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  1. It's been a busy month for various disasters (I've suffered a license plate theft and mail robber this year already that's TWO felonies committed against me) but I'm trying to get big into keyboarding this year. I went to Saint Paul last week and visited my friends who just bought a fancy ass house, and I haven't seen them in several months. They both have nice day jobs and a kid, while I'm a musician weirdo with little/no structure in my routine. It was refreshing to hang out for a couple days. They're REALLY into board games, which is whatever to me but it was cool to see a bunch of Pokemon/MTG/Funko Pop/comic book normies interact with each other and prepare for a convention. I helped my friend Kay unload the stock room (which took two hours or so) and they paid me in video games. I got Rayman 3D (which has amazing music and design in general) Killer Instinct on N64 and Resident Evil on Gamecube. I recently got a Nintendo 2DS and have been having fun getting back into gaming, there is a couple pieces of KORG software and a few other content creation apps for the 2DS, but it's just silly fun for the most part. It was really cold and I'm scared to drive in the big city. Kay told me that she had a keyboard in her garage; I asked her what kind and she said "IT'S A CASIOOOO" so I was obviously pumped because that's obviously my jam. See picture. I didn't get to jam it but Kay ordered the power supply from the internet so maybe I'll get to try it next time I'm in town. I might buy one depending on how much it rules. It's low end but so is most of my stuff, so it was fun to see this banger up close. I will probably buy a similar one as the CTK series has been recommended to me in another post. We went to a fried chicken restaurant and they ordered a $70 vat of crab and seafood. I got a shrimp and chicken basket. On the way home I got a flat tire 12 miles from my home, which sucked. Today I went to a Minnesota store called Fleet Farm and got $600 worth of new tires, which leaves me super broke. I spent about twenty minutes (in the waiting room) watching some guy modify a cheap tackle box with a retractable blade that he borrowed from the store clerk. He filled it with fishing lures and then explained his ice fishing routine to me, I tried to make conversation but we're nuts from different trees; and different generations. I'm talking to my friend Jack about MIDI and getting into sequencing. I'm curious what you guys will think of my new project if I ever finish it. That is all for now.
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