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Found 3 results

  1. Hello, I am a new member here. I own a PX-760 that is about three years old now. I've no issues encountered with it before, even with the headphone jack. A few days ago, however, as I was playing with my usual earphones in an adapter, the sound suddenly cut off. I was surprised because I could hear through the headphones perfectly well moments prior, and then I couldn't all of a sudden. I unplugged the adapter and plugged it again, but no sound came out of the earphones. I even tried wiggling the earphones just in case its contact with the adapter was not good. Still, no sound came. The sounds work fine with the external speakers. Playing with earphones/headphones is really important to me, as I could play without disturbing anyone late in the night. I've no idea how to assess this issue. I was hoping if anyone could help me. Thank you in advance.
  2. Hey everyone, good morning. I wish that I could insert some sustain in all the tones (specially Pianos) whitout use a expression or sustain pedal. I tried everyrhing, but no success, its possible do that with knobs or someway else? (Using Priva PX 3000) Thanks in advance
  3. Hi, all. I've just discovered this forum. Hope my question(s) is appropriate. --- So, recently, I decided I'd like to purchase a piano keyboard for home. (I play guitar, so if I go on a gig, that's the instrument I'll take; keyboard will stay home for my personal use.) A couple weeks ago, I came across a Privia PX-160 at a local music store and was impressed. There were no other Casio models there, and I assumed the PX-160 was new on the market. But in the last couple of days of going online to learn more about it, I have discovered that the PX-160 is actually an older Casio model and that there are quite a few newer models -- 360, 560, 5S, 760, 770, 780, 860, and 880 -- plus a whole other line called Celviano which I haven't even begun to look at and know nothing about at the moment, much less how it compares to the Privia line or if it even does compare. I do write music, so some recording capabilities would be nice, but these days I am most interested in just being able to sit down and scratch my urge to play at a keyboard once in a while. Because I am a computer geek (graphic designer) and gadget person (loves my bells and whistles), I need something that will hold my interest but at the same time won't have so many choices that I get distracted from the act of actually playing the instrument for its own sake. That happened when I owned a Yamaha ES-8. I never had the time to learn to use it properly; instead, every time I sat down, I spent all my time punching buttons and turning dials and never felt I was having a real piano-playing experience. Plus, I felt guilty all the time that I wasn't using it to its fullest potential -- AND it was heavy. I finally sold it. I don't want quite such a fully-loaded keyboard again, but I do hope to find one that has at least some good voices (more than two or three) and a decent amount of bells and whistles for when I want to do more than just play straight piano. I thought I'd found that with the PX-160 but now I know there are other, newer models. I've been trying all day to find some decent comparisons between them, online, and can't find any. Finally, I spoke with someone at Casio who pointed me to this site, saying that real musicians post here and that someone here could probably give me some advice. I love the faux ebony/ivory look of the PX series. Whatever I buy will be somewhat a piece of furniture for me as well as a musical instrument, so the "authentic" keyboard look pleases me. I don't know if other lines have that -- within or outside of Casio and/or the Privia line, or even among other manufactuers. And, as I said, I've only just become aware of the Celviano line -- only because I have seen it mentioned online -- and I haven't even looked in that direction yet. I will just throw in here, I'm not a brand-name snob by any means. But I have to admit to being totally surprised at all these "grown-up" Casio models I'm finding. I haven't gone keyboard shopping in many years, and I had no idea that Casio had progressed beyond the "toy keyboard" stage. I'm embarrassed to admit it, but that's what I get for not paying attention. I'm so pleased to have discovered such a promising crop of keyboards, and all the reviews I have found have been favorable. I'm hoping someone out there can give me not necessarily a rundown on the pros and cons of every keyboard model available through Casio but perhaps a few folks might have at least an idea of just HOW the Privia models have changed from the PX-160 up through the various models, so that I can weigh if the upgrades are worth the price increases in my particular situation. I know the diff between stage and console, but I don't think that will be a factor necessarily. From what I've found so far, I now realize that the PX-160 is a stage keyboard mainly because of its weight and the option to separate it from a stand, whereas the console pianos are less portable. But if I am convinced that a stage piano has the right sound and onboard goodies, I can always buy one of the attractive stands to go with it and still use it as a piece of furniture here at home. So, all I'm saying there is, don't let stage or console be your guide in advising me, any of you who might decide to accept this mission. :) I know this is a lot to ask, but maybe a few folks will have a few tidbits that I can then assemble and use to form an opinion about some of the later models and why I should choose one of them instead of the PX-160. There aren't a lot of well-stocked music stores in my area (as demo'd by the store where I found the PX-160 and no other Casio keyboard of any kind), so I'm not sure I have any other options for info beyond this forum. But if I glean enough info here, then I can at least decide which models to search out more seriously and which ones to ask about at the music stores that are within driving distance of a couple hours or so. Thanks much in advance to anyone who takes the time to help me out!
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