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  1. File Name: HerbiesRoadz (Updated) File Submitter: Mike Martin File Submitted: 16 Oct 2013 File Category: PX-5S Stage Settings UPDATED: Yet another Rhodes Stage Setting. The velocity response on this one is completely different from anything else in the PX-5S. It has a very nice soft touch but is also very expressive. Stage Setting HerbiesRoadz.ZPF and HexLayer (TouchEP1.ZLT) included. Controls: Slider 1: Distortion Gain (Off by default) Slider 2: Speaker (Bypassed by Default) Slider 3: "Bell Tone" Slider 4-6: Standard Effects. Knobs 1-4: EQ Stereo Tremolo is done using the Arpeggiator. If you want to turn it off just press the Arpeggiator button...no depth control sorry. But you can adjust speed with TEMPO. Variations: New version with Phaser also attached. Click here to download this file
  2. 1,358 downloads

    A new 5 velocity Wurlitzer sound with some extra bark at high velocities.
  3. Which electric piano (Rhodes or Wurlitzer) do 60s EP 1 and 60s EP 2 sounds Model? And which all sounds Model the fender Rhodes?
  4. Version 1.0.0


    Trying to configure a CP80 that is at least acceptable!
  5. Hey, I have a Privia PX-320 with a "60's E. Piano" setting. Which electric piano is this modeled after? I love the responsive, harsh tone I get when I increase the velocity and hit the keys harder. Can anyone explain why this particular electric piano does this? The other electric pianos on this Privia don't have a harsh responsive tone. They just get louder. So, I wanna know 1. What instrument is the "60's E. Piano" modeled after 2. What is it about the 60's electric pianos that creates a harsh responsive tone with increased velocity?
  6. Hi, I did a little tweak to Steve Weigart Electric Piano that was made by Mike Martin. Now it has distortion controlled by S1 and chorus controlled by S4. Parameters: S1 Distortion S2 Strings S3 Key off S4 chorus S5 Delay S6 Reverb K1-K4 EQ Enjoy 🙂 SW Dist EP.ZPF
  7. Version 1.0.0


    This file contains: 1 - Real Piano (Stage Piano with some modifications to improve the sound quality); 2 - Bright Piano (bright version of Real Piano) 3 - Mellow Piano (mellow version of Real Piano) 4 - Electric Piano (two layered EPs) The three pianos are layered with strings or Pad. Note: install the file in the "MUSICDAT" folder on your flash drive. I am open for any questions or suggestions! I hope you enjoy it!
  8. Version 1.2.0


    This is one bank with four registrations: 1. Piano (variation of the Stage Piano with effects to bring it closer to a real piano) 2. Piano & Pad (first registration with changes and layer) 3. Electric Piano (my favorite EP tone with soft pad) 4. Ambient Piano (a piano with strong reverb and some effects)
  9. Hello friends, I'd like to check with you if you have any ideas to improve the 60's electric piano of XW-P1, which is the one that comes more closer to a Wurlitzer electric piano. Do you have any ideas, or a sound of your own that you can share? Take care!!
  10. Version 1.0.0


    Here is a new Wurlitzer Electric piano that I've been working on for a while. It was spotted in our last live webinar so I put some finishing touches on it. Slider 1: Distortion / Level Slider 2: Cabinet Selector Slider 3: Keyoff Level Slider 4-6 effects Knobs 1-4 EQ
  11. Version 1.0.0


    New for the PX-560 is this "Dreamy Roadz" Electric Piano. This is a Hex Layer tone so a Hex Layer category tone must be selected in Upper1 before going to the Media menu to load this file. This is a tone with a narrow amplitude dynamic range that is still highly expressive and will fit great in a mix. Make yourself a custom registration with some extra reverb and perhaps layer the SilkSmooth2 tone also found here on the forum.
  12. Version 1.0.0


    Load AIR EP4 MC Tone in Group Name: E. PianoLoad AIR EP4 MC Tone in Upper 1
  13. Version 1.0.0


