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Fin C

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  1. Just to let you know. Pattern Sequencer is up and fulfilling the role of a more "orthodox" step sequencer and working very well. I really like the loop record feature now as you can expand on your original sequence ideas as you record the steps and take your time to listen and refine the melody so 64 steps and upward become much more creative rather than the usual repetitive passages. The other outstanding feature is the channel count in the sequencers design. I'm now routing separate channels to VST instruments in Ableton and it works a treat. Together with some of its own edited tones, very powerful Arp and sequencer it's beginning to look like the best value master midi keyboard anywhere making a lot of the current best sellers look like toys in comparison. Once again, many thanks for your help.
  2. Again, thanks for your help, will try to use existing rhythms and let you know how I get on with the process. If I can make it a process that fits comfortably with my workflow then as a MIDI compliant device I can play direct into one of my analog synths (using a Kenton USB to MIDI converter) a series of sequences with arps - it then provides a whole new creative world to explore. I hear you mumble but you can record your sequence in a DAW and then twiddle nobs but thanks to the wonders of polyphony It can be a whole new interactive experience.
  3. Thanks for the reply. As stated above I tried this in the pattern sequencer (PS) and still had the same result...one bar count in. Are you suggesting it will only loop drum tracks without the count in, as when I use a bass track in the PS it still counts in. Is there a work around using a dummy note for drums in the drum track and then step input a repeating 4 bar sequence ? Or am I missing a command to finalise the sequence and omit the count-in? If that is the case It sounds like I may have to go down the Arturia Keystep route to achieve this (it has an Arp midi function but not the range of Arp types found on the 7200).
  4. My CTK 7200 inserts a one bar count-in on easy record, song record and pattern record. How do I eliminate these intrusive notes. I cannot find anything in the manual that will allow me to play a four bar sequence on repeat without these appearing despite not using the count in feature when recorded. I want to use the keyboard as a midi controller and focus on sound design rather than playing keys. The potential of the midi sequencer is huge but there are lots of infuriating blocks in the way
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