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  1. So, i was thinking about some things today while playing my old beaten up Tyros (Buttons that are very hard to press, screen is broken, but it still plays great) And i was wondering what it is that makes Casio so far behind with technology? - The styles are pretty bland, 15 years ago their styles sounded lifeless and it seems that it hasn't changed, what's up with that? They could've atleast try to spice them up, right? - Only since 2 years we get 4 variations on a Casio (With the exception of the MZ-2000 but that was already 18 years ago and rumor has it that the machine was developed with Roland) - We get Versatile tones, super awesome! But again, this is almost ancient technology, first machine to have that was the Yamaha Tyros, and that came out in 2002.. - We now get a brand new sound engine which finally seems to allow saxophones to have natural vibrato and flutes to have an overblown effect when you press a key hard.. However, that was introduced by Yamaha in 1997 in their Sweet! Voices. That's 21 years old.. - Velocitylayered drums.. Sorry but i had a Technics KN2000 which already had that. 2 To be precise. And that machine came out in 1993. I can list a couple of other things (Touchscreen, Roland used that in 2005 in the G-70, polyphony of 128? PSR-9000 Springs to mind, that was 1999) BUt i think i've made my point.. I love Casio to death, i really really do! Don't get me wrong. And if the CT-X5000 is really going to sound even better than the CT-X700 then i will buy it as a replacement for my Tyros. But WHY o WHY are they so far behind? I mean, the technology i'm talking about is what 15-20 years old roughly, so why is it so hard for Casio to implement it in to their machines? Why is it so hard for them to catch up with their competitors, is it because they don't want to, or because the can't? Not bashing Casio (my main axe for 3 years was a CTK-731 and until last November i played a WK-1800) But, this is something that has been bothering me for quite some time. Can someone explain/elaborate ? Thanks!
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