    A new Rhodes EP for the PX-560. A nice bell tell in this one without it being overwhelming. New settings for the phaser which I think sound pretty sweet.
  14. Phazer EP MM View File A new Rhodes EP for the PX-560. A nice bell tell in this one without it being overwhelming. New settings for the phaser which I think sound pretty sweet. Submitter Mike Martin Submitted 10/14/2016 Category Privia PX-560
  15. Dreamy Roadz View File New for the PX-560 is this "Dreamy Roadz" Electric Piano. This is a Hex Layer tone so a Hex Layer category tone must be selected in Upper1 before going to the Media menu to load this file. This is a tone with a narrow amplitude dynamic range that is still highly expressive and will fit great in a mix. Make yourself a custom registration with some extra reverb and perhaps layer the SilkSmooth2 tone also found here on the forum. Submitter Mike Martin Submitted 06/02/2016 Category Privia PX-560
  16. 342 downloads

    Electric piano inspired by a preset native instruments FM8.
  17. File Name: DistDynoEP JK File Submitter: Mike Martin File Submitted: 14 May 2014 File Category: Electric Pianos and Clavs A new Rhodes EP with some extra added bark. Collaborative effort between Mike Martin and Jerry Kovarsky. Since Jerry but the final touches on it, he gets his name on it. V2 added with tremolo on the Modwheel. Click here to download this file
  18. Version 1.0


    Beautiful EP layered will bells, strings, and a subtle hint of church organ, enjoy! PS i need help with assigning sliders to control zone volumes, couldnt get it right, not bad for my first attempt i think lol!
  19. Nice song Looks like a very nice girl Played on a piano mix with drums from the PX-5s NJ nice girl.mp3
  20. 1,719 downloads

    A new Rhodes EP with some extra added bark. Collaborative effort between Mike Martin and Jerry Kovarsky. Since Jerry but the final touches on it, he gets his name on it. V2 added with tremolo on the Modwheel.
  21. File Name: Wurli Cruzr2 File Submitter: Mike Martin File Submitted: 14 May 2014 File Category: Electric Pianos and Clavs A new 5 velocity Wurlitzer sound with some extra bark at high velocities. Click here to download this file
  22. 694 downloads

    Firmware v1.10 Required A new tine electric piano sound as featured in this recording: https://soundcloud.com/casiomusicgear/privia-new-roadz-ep
  23. Version 1.0


    Mezzoforte EP - programed by Kristian Terzic I've tryed to emulate the Digital Electric Piano sound from the song "Playing For Time" of the Icelandic jazz-fusion band Mezzoforte. It's a work in progress and this is the first version. Stage Setting with 4 zones, 3 zones are active (1,3,4) and zone 2 can be turned on with the Pedal number 2 on which is assigned the function Zone on/off... Here is the audio demo of the Mezzoforte EP: https://soundcloud.com/casio-px-5s/mezzoforte-ep-casio-px5s-demo-by-kristian-terzic And here you have the original song by Mezzoforte:
  24. File Name: Riders Storm / Larry's Roadz File Submitter: Mike Martin File Submitted: 15 Apr 2014 File Category: Electric Pianos and Clavs This is a Rhodes preset that I originally made for "Riders on the Storm" by the Doors after listening to an isolated track. Then I also was able to spend some time with Larry Dunn and his Rhodes 88 side by side with the PX-5S and made some further adjustments. Slider 6 is the reverb amount. Pushing the Modwheel UP will disable the tremolo. Version 2 added - Modwheel works "normal" and release time tweaked to make it snappier. Tone volume increased. Click here to download this file
  25. 1,563 downloads

    This is a Rhodes preset that I originally made for "Riders on the Storm" by the Doors after listening to an isolated track. Then I also was able to spend some time with Larry Dunn and his Rhodes 88 side by side with the PX-5S and made some further adjustments. Slider 6 is the reverb amount. Pushing the Modwheel UP will disable the tremolo. Version 2 added - Modwheel works "normal" and release time tweaked to make it snappier. Tone volume increased.
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