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Found 8 results

  1. I want to connect my keyboard to my laptop to be used as a MIDI controller in Max MSP. I got it second hand and no CD was with it. I've been searching for a driver download, but no luck. If you can provide me with a link to a driver download for the lk-90tv, that'd be great. I am running a Windows 8.1, 64 bit.
  2. I have followed the manual instructions for "Using a Computer to Copy General Song Data to a USB Flash Drive" and the DAL file is now on my laptop. I have the CASIO DataManager for CT-X software on my laptop. Now what? The software has no way of opening the DAL file. I was expecting to be able to use the data on my computer. Thanks. Derek
  3. Could someone help me out with how to best connect the Privia PX-5S to a Focusrite 4i4 to a mac? As far as I can see, looks like the lead that came with the Focusrite is the one that connects to a computer. So now I just need to connect the piano to the Focusrite. Am I right in thinking I can choose to do this either by midi cables or a usb cable? I REALLY wanted to set this up today but I only ordered one midi cable and from what I've read I would need 2, one from piano midi in to focusright midi out and one from focusrite midi in to piano midi out? But as I'm gonna have to order a new cable either way, I'm now wondering whether it might be better to order a usb cable instead? Looks like the Focusrite came with a USB C to USB A? Did it? I'm really not sure. Am I right in thinking I would need a USB A to USB B to put the A end in the computer and the B end in the piano? And then also connect the Focusrite to the computer with the cable it came with? So I just need a USB A to USB B cable? Is that right? That's the normal rectangular USB in the computer to the square one in the back of the piano? I also read that connecting a midi controller keyboard via USB means you can power it through that connection, thus removing the need for the keyboard's power cable? Is that true when you are using a Privia PX-5S as your midi keyboard or does that only work with small midi controller keyboards? Should I keep the power cable plugged in? ✨Thank you for any help!✨ Please assume no technological knowledge on my part with your reply! I have literally only ever used my piano as a piano and know pretty much nothing yet about audio interfaces, music production or cables. I will be so excited when I can actually set this up though! And Happy Easter!✨πŸ₯šπŸŒΌπŸ£πŸŒΈπŸ‡πŸ¦‹βœ¨ 🌈
  4. I have just bought a Celviano AP460 and understand that I can connect it to my computer and control it from there, but that I need to have MIDI Software installed on my computer? Can anyone recommend a software programme that is compatible with my keyboard? I have looked up MIDI Software on the internet, but there are so many different ones I have no idea which one to use!
  5. Model: Celviano AP-220 My computer OS: Window 7 I am trying to transfer the music piece I recorded on the piano to my computer as a music data. I followed the steps of page E-24 in the manual, but my computer didn't recognize the piano through USB cable I connected. Do I need a device driver for this (I googled it)? If so, where can I safely download the driver?
  6. Hello, I recently got a used lk-110 keyboard as a present and I want to get it working with MIDI. I recently learned that I need some CD to install the drivers, but I bought the keyboard USED and I don't have the CD. So how do I connect this keyboard to my computer to use MIDI?? Thank you in advance...
  7. I'd like to control the PX-780 from Cubase (which is a computer DAW sequencer similar to Sonar or Cakewalk). That would be much easier if I could find a patchname script file (.txt) or an instrument definitions file (.ins file) for the PX-780. Does anyone know where I can find such a file for the PX-780? (I assume the file for a PX-350 would be similar.) If a patch script file is available, I would be much more likely to buy a PX-780, instead of a Roland, Yamaha, or Korg keyboard. Thanks. For reference, here are some relevant links: http://cubase.rivetedstudios.com/cat_view/34-cubase-files/35-patch-scripts.html http://www.heikoplate.de/mambo/index.php?option=com_content&task=blogcategory&id=87&Itemid=74 ftp://ftp.steinberg.net/Download/PC_Stuff/Patchname_Script_Maker/English/ReadMe.txt http://www.casiomusicforums.com/index.php?/topic/4862-privia-px-5s-cubase-patch-script/
  8. This may be a dumb question, but I would like to make recordings (via PC or Mac) that sound like the instruments I can select on my Casio keyboard. Is there a way to do this? I haven't found half the instruments for GarageBand that I can choose from on my keyboard, and those that I can sound very different. Is there an easy way to get an identical sound recording (without recording using a mic)? Thank you!
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