. It came without the CIDI (Casio's Infernal/Inferior/Internal/Instrument Digital Interface) cables, so I ordered 3 DIN14 cables for Atari ST floppy, those work perfectly with the RC-1 (with one keyboard it does key split accompaniment with arpeggio, and also the trio mode works). Like with Kawai MS20, when you set a preset sound on the keyboard it plays a short fanfare with it (always the same notes). How ever my MB-1 doesn't work at all (buttons don't respond and it makes sometimes a louder growing digital buzz); possibly the eprom is dead. Also CT-8000 and RC-1 contain (as the only Casio instruments I know) each a soldered eprom; I backed up all 3 to avoid data loss. Unfortunately my Symphonytron sequencer unit MB-1 is dead (does nothing, but plays note mess when touching the crystal etc.), so I am not sure if its eprom may have failed (dump does not change by reducing Vcc) or it might be still a bug by the lack of original CIDI port cables. - hardware details I have photographed all my Symphonytron PCBs from both sides. The multi-chip hardware is quite complex and particularly the RC-1 and MB-1 have several stacked PCBs in their crowded case. Fortunately there are are some pinout marks on them, those may help to decipher them. The MB-1 and CT-8000 both have the same CPU "NEC D8049C 364" (Intel MCS-48, I dumped its firmware) with sound IC "D931C 011". The RC-1 CPU is a "NEC D930G 011". So they are far relatives of the Casio CT-410V (MT-65) hardware class (minus the VCA, but with external ROM) which may help to research hidden functions of its chip set. I don't own the FK-1 pedal board, so I have no clue what is inside. Did you know that early Casio keyboards had a CPU compatible with Intel 8049? Unfortunately the "Willem Pro4 isp" eprommer had a way too weak power supply with tiny SMD transistors switching the voltages. One was burnt anyway, so I had to install bigger non-SMD ones to get the MCS-48 adapter to work. Casio "D8049C xxx" ICs need Vcc of at least 4.5V to read properly, which was impossible with the original transistors ans PSU (it gave only 4V even in 5.6V mode). I installed a 10kOhm resistor into the EA line to avoid damage by the +12V if the IC would not have supported it properly, and connected it to a 5kOhm potentiometer to vary the voltage, which I didn't need. (Too high EA voltage (15V) outputs only "00" while too low voltage (9V?) makes the CPU run its program and output garbage. At too low Vcc it repeats the first part of the rom again and again.) So I e.g. could read the firmware of the Symphonytron Casio CT-8000 cpu and Casio HT-6000 synth (its D80C48 seems to be a real CMOS IC that draws less current). Also MT-36,MT-40,MT-90/MT-200 and Casiotone 401 have such a CPU. - need service manual Eons ago I downloaded the complete Symphonytron user manual from an eBay link, but I have no schematics. Has anybody a service manual? Particularly I am interested in the MB-1 hardware, the official CIDI cable wiring (may the MB-1 only need a crossed wire somewhere?) and the pedal board (has anybody dumped the eprom?).
  14. Hello Casio friends, I’m so excited to share this video with you as I unbox and play one of Casio’s latest Privia models PS-X6000! This thing is on a different level FIRST IMPRESSIONS I love the minimalist aesthetics and combination of wooden look with sleek and modern design. The keybed adjusted to my playing while I utilize different techniques on it. It’s quick and super responsive! Love the wooden look on the keys. One of my favorite features is the touch wheel, as it also works as arrow buttons. Love the Privia Grand sound as you hear me playing it in this video, but I plan on doing more demos as it has some of the best EP sounds I’ve heard.
  15. I managed to add the DSP effect on tone 764 EX Standard Kit.
  16. Which electric piano (Rhodes or Wurlitzer) do 60s EP 1 and 60s EP 2 sounds Model? And which all sounds Model the fender Rhodes?
