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Found 7 results

  1. Hello folks. I am new here, so please forgive me if i mess up. My grandfather had bought my father a PT-20 when he was a teen. It is a very sentimental object to him. As he had been trying to get it back working a few years ao, he used a higher voltage adaptor, burning out (hopefully) a internal fuse circuit.. I hope on restoring the synthesizer, and gifting it to him on his birthday. Any advice? Will be happy to provide any resource that might help restore it.
  2. As a newbie, I’m planning to purchase a new PX-560 once they become available again. I’m trying to decide on the best stand to get, an “X” stand, a “Z” stand, or the Casio wooden (particle board). stand. I don’t need portability as the setup will remain in the house, at least for the foreseeable future. My main concern is stability... back/forth and front/back movement. I’m leaning toward the Casio stand because I’d like the built-in triple pedals, but I’ve read in a couple of places that it’s not real stable. Anyone have any thoughts on this? Thx, jerry316
  3. Hello, I just got a Privia PX-5S. I'm extremely excited to start gigging with it and have some studio sessions coming up I'm planning on using it in. I'm loving the Privia so far but having quite an annoying issue with it. I'm sure I just don't understand how to use it fully but I have exhausted youtube tutorials and the manual. On start up, no matter the stage setting, every zone has a pitch LFO on it. I go to the settings, and turn it off. (it's always set at .8 ) and everything works fine. But if I move to a new stage setting, restart the keyboard, or accidentally press the wrong button. All of the sudden the LFO is back and I have to go back into the GUI to disable it. Surely there is a setting I am not seeing, or somekind of user error. But either way it's extremely frustrating, I can't have an LFO messing with my tuning while recording, and it just sounds off trying to play along with anything. Has anyone else encountered this? What can I do to stop this from being the default setting? I have already tried doing a factory reset, it did not change anything. This is my first post on this forum. Apologies if I have posted the wrong place or broken any rules. I appreciate any input. Thank you.
  4. Is it possible to create a tone using different oscillators and saving it so it may be used on more than one note at a time? As in a chord or in multiple zones or both? I am the world's slowest learner and admit that I do not understand much about programming tones and getting the most of them. Appreciate help. Geoff the PowerTrader
  5. Hi, probably I've got something wrong, but I've had my MZ-X500 for 1 day now and have updated it to v1.50. Since doing so it seems that I can't change tones after a while. Changing registrations changes the tone but I don't seem to be able to choose a tone from the tone bank. the ones I select change colour but no difference to the sound. Help me, Casio forum, you're my only hope!
  6. All, My PX5S is on it's way (should have it tomorrow) many thanks to the community for all the excellent advice! The road to my purchase started with the Tim Praskins review "What if you could get a nice tasty sizzling hot steak for the price of a basic hamburger?" Since reading his review, I've watched several videos and spent hours reading blogs. The efforts of Mike Martin, BradMZ, and the rest of the PX5S community convinced me that I "need" to get my hands on one. My old keyboard served me well. It is a DGX 505. I am a gigging drummer, and the 505 was great for house parties and learning the basics. The PX5S might be a bit of a step up! Thanks again, and keep those Stage Settings coming! God bless ... and to all a good night!
  7. Yesterday I finally received my G1 to add to my P1 and extensive Casio collection. For now, My MZ2000 has had to make way for the G1 as I only have a two tier stand, so I have the brothers P1 and G1 together. One day I will get all my Casios set up in their own studio, and maybe get all the midi Casios linked together! First impressions of the G1. Well, I'd just come off a night shift so my brain was beginning to fail, even so, I just had to get it out of the box and have a play before my brain shut down. Initial thoughts were that it was very similar to the P1, well, they are almost identical twins. However, I've obviously become accustomed to the layout of the P1 and found the G1 a little confusing. Solo synth was obvious as its engine is the same as the P1, and I LOVE the individual sliders being able to control the synth parameters (a big plus over the P1). However, the sampler section I didn't find as intuitive as the P1. The P1 is obvious with Tone buttons clearly marked 'Solo', 'Hex', 'Drawbar' and 'PCM', and the sections of 'performance', 'tone' and 'step sequencer' buttons also very clear. Again, maybe I've just become accustomed to the P1. Like most people upon originally getting a sampler, I wanted to record a silly sound and play it up and down the keyboard! Recording a sample was fairly obvious (after looking in the manual), but it took a websearch and a look in this forum before I could finally find out how to make it a 'tone' that could be triggered by any key on the keyboard. I have to say that the supplied manual seems somewhat lacking (the P1's isn't much better) and doesn't do such an amazing board justice. This I found surprising as most people want to jump in with a sampler by recording a sound and playing them back at different speeds! Surely this should have been a lot easier? In the end I managed to sample the pipe organ tone of my MT65, allocate it to a G1 tone and then play it back across the keyboard. Cool! Though I can't for the life of me get it to loop whilst as a tone (it does in the sample looper section). Hopefully someone can show me how to make the tone loop, as I hope to sample some classic analogue sounds, such as famous string sounds that need to play for as long as the keys are held down. I looked at the sample looper examples via online/ Youtube and they look impressive! Trying to replicate this though was too much for my brain to handle after a 12.5 hour night shift so that will have to wait for another day. Thus I am optimistic that I made a good decision to add the G1 to my P1, though I need time readjust to its different controls and features. And no doubt I will have lots of questions coming up once I really start delving under the G1's hood!
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