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Found 3 results

  1. Good evening guys. I am a music producer/beatmaker, born as a guitarist, who learned piano self-taught over the years. I enjoyed playing pianos and e-pianos on my long time Casio - CDP 100, while I used a cheap but effective MIDI controller for general DAW control, pads, drums, etc. Unfortunately, since I left my country and all my stuff in my parents' house, I won't be able to have these two pieces of equipment with me. I was looking for a convenient solution that could give me both a digital piano with good sounds and a midi controller (also because my flat is tiny). After browsing the web and shops in my city, I found the new CT-S400 to be the sweet spot between my budget/quality of sounds/keybed feel and playability. I was happy to see that it could also work efficiently as a MIDI controller. One thing I wasn't able to verify though, was its MIDI/SySex implementation for DAW control and clock, mostly transport controls (play, stop and record from within the DAW). They were quite essential for my workflow, and the lack of it could actually be a dealbreaker. Does any possessor or Casio expert know more about this? During my research I found out that the CT-S500 has something like that only for play/stop commands, but I am not sure if it could be worth, at least for me, to spend +100 € more, to have just part of these function. Thank you for reading this message and I wish you a great night. Pietro
  2. Although the Performance patches are nice and a good source as a template, In the beginning however it was a difficult ride because my inexperience both in synthesis , step sequencing and sound designing and most importantly as a starting musician again . Learned many things on the forum followed the video tutorial and kept experimenting with the XW-G1 and every step I got familiar with its inner working. Using the controls , arpeggio, Step and Phrase sequence in addition with performance patch. The G1 has its own specific sound it kinda sounds bare most synths have PCM tones that sound like being done in the studio with the G1 you have to do it yourself editing the tone to you're piece. The true magic to sounds are always DSP , Equalizing effects rather in DAWS or Synths they always add a little more to tones. The single DSP the G1 has, I thought it wasn't enough you can't add different effects to each zone or channel for the step sequence however you can assign which channel may use DSP effect. And with that most of you're sound designing starts off at least for me it is when I'm not using the solo synth that is because that one takes all. Solo synth is a real "solo" part with the DSP. Did allot combinations where I used the Solo synth sole DSP use in a performance patch to hear how far you can go music wise. It has its cons and pro's, Cons are if you're not choosing how tones can be manipulated it will sound far out to what you want, Sometimes you gotta keep in mind how the tone will swell or die in layers of filters. Pro's are tones can be manipulated in the same sequence of you're piece for example a pan-flanger a nice effect seem like a fine grain detune in the low and higher frequency. I did lots of patching with DSP effects one of my favorite is this one. https://soundcloud.com/clay-louis-petty/snarlylead-demo-3-with-total With that I found my way to open up the G1 with its single DSP in performance mode, It also made me ponder allot about how difficult it was to make it work on my amateur level. Though also why Casio did not add more DSP to this synth or allow way's to trigger controls into tones as a patch gradually those question have been answers on the forum . I did allot with a single dsp more on the G1 in whole with what its capable. The only thing for me left is being a better keyboardist to make it sound musically right and good. But I have to say to me the G1 is a bare synth with no glamorous high quality stuff on it but the beauty of that is it made me not lazy to let it sound glamorous and high quality like its a question of good sound patch programming. Now I have also the PX5S which sounds luscious to my ear good use of controls four DSP hello sound heaven. With this last one I got a list with stuff like when I connect G1 and PX5S together through midi or redirect the line-out of the G1 into the PX5 and such etc. Last but not least some good sound programming on the XW-G1 by CasioMusicGear. https://soundcloud.com/casiomusicgear/xw-house-jam (edited in about pedals) Pedals are still new to me as an extension to use changing nature of sound its also nice switching and trigger controllers on the G1 a big difference which I should have added in the post earlier. In case of the G1 the part to trigger looper recording changes you're whole perspective chorus lines and interlude, Go figure (tap on the hat) . Good job Casio.
  3. Day motion version 2 performance mode patch in the work. By accident I learned solo synth can be played by the step sequencer also one draw back is if the tone changes it also changes how the step sequence sounds but the step sequence standard stores the solosynth selected. I was happy very happy cause the step seqeunce controls did something awesome to it got a bit messy when I tried to much so I saved two version on the G1 to rethink stuff here are two demo's of the performance patch a work in progres from here on I'll just list the patches here and demo's on soundcloud. Left hand soft string + sweep synth middle C - Seashore which been used with arp to slap in sync with drum. Right hand Hirezmotion vox solosynth. electronic Daymotion v2.1.MP3 Electronic Daymotion v2.MP3
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