  17. Hello friends, Hope everyone is having a musically wonderful day. I received the Casio Privia PX-S3100 recently and decided to do an unboxing and demo video. Been really enjoying it so far and it has amazing quality speakers with a beautiful piano tone. I will be digging deeper into its features and other sounds and make more videos about it. Hope you enjoy this video and find it helpful. Sincerely, Leon
  18. Good evening guys. I am a music producer/beatmaker, born as a guitarist, who learned piano self-taught over the years. I enjoyed playing pianos and e-pianos on my long time Casio - CDP 100, while I used a cheap but effective MIDI controller for general DAW control, pads, drums, etc. Unfortunately, since I left my country and all my stuff in my parents' house, I won't be able to have these two pieces of equipment with me. I was looking for a convenient solution that could give me both a digital piano with good sounds and a midi controller (also because my flat is tiny). After browsing the web and shops in my city, I found the new CT-S400 to be the sweet spot between my budget/quality of sounds/keybed feel and playability. I was happy to see that it could also work efficiently as a MIDI controller. One thing I wasn't able to verify though, was its MIDI/SySex implementation for DAW control and clock, mostly transport controls (play, stop and record from within the DAW). They were quite essential for my workflow, and the lack of it could actually be a dealbreaker. Does any possessor or Casio expert know more about this? During my research I found out that the CT-S500 has something like that only for play/stop commands, but I am not sure if it could be worth, at least for me, to spend +100 € more, to have just part of these function. Thank you for reading this message and I wish you a great night. Pietro
  19. I'M REALLY HOPING SOMEONE CAN HELP ME FIGURE THIS OUT. Okay, so, I bought an instrument called a laser harp. This thing shoots out lasers, and when you place your hand over the lasers you can play notes. The laser harp itself does not have speakers and cannot be "played" as an instrument... it needs to be connected either to a DAW or to a Midi controller. I connected the Midi Out of my laser harp to the Midi In of my Casio Privia PX-350M. When I turn everything on, I've ONLY been able to get the Casio to produce the sound of a piano. If I change the sound to, let's say, strings, the sound of strings will happen when I actually press the keys and play the keyboard with Local Control on... but the sound controlled by the laser harp is ONLY piano. I figured out how to turn Local Control "off", which is a good first step. But this dang thing still only plays "piano". I guess I need someone to tell me how to assign a different sound (such as strings) to Midi. I understand that I need to hit the "Function" button and then scroll thru to "Midi".... but at that point, I am lost. I've spent three straight days trying to figure this out and I'm going bonkers. If anyone can figure this out, I will be forever grateful!!!
  20. Hello I have a Casio WK-3300, and the problem is that after pressing the off button, the screen stays on and without information. As if the current were still passing. This started to happen after I forgot to plug in the transformer all night. Any solution ?
  21. Hello all, I am new to this forum, and have been searching around for someone with more experience with Casio CZ-101 troubles. Have had this synth for quite a few years, and I love it so much! I finally got around to doing some updates, like a backlit LCD. Then I moved on to building a 64 patch memory card, which is mentioned in the article down this page: http://www.vintagesynth.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=59847 I have it constructed, only using 1k ohm resistors in the place of the 390 ohms, just because I had them on hand. I have made sure it is all connected properly and there is continuity between the cartridge pins in the Casio and the card. Whenever the card is connected to the synth, and I power it up, there is just a row of boxes on the LCD top row, and many of the LED's are lit up, but no functions are available on the keyboard. If I turn it off and remove the cartridge, everything works fine again. I guess I'm just wondering if anyone here has experienced this with a CZ... as I noticed one person on another forum stating they had this problem before, but did not mention ram cartridges or any solutions. If anyone has more understanding here, would the current limiting of the higher value resistors cause the card to be unusable, or is there a deeper problem with the cartridge circuitry within the keyboard itself? Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Thank you, Pat(Spivkurl)
  22. Hello, I am trying to repair a Casio CT-460 for a friend. I am equipped with an multimeter and a home made audio probe. The keyboard is making very little noise that is also buried under static. I can hear the tones play faintly when I press a key. This also applies to the 'Demo" track that plays when the demo key is pressed. I also cannot find any point on any of the boards that doesn't have a layer of static. I've probed pretty much everywhere (including places I shouldn't have) though there are placed where the tone is much louder. Specifically on the D23C module on the M5257 Board shown below. I had the idea to probe all the conductors in the Key to Board ribbon shown below, but the tones I got out of there were strange and nothing like what the speaker outputs. I've removed a speaker because I kept having to flip it with the board and that got annoying. I'll put it back on when/if the keyboard is repaired, but I didn't want the loose wires to confuse anyone. If anyone has any guesses as to what should be checked/replaced, any suggestions would be appreciated! Underside of the Full Keyboard: M4254 Board: M5257 Board:
  23. Hello. I have a Casio Sampling keyboard SK-200 that belonged to my mother. One of he keys was broken. I was told by a Casio referred Casio junk yard in California to take it apart and the part number would be on the back of the keys. He said that several keys would be one piece/part. The keyboard is actually divided into two parts and there are no part numbers on them. Only key numbers. I am trying to find out if there I a way to determine the part number, and then find a place that may have it. Also, it appears to be exactly the same as the keyboard on my Casio CZ-230S keyboard, so I am wondering if they are standard keyboards for smaller synthesizers of that time. Does anyone have any direction for me? TIA.
  24. Hey, I am a beginner. I have heard that Synthesia app better than cordana and I am going to buy my first piano. I am interest in Lk-S250 but if it not support Synthesia I have to go for other keyboard. I just want to make sure if it support Synthesia app and light up... T.I.A
  25. Hi everyone, I bought an SD card (SDHC) for my CDP 230R but unfortunately it seems to be incompatible. I have followed the instructions written in the manual of the piano "to only use SD or SDHC cards not exceeding 32 GB", but it is not working. I see the error message "Err Format" when I try to format the card for the first time directly in the piano. I have precisely bought this: https://www.amazon.nl/-/en/dp/B08GYG6T12/?th=1 I am wondering if somebody had the very same issue if someone is able to share with me any solution; I thank you in advance for anything you can share 🙂 All the best 😉
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