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how to make an arp phrase sound immediately when a second note is pressed


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Not sure how to word this.


I'm playing around with the arp phrase feature.

I recorded a phrase which is just one note and four beats long.

I recorded it using a deep bass synth hex layer (found in Deckard's lead on zone 1 in stage setting on 3:3)

I then over-dubbed the phrase using the same note for a deeper sound.

Then I overdubbed it once more adjusting the filter and resonance controls randomly.

Then I slowed it down using the tempo control and the result was a long bass drone with lots of character.

It worked very well to play the blade runner theme over which I haven't got tired of playing yet :)


So then I figured I'd save the phrase and use it as an arp so the pitch would change if I played a different note.


Seems that I have to completely depress one note if I want to press a second and have the phrase start to sound immediately for the second note.


If I press one note and then while holding that one, press another, it will sound the complete phrase (which is very long because the temp is slowed down) for the first note before it then plays the phrase for the second note.


Or say I press, one note, depress it and play another note, if the first note wasn't depressed completely before the second note was pressed, it will play the phrase for the first note before it starts it for the second.


I'm wondering if there is a setting I can change so the phrase sounds immediately I press the second note, regardless of whether the first note has been completely depressed or not.


Hope that makes sense, cheers.

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When you write the phrase, if you arrow down and change the LOOP: parameter to [OFF], I believe it will do what you're asking.  The downside is that, well, it won't loop if you do that.  For what you're doing, though, it sounds like that may not be an issue.

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