I purchased my PX-S3000 about a year ago and have used it quite extensively almost every day. The piano sound is exceptional, and I have really enjoyed using it in a variety of different settings. I am running into a problem that seems to be getting more and more pronounced over time. When I first got the keyboard, the keys were quiet and smooth. Now the keys seem more loose and noisier. There is a noticeable clicking/clacking sound on certain black keys especially on keys that I play most often. This was not the case when I first got the keyboard. I've attached a video.
I am curious if any other users have had a similar experience. I know the keyboard is still under warranty, but due to the COVID-19 situation, I have so far not been able to find a local authorized Casio repair shop that is open to check and fix it. Any comments or suggestions are greatly appreciated.
Key Noise.mp4