Hello guys!
I discovered something not very pleasant about the issue of equalization. Using the envelope knob I ended up with something scary ... For that I used the attack control (K1) at its highest possible value and adjusted the value of the release control (K2) to zero.
Playing note by note from note E4 to the octaves below it is possible to notice that the sound sample has a higher pitch mixed with the original sound. When a lower note is played, this sound is very noticeable and "spoils" the sound sample by mixing a frequency or timbre that most resembles an acoustic bass or something like that.
I don't know if other PX-S3000 users have noticed this. I will post a video with tests that I did on my DAW and I await your comment. The first four played have no release and no attack values.
P.S.: I'm very sorry about the hamming noise... I need to change my cables... 😕
CASIO stereostrings analysis.mp4