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Found 12 results

  1. Can an expression pedal he assigned to a modulation effect or to the knobs for that matter? Can it be use of anything else besides volume?
  2. Hello, new owner (though I've been playing it for a month). Originally I had a Roland Juno-G, which had 5 knobs with multiple layers of function. With this new Casio, I see there are 3 programmable knobs, which I know how to edit... But not to save. I believe I have to do something with the Menu Registry, which I have fiddled with - but no matter what I try to do all of my settings are lost whenever I restart my keyboard. So, would someone be able to walk me through in simple terms a step-by-step instruction on what I am meant to do, please? I've read through a bunch of this forum and see good responses to other knob related things. There is a lot of other good material to read through, though a lot of it does go over my head. Any help will be appreciated.
  3. Nice to meet all of you. This is my first post. I´ve been Casio keyboards user for years. Now, I just bought a PX-5S for using it mainly as MIDI controller. I work with FL Studio and I am moving now to Presonus Studio One. But I have two doubts. As controllers, I use a Privia PX5S and a Korg nanoKontrol. From the Korg, I only recognize one knob (and no fader). I am asking asking in nanoKontrol´s forum. From PX-5S recognizes the Pitchbend wheel, the Modwheel and the faders, but no knob. Is this normal? How can I solve that? I found these patch scripts: https://support.casio.com/en/support/download.php?cid=008&pid=2260 No one for my DAWs Could I use any of them? Thanks for your help. Kind regards.
  4. I would like to set the controller knobs to my own default values. It should be the same, even when I switch banks or turn the keyboard off and cut off the power. K1 should be change upper volume2 K2 should be change tempo K3 should be change volume metronome What is possible and what is not possible regarding storing default values? Now sometimes it kept some settings and after switching bank they are all gone. Does K1,2,3 depending on the bank I choose? There are 2 settings for setting knobs. How can I use setting 2? I can set it, but I don't know how to use it.
  5. I was working on a patch for that Interstellar thing (with the in-between time to spend on it), I've found something very interesting while working on this kind of fiddling. https://soundcloud.com/clay-louis-petty/beef-sandwich-a-vegetarian-nightmare-nightfish Wanting to assign Eq to knobs 2 3 and 4 while having cutoff on knob 1. Building a performance patch arranged as follows solosynth on zone 1 and tones for 2 3 and 4,Zone one with the solosynth as a riser like sound configured white noise increasing and lowering cutoff for the Sseq as well. Nice yes but not enough so I rearrange the knobs like this Knob 1 Cuttof , Knob 2 Release , Knob 3 Attack, Knob 4High Gain. So now I don't have full access for Eq having Low , Mid and High which I wanted all and all it was a nice config. And then I let it rest until the next day I found something and was like "Hold on", Solosynth is on zone 1 use the TotalFilter knob to directly access all sliders control function for the solosynth .....Because the G1 can . Yes now I have Filtertype on 1 ,Cutoff on slider 2,Resonance on 3 , Envelope dept on 4. True it's not assignable but its there as I don't need Resonance and Envelope dept for this particular patch I can leave them but Filtertype and Cutoff works well in this case. Thats two sliders and four knobs for this Performance patch and that is because a solosynth is on zone 1 which is convenient. Actually it is two sliders, modulation and bender which you can use effectively. I have not used full scope from solosynth with samples to switch and use Osc block, Env generator,TotalFilter/LFO as of yet this prove, With a bit of creativity there lots to get out from this synthesizer. (I'm still on discovery spree but on the sonic side I'm there dude)
  6. Hi guys i was wondering if and how to could assign system effects settings to sliders. For instance i want to assign reverb time and return to a slider. Can i do that if so how. I know i can assign reverb as a whole to a slider i was wondering if you could actually assign the reverb settings to a slider.
  7. Hi. First of all i'm going to say "i'm sorry for my english". Hope you will understand what i write I would like to use The Casio PX-5s as Master Keyboard,using as Software "Cantabile Performer". Though i'm able to send midi signals to the program using the SLIDERS, i can't say the KNOBS are working as well. It seems knobs don't send any midi signals to the program. Somewhere else, on the forum, i read a "question-answer thing" ----> "Do Knobs send midi via usb?" "Yes!". Well, i can't figure it out. How to do that?
  8. Hello, I was investigating setting tremolo control to a slider. What happens is opposite of what I expect. There should be DSP parameters 1-16 assignable through a knob or lever (according to the manual). The number available depends on the effect. Sounds straight forward but there seems to be a problem. Walk with me through these steps and please tell me if my approach is wrong. First I'm going to lookup the parameters for Tremolo in the Manual: 1-LFO Rate 2-LFO Depth 3-LFO Waveform 4-etc 5-etc Ok there are 5 parameters I can control. I should have the ability to assign any one of these 5 parameters to a slider. I'm really only interested in the rate, so I only need to assign DSP parameter 1. First lets check zone 1 to see what DSP effect is currently set and check the parameters for slider 1. Bank >0 0 EDIT > Tone > Effect > DSP > Type[Through] The DSP setting is Through right now. Let's check the parameters to see what's available: Edit > Stage Settings > Common > Slider1 Edit > Target[DSP Parameter 1 ... all the way to 16] Ok, kinda weird, all of the parameters are available but Through has no parameters. Maybe it's no big deal... Onward. Exit out to the beginning Now to do the work: 1. Select Stage setting 0-0 (Concert Grand) 2. EDIT > Tone > Effect > DSP Edit > Type[Tremolo] > Depth[127] (make sure the effect is pronounced) 3. Exit back to edit Stage Setting 4. Stage Settings > Common > Slider1 Edit > Target[ DSP Parameter 6 ... through 16] Now that's really weird. Parameters 1-5 are not available to assign! It seems the target makes available the OPPOSITE of the parameters necessary to control the effect. The DSP Effect Through has 16 available parameters when it shouldn't have any, Tremolo DSP parameters start at 6 which is beyond it's range of available controls. Unless I'm doing something completely wrong, this is isn't working how I'd expect. I Just tried it with Rotary. Same thing. Rotary should have 9 parameters available under Target but it has the opposite - parameters 10-16; 1-9 are excluded. Can someone else try this test?
  9. Hi, I've been trying to get the rotary knobs to control the dsp tremolo effect speed and depth for a pcm tone. I have read the manual many times. Especially parts where these settings are mentioned. No luck. There is a long list of parameters to select for the knobs but none of them seem to control dsp effects. I've tried most of the likely settings. Has anyone done this? You would think it's possible and I just can't figure out how to do it Thanks, Pete
  10. Version v.1


    Synth1: ReverseSaw. Synth2: ReverseSaw. PCM1: #MM Saw. PCM2: #CZ Saw Reso. NOISE: White Noise. This tone is created for arpeggio and to use the knobs and sliders. And it is designed to create electronic beats. Enjoy it.
  11. File Name: SawARPG (Solo Synth) File Submitter: David File Submitted: 04 Dec 2013 File Category: XW-Synths Synth1: ReverseSaw. Synth2: ReverseSaw. PCM1: #MM Saw. PCM2: #CZ Saw Reso. NOISE: White Noise. This tone is created for arpeggio and to use the knobs and sliders. And it is designed to create electronic beats. Enjoy it. Click here to download this file
  12. This video is a brief intro to the Knobs, Sliders and the multitude of Effects that you can control with this board. Anyone on the fence about purchasing one of these boards who wants to know more... this video is for you! http://youtu.be/7rLDzCkx1bo
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