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Brad Saucier

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Everything posted by Brad Saucier

  1. Thanks Gary, I'll have to study this. MIDI stuff stretches my brain to the limit.
  2. Happyrat1, I use cakewalk too. I've always been curious about those INS definitions. I never messed with them. Is it easy to make one?
  3. Here's a little more about it. http://www.casio-intl.com/asia-mea/en/emi/past/high_grade/mz2000.html I'm still pretty proud to have one.
  4. Yes I've looked on youtube for the MZ-2000.
  5. Exactly! Quote: "ive got user tones out of it (tones),(hex),(organ),(solo synth) that go far beyond the presets." I've always said this about the MZ-2000. Even simple tweaks make a big difference. Just recently I was using the "Jazz Guitar" tone for an 80's power rock thing. I run the Jazz Guitar through DSP for Distortion, Amp Sim and Delay but the release time of the guitar was to long for a natural sounding staccato play. A quick tweak of release time made a world of difference. I've found I've needed to shorten release time for Brass and Trumpet sounds for other stuff as well. It makes a big difference for staccato stuff. I've made much better sounding synth tones like syn bass and syn strings. The list goes on and on.
  6. Yes I hope this forum grows too. I will be sticking around myself. I just hope that 1 other person with an MZ-2000 shows up. BTW I love those XW synths. They have that 1980's look to them I loved the look of those 80s synths. If I could, I'd own every XW they made especially that chrome orange one. But I'm going for that px5 for now. Maybe it will come in chrome blue! are u listening Tokyo. I have to say though that the current white, blue and black look has grown on me. So, pat, I would love to hear about your creations with your XW-p1. Drop your thoughts on us. This is the perfect thread for it.
  7. Thanks, the editor sounds like the way to go. I have studied the XW-P1 data editor to get a sense of how things might work for the PX-5.
  8. Hi Joe, Yes that's the song. BTW there is a club mix of the song I like better. I've been able to recreate most of it with the pattern sequencer but synthesizing the arp sound has eluded me. The MZ-2000 synth is limited compared to the PX-5. I'm thinking it would be easy to get the sound right with it. Especially the arp pattern itself. The MZ's arpeggiator is strictly presets. No user patterns are possible. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yLxgjOh2sbs
  9. O.k Here's the situation that I hope is NOT the case on the PX-5s, One of my major problems with saving files on the MZ-2000 occur's when I categorically save all data to disk rather than individually saving items. (eg: user tone data) I find myself often with the user memory full and would like to save everything to disk in one shot. The MZ allows you to save "all data" in categories. (eg: If I want to save all my user tones I select "Save" then "tone" then select "C. All execute") One file is written to the disk containing all user tone's. Now, this is nice but there's a problem. There is no way to "individually" reload user tones contained in that file. I am forced to reload the entire user bank. If I want to be able to reload tones individually I have to individually save the user tones. I've learned over time to save a user tone as soon as I create it so that I don't get to the point of having to save them all at once because this is a time consuming process on the MZ. (and it only holds 40 user tones on board ) The PX-5s holds A LOT more than 40 . I hope the file system in the PX-5s has been changed to give the option to save all user tones categorically or individually and the ability to reload tones categorically or individually. Any insight into this would be appreciated.
  10. Yes pat I agree. Mike is appreciated. He doesn't have to answer questions, but he does. He gives Casio an advantage no other company has and I hope the boys in Tokyo recognize this and take good care of him. Unrelated Question while I'm here: Are there any other forums talking about the PX-5s? I've found Musicplayer and SynthZone. Am I missing any?
  11. I'll probably be the only person who'll ever ask for that song. Sorry, It's an 80's thing.
  12. That last pdf (the midi stuff) I try to avoid whenever possible.
  13. This forum site looks so good and "official" that many are mistaking it for a CASIO site. I know I was unsure at first. Also: The more tidbits of info I read about the PX-5 the more I like it. I'm sold. It's official. And here's a challenge for you Mike: The arp pattern sound in The Neverending story theme. I just can't get it right.
  14. Hi AndreiR, Have you watched any youtube video tutorials?
  15. The new SK-5"s"? I can picture it right now. An XW-G1 stuffed into a SA-46.
  16. Thanks and enjoy that Casio!
  17. Glad I could help. I did some research on the XW-G1 because I was interested in it It is well packed with features. So, I can say this is a good synth to learn with. It does take some time to learn any new synth, but once you understand the Casio menu it will make sense. And yes, the MZ is a blast after all these years. Today I'm looking for 88 keys so I'm heading for the PX-5s.
  18. I'm jealous. You get to have fun with the XW-G1. But I still love my MZ-2000. To answer your question: I assume you have tried the small volume control next to the input jack. Next, there is a menu setting (in the mixer) for volume level. There is a section in the manual for mixer settings to help you find everything. If that still doesn't work, you might be able to boost the sound by adding a DSP effect to the mixers input part. I hope this helps. As I said, I don't have a XW-G1 myself. So, I'm stretching my knowledge on this. My suggestion comes from my use of the mic input on the MZ-2000. It should apply to this model as well. Edit: I just quickly scanned through the manual for the xw-g1 and there is a setting list for the external input part. A setting called AUTO LEVEL looks like it could cause a low volume level as well. This is a new setting that doesn't exist in the MZ-2000, so I'm not sure if it will help.
  19. Hi AndreiR, I just recently found this forum as well. It is full of very knowledgeable people. Also, if you look around the web, there are other forums with many more XW users posting help and ideas. There is a blog here http://xwsynth.wordpress.com that might help. And new youtube videos are going up all the time. My suggestion is to go get what you can from the manual and then just dive in (which I suspect you've already done). Just keep going. Trust that things will start to make sense the more you use it. Good luck.
  20. Mike is your guy for this one. I wish I could help. Sorry.
  21. Redwave. I have a possible workaround for your Drums/Octave shift issue. Mike answered a question for me about user drum set editing. You can map any of the PX5's drum samples to any of the 88 keys. So, with this you could put drums near the top end where you want and leave the rest empty.
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