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Patrick Arend

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Everything posted by Patrick Arend

  1. Hi Double P, thank's for your response to this question. I will try that, the only problem for me is the dsp effect's in my hex layer's, I don't want to change them to get a real time filter sweep, I just want to get a real time filter sweep without effecting my effect's. Im beginning to think that real time filter sweep's in hex mode is just not possible.
  2. Hi AllenK, maybe the german guy was using an external filter sweep in hex mode, if not, I wish I knew how the heck he did that on the xw-p1.
  3. Hello, is there any way to have filter sweep's in hex layer mode? This question probably has already been answered, but maybe there is a work around for this. Thank's to any one who can answer this question.
  4. Hello, is there any way to have filter sweep's in hex layer mode? This question probably has already been answered, but maybe there is a work around for this. Thank's to any one who can answer this question.
  5. Hi Bobbys, i don't know a lot about synth's tech speak, please forgive my lack of specific's. I do mess around with filter's to take the edge off most xw pad's that might other wise seem to bright. The xw-p1 hex layer's (to my ear's) really start's to shine when I apply it's effect's. It's strange because even effect's you would not expect to bring in a stereo widening effect somehow add a little bit of a better stereo and fattening.(minus dist/ovd). When im in hex layer I like to go in layer edit and tweak effect's in real time with the two far right slider's. For motion effect's, stereo imaging, and cool sonic effect's, this is very good, and if you use effect's like flanger's and phazer's you can get some trippy real time effect's with those two slider's. Also sometime's I create hex layer's with two identical tone's , then I slightly detune them in opposite direction's and pan them(a little or a lot) in opposite direction's. Then I might even add one more identical tone in a lower octave with lower volume to create a subtle harmonic effect. Overall, i just experiment with tweaking knob's and slider's, and parameter's. When I get a sound I like I save it. I hope this was helpfull .
  6. The german guy isn't playing in real time, when he start's and stop's the step sequencer he never hit's any button's to start or stop. and he does not have a foot pedal hooked up for step seq start stop. Most everything was probably prerecorded in advance to make the presentation better. I think all of it was done using xw-p1.It is very capable of doing everything I heard in the video and more. From personal experience I have got better sound's and sequence's from my xw-p1 than this video demonstrate's.but then again, the whole thing could be a hoax, I suppose it could be possible.
  7. Hi David, I am using my xw-p1 in a studio recording inviroment. Even though I record most stuff in real time over a metronome, or a midified drum step sequencer beat, I also really like the step sequencer for creating strange, cool music I would not have otherwise been able to create. Also I like to create a step sequence around phrase's. I am currently saving up for the xw-g1. In my opinion, the xw's and the px-5s are among the best synthesizer's in the world.
  8. Hi all, the xw-p1 sequencer is the most baffling sequencer I have ever worked with, still haven't totally figured it out,but I do like the unpredictable weird cool stuff you can do with it. Great Groove box.
  9. Thank's for the info happyrat1,now I know. Hi Scott, I found out about xw-j1 when I was looking for the manual for the data editer for xw-p1.Look's like a nice piece of gear .
  10. Hi Scott, the xw's and the px-5s are great synth's, one of the things I like most is they do not sound or handle like typical rompler's. With my xw-p1, I feel like I got every analog mono, and anolog poly synth in the world,
  11. I have changed my mind about the xw-g1, I really want to get one. I got thinking about it, and the sampling I would be doing does not really have to be high fidelity, like vocal and fx sample's, and then I was thinking some more,and it was like a duh moment , I can load 16 bit wave sample;s into the xw-g1 through a sd card. I better start saving my change because Im gonna get me an xw-g1
  12. Like the xw-p1, the more I use my volca key's the more bad a** it is.
  13. Hi Jokeyman123, I wish I could answer your question, it is a stumpfer. You might be on to something with the slider's. I really liked your firmware update ideal, that's good thinking. I know casio could squeeze out at least one more firmware update if they wanted to. I hope Mike Martin can get them to do at least one more update. I know he would also want one more update for the xw.
  14. Hi forum, started messing around with making custom drum's, that note off mode is pretty cool,i have got some trippy drum effect's, and it's very good for cymbal dampening effect's.
  15. It may not be the official meaning, but Scott nailed it.
  16. That was cool, space theme's and synthesizer's go hand and hand.
  17. I have been messing around in performance mode, I did not know you could create up to 9 layer voice's, starting with a solo, hex, drawbar,or pcm, then add 3 other pcm sound's, then assign all that to key's. Wow! sweet.
  18. Hi, I did not list how to trigger phrase's in the correct order, it is important in order to do this, so here it is. First, have your daw midi set for master, clock. Second, have xw-p1 midi set for slave, go to step edit, press enter, select part ct14, scroll down to nop and turn jogwheel until phrase appear's. Scroll down again to second nop turn jogwheel to start. Now you can go back to step seq menu by pressing exit, go to track param, enter, scroll down to phrase no. choose phrase, hit exit twice, start recording from your daw at beginning of song, xw-p1 phrase will start to play in midi sync.
  19. WOW! just figured out how to trigger or start a phrase with midi. after all the info I got from you guy's I realized the only way to do it was to go back to the step seq,(thank's AlenK) I referenced the manual page's E56 and E57 of xw-p1 manual,( I know I once said the manual was almost useless but I take that statement back.) I went into step seq, then to track param, to Phrase No. Then I went back to step edit ct14 phrase, start . When I hit record on my daw the phrase I wanted to start, started. This made me very happy. So far I can only do this from the beginning of the first measure of a song ,but it doesn't matter because I can now drop a midi synced phrase from the xw-p1 at the start of a song on my daw, then I can copy that phrase and lay it down anywhere in the song. If I find a way to trigger phrase's anywhere in a daw I will post it. Again thank you happyrat1 for getting the ball rolling, and thank you AlenK for the good manual info. thank you Jared Beaney, and thank you Mr. Martin for looking into this subject and letting me know the limit's of my type of daw. Oh by the way, when I did the seq, the step seq was blank, that way I could use it to trigger phrase's only.
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