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Everything posted by Jey

  1. Jey

    PX 560 Chorus Effects

    Thanks for all your help everyone. I'm enjoying the PX560 and there's a lot for me to learn about it, so it's great that you are able to help me. I've noticed that a lot of the tones come with Chorus Send set to 0 and if you want to edit it so you can add chorus to it, you have to save it as a new tone. Is there any way that you can edit the chorus send without having to create a new tone and just overwrite the existing tone? Thank you
  2. Jey

    PX 560 Chorus Effects

    Thanks both for your help on saving tones and auto resume. The chorus send for the tone was set to 0, that's why it wasn't working, it's all working fine now. 😀
  3. Hello, I've been enjoying playing my PX 560, but I haven't been able to get a noticeably different sound using the chorus effects. Has anybody else experienced this? Can anyone recommend any chorus settings for me to try? Is there a way to save your effects settings, so you don't have to keep setting them and to set a default piano sound, so every time you switch on the PX560 the tone and effect settings you want are automatically loaded for you? With the modulation wheel is there any way you can set that setting without using the wheel? I'd like to be able to set it digitally, so I can set a precise number of modulation, so I can be more accurate with it? I'd greatly appreciate any help you can give me with any of my questions. Many thanks, Jey
  4. I really enjoyed listening to that, well done. Can I ask what piano tone and effect settings you used? Thanks
  5. Thanks both for letting me know
  6. Hi Mike, Thanks for your reply. The tones that I was unable to add to my Privia 560 were downloaded from this Casio Music Forum under the Privia 560 category. Bosendorfer: https://www.casiomusicforums.com/index.php?/files/file/1016-px-560m-bosendorfer/ Romantic: https://www.casiomusicforums.com/index.php?/files/file/1015-px-560m-romantic/ Both of these tones are in .rar format and the tones I have been able to add to my Privia 560 were not in this format. Is the .rar format incompatible with my digital piano or is there a way to add these tones? Thank you, Jey
  7. Hello, I just recently bought a Privia 560M and have been able to add new tones I've downloaded from here. However, I've not been able to upload tones that come in the .rar format, such as the Bosendorfer tone. Does anyone know how I would do that? Also just to check are we free to use these tones that Casio and other users upload in our performances and recordings that we make and potentially sell? Thanks, Jey
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