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  1. I see. interesting. I haven't tried it. Just reading other peoples posts saying that it bunches at one end. And it is a log pot which means it must bunch at one end. Though if a keyboard had a calibration function, it would bunch less or not at all. It seems to me that a lot of people are missing out on the full functionality of their expression pedals by using the wrong one. I mean if it is the first time someone has used an expression pedal, and that pedal is incorrect, someone might believe that is as good as it gets. When in fact they might be missing out on the smooth transition from heel to toe. Though the proof is in the hearing, and if someone is happy with what they hear, then fair enough.
  2. and then there is purchase, which comes between theory and practice 🙂
  3. Actually the FC7 should work because it is a TRS pedal, meaning that the wiper is wired to the tip of the plug. The FC7 does however have a logarithmic potentiometer rather than the required linear potentiometer, which means that the change heard will be bunched up at one end of the pedals travel, rather than being spread evenly. There is a list of pedals at www.expressionpedals.com that shows heaps of compatible pedals. Anything wired as TRS with a10k pot would be ok, though even higher values than 10K would probably be ok too.
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