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Found 8 results

  1. Hello I saw a video from Jared Beaney of Casio Australia on youtube for AP-650&. at end of video Jared plays a backing track wav audio from a USB Stick http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FSC9Ygzg_VI&list=PL1fIySn8DGiry9W0JTWHhHF7mj3mDBSWe I have some wav audio tracks Ive generated with Band in A Box , I want to playback on AP-650. Can you please tell me where on the USB stick Jared stored his demo wav file , which folder. and what was your sequence of keys pressed on the AP-650 to play that particular file you demoed. For example, for Midi Files to playback ,I know you place in midis in the USB stick "play" folder , subfolder 'A" thru "D" thanks in advance for your assistance stephen Charlottesville , VA USA www.swingkats.com
  2. My cgp-700 does not display wav files I have saved to the usb. The usb is formatted and the wav files are in 16 bit and 44.1 kHz. But when I go to Media then Load only Registration and MIDI Recording Data are available. When I click on either I get an Error no files message. How can I save the wav format song from my usb to the piano so I can record an accompaniment? I want to be able to then save that original song along with the new accompaniment onto the usb. I can record and save to the usb just fine, but not load wav file songs from my computer. Can anyone help?
  3. I'm hoping this has an easy answer: How can I adjust the volume of a USB wav song relative to the keyboard on my PX-S3000? Ideally, it would be wonderful to be able to adjust the volume live via one of the assignable knobs.
  4. How can save a song recorder song to a WAV file on a USB? If this is in the manual, would appreciate know the page. Page E-19 mentions something similar, but not exactly the same. Thanks! David
  5. If i record audio in my keyboard casio ctk 7300in , its play back nice But after that i insert card to android mobile ,there is nothing found (files founds with 0b size) and that i re insert to keyboard , so that asking for format Please help me
  6. Can you help. I write a tune in logic x in wav form. I then call it TAKE 47.WAV and put it into MUSICDAT. Why does it not work?(sure there is a work around I know)
  7. Hello I'd like to play the recorded intro to the Styx song "Too Much Time On My Hands" Is there a way to trigger a wav file to play the recorded sample? Thanks Mark
  8. G'day all and thanks for contributing to this plethora of knowledge regarding the Casio Synths. I bought the XW-P1 last year and was completely daunted by the depth and versatility of Casio's contraption, not having any idea on what I was really buying. But I know Casio has been building digital keyboards for years and have heard from many people in the industry that they usually sound better than the rest. My biggest problem is I have no idea how to play it, but i'll persevere... I've been searching the forum for more detail on how to things. A big thanks to Patrick for the huge post on how to upload WAV files via the Casio XW Data Manager. Q.1) I was wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction on how to create a SMF (Standard MIDI File) type 0 / or type 1 (*.mid) that will be compatible for upload to the XW-P1 ? Q.2) If this is possible are you then able to play normally over the MIDI output with all the functionality of the Synth? Q.3) I noticed upon playback of my sample .WAV file - that I was restricted to only using the solo synth tone category? There is no mention on capability during file playback in the manual on E-72 or there after. Could I edit the default synth tone? Thanks again for anyone who may answer these questions, unfortunately i have run out of time to look through http://www.casiomusicforums.com/ for an answer.... If someone knows of a document, thread or video about these things - can you please let us know? CHEERS Thanks again all! Happy Jamming !
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