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  1. The following explanation is how to record a sample of your own stage setting, post it to Soundcloud, and link it with the SS ("stage setting") you are uploading to the forum... using a thumbdrive.... First of all, create a free soundcloud account at their site and log in. Next, pull up your ss intended for uploading and insert your formatted thumb drive into your px-5s. All the way the right of the keyboard, press the "audio recorder/media" button once quickly. The screen will blink w/ the message "mounting media" for about ten seconds...then it will read "No File" Quickly press the same button again once, and you will notice the "Record" button (over E2) is blinking...you are ready to record... and all you have do is play to start the recording process and push the "Record" button once to stop it. After the first take it will read "TAKE 00", & that will increase by one every time you record another time. (Eg - "TAKE 01", "TAKE 02"...) At this point, if you hit the "START/ STOP" button, you can review your recording immediately. If you like it, just remove the thumb drive from the keyboard and insert it into your computer; the recording has automatically been saved to the thumb drive as "TAKE00". If, however, you hit "ENTER" before you remove the thumbdrive, you will be one click away from deleting that recording...yikes! Now you are almost ready to upload the recording ... I have my musicdat folder on this same thumbdrive... And I have the data editor downloaded on my pc laptop...so here, I go into the editor, and in the left column (under "PC User Data"), I find my stage setting, grab it, and drop it into my musicdat folder. Now, I return to the Soundcloud site, and I push the "Upload" button at the top right center of the screen in the black bar. On the next screen, I push the orange "Choose file to upload" button. I then select and retrieve my recording from the Musicdat folder (under "removable disk" of course). Immediately, it will start uploading. As this occurs, type in a tag (whatever that is!)... I always use "px-5s " & a number...notice under the orange response box it will ask "Add (the tag you give it)" ; well, click that, & it will accept your tag. I then type a very brief description of the recording...something like "px5s stage setting for (yada, yada)" AND THEN, I press the orange "Save" button on the bottom. As it finishes the upload, the next page will appear. Click on "Go to your track" (in blue). Then copy the URL thingy at the top for pasting in the forum in a few minutes. Close the Soundcloud site and log into the forum! Next, go to "Downloads", find the category (on the far left you want to add to), & click on it. Over on the far right, click the black "Upload File" button. On the next screen, click the black "Click to Upload Files" button on the far left and find your wav file in the musicdat folder. Select it. Now, fill in the fields on the page ("File Name" & "Description" is enough I think) In the description, be sure to paste the URL to your soundcloud recording. AND FINALLY, push the black "Add Submission" button at the bottom of the page...And you're done!!!!! I hope this helps!
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