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Found 8 results

  1. I bought a broken CT-6000 from Craigslist. It was in ROUGH shape. It powers on but there is only a static sound coming from all speakers and outputs. I have opened it up, cleaned the inside and replace one blown resistor. Everything else looks good and I have used a multi meter to check that the main boards have power. It almost sounds like something between the synth and the main output board is not hooked up correctly and it is only sounding some electronic interference. Any advise is welcomed! Is there a possibility that I could repair this or is she ready for the graveyard? 💀 I have some photos of the boards and a short video of the sound in this google drive folder: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1mK-NVLZ-nR4NFnlxD7rVhsK6HQP1wVlg
  2. Hello, I am a new member here. I own a PX-760 that is about three years old now. I've no issues encountered with it before, even with the headphone jack. A few days ago, however, as I was playing with my usual earphones in an adapter, the sound suddenly cut off. I was surprised because I could hear through the headphones perfectly well moments prior, and then I couldn't all of a sudden. I unplugged the adapter and plugged it again, but no sound came out of the earphones. I even tried wiggling the earphones just in case its contact with the adapter was not good. Still, no sound came. The sounds work fine with the external speakers. Playing with earphones/headphones is really important to me, as I could play without disturbing anyone late in the night. I've no idea how to assess this issue. I was hoping if anyone could help me. Thank you in advance.
  3. Shortly my keyboard has no sound (speakers and connected headphone). In the manual we checked these topics except the last check because I don't understand what to do... There is no MIDI connected Possible Cause 1. Power supply problem. 2. Power is not turned on. 3. Volume setting is too low. 4. The MODE switch is in the CASIO CHORD or FINGERED position. 5. LOCAL CONTROL is off. 6. MIDI data has changed the VOLUME and EXPRESSION settings to 0. Action 1. Correctly attach the AC adaptor, make sure that batteries poles (+/–) are facing correctly, and check to make sure that batteries are not dead. 2. Press the POWER button to turn on power. 3. Use the VOLUME slider to increase volume. 4. Normal play is not possible on the accompaniment keyboard while the MODE switch is set to CASIO CHORD or FINGERED. Change the MODE switch setting to NORMAL. 5. Turn on LOCAL CONTROL. 6. Adjust both parameters. Question is......how can I adjust those parameters. Apparently we must do something as 'Function 120 which means 'all sound off'. But how? I hope somebody can help me out. Thank you in advance!!
  4. Version 1.0.0


    Here's another registration with description of the 4 banks: 1. GrPnoConcert with slight pitch adjustment (knob 1 brilliance, knob 2 reverb send) 2. No Sound - for use with Pianoteq or your favorite VSTs 3. Layered GrPnoConcert with E.Piano Pad (use knob 1 for layer balance) 4. Layered Warm Pad with GrPnoConcert (use knob 1 for layer balance) You can edit the keyboard touch responses to your liking and save for each bank.
  5. Happy New Year... We have a Privia PX120- which has always sounded and worked great! My daughter is 12 and takes piano lessons - we pretty much use this as a piano and we don't use all the settings - except to fool around a bit... My daughter went to practice after Winter Break and there was no sound - not even through head phones... We can hear the demo song and metronome - but no sound when we press the keys... I found the manual on the web - and tried turning on local control and turning off lock - not sure I did it correctly because I did not hear a sound to confirm - still no sound from keys... I called Casio and they told me to try the same things I tried from reading the manual. He also suggested to reset by unplugging the piano a few hours to drain the power - which would reset to factory settings - no luck there either... He suggest this forum - I am hoping it's just a matter of pressing some mysterious button - Please help! Thanks!
  6. i need help! i just bought a casio cdp 130 and i was very excited to get playing (this is my first digital piano). i came home and set it up, i followed the instructions in the beginners guide very carefully and triple checked everything, but when i pressed the keys there was no sound what so ever? i feel like i have tried everything. could it be broken? help
  7. Hello everyone! I bought the PX5-S 3 years ago. I love this keyboard, but I'm worried about something wrong with it. When I'm playng a Stage Setting (0-0, for an example) and I change to another SS (like 1-3), the keyboard has no sound and no MIDI messages. I have to turn it off and turn it on again and then it return to normal operation. Is it a bug? My PX has the lastest firmware and I restored to factory settings. This issue occurred more than three times with me, just as I was playing in the gigs (last time was yesterday). Can someone help me? I'm considering to sell it and buy another key. Mery Christmas! P.S.: Sorry my English. Google Translator is helping me .
  8. I have a Casio 110 which has been working fine for years however now I have no sound. The drums and demo play fine but when I play the keys ...nothing. Is there a factory reset? Thanks
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