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Posts posted by pianoralf

  1. Friends, be so kind an post in english.  It's also not my native language, but it's easier to understand than using google translator .
    I am the Person with the MZ-X 500 comming with firmware 1.51  . I made a a video from the screen showing 1.51 and move the camera to demonstrate that this is no trick.

    Or do you mean the report of a "1.6 beta"?
    I tested a demo sample Silvano send me with a piano. I had no problems with this. I don't know wich problems you had before with samples and memory, but all notes play regular.
    So let's hope that Casio will release a changelog for this version and give you all the download link.

    Is there something else to test with version 1.51 to see if it's fixed.

    You can contact me via PM if you have special content to test.


  2. I measured in shop at px360 that the speakers offer about 90 db maxvolume. So normally enough on stage to hear what you are playing. If you use pa boxes for the auditorium, you will also get the additional bass for yourself.

    At home I guess you will use your near field monitors with subwoofer, our at least a subwoofer.


  3. Hi,

    I am also interested in developing a tool to visualize some data parameters and to change or manage things.
    I have found out how to edit files for the PX5S and keep them "valid". Otherwise you would get a message "invalid file".

    Does anyone know anything about the data format (structure description) of the files?

    Is there anywhere a description of the CASIO phrase fileformat?

    There is a SMF Converter, of course, but I would like to understand the data format.

    Maybe I would take part in a project to develop a tool to convert a midi file to a PX5S Song with several tracks and phrases.

    At the moment we have to convert each channel to a phrase and split them into many tracks, if they are longer than MayFilesize for phrases

    Then they have to be convertet to shift the used MIDI channel to free channel 1-4, to be able to play with the 4 zones.

    Then the converted phrases have to be put in a Song, where we have 8 tracks.

    Then the phrases and the Song must be transferred to the referred phrase-number to the PX5S. I think this could be done by using the package format.


    So where is documentation about the ZPH ZPF ZSQ ZLT ZDR files?



  4. Hi,
    this seems to be a theme for the facebook discussion group.
    I put my Stagesettings, which I needed for a gig all in Bank 0. So it was just one button to change.

    Using a StageSetup you can also change the sound by selecting the Group (Piano, ElecPiano, Organ) and + - Keys

    It COULD be a feature for a firware update, to change the bank on pressing long on a button to change the bank.


  5. Amazing solution!

    This is a good workarround.

    You are transmitting MIDI Data from the phrase which is assigned to Zone 4.

    This comes to the MIDI in and uses Channel 10 to play the drums.

    Now we are able to add a looping drum one Zone4 to existing sounds which normally use Zone1. 

    I was able to reproduce that.  
    I think the problem is MIDI connection. This could have side effects on other sounds. These must be edited before usage.


  6. Hi,

    I analyzed the package file and came to the conclusion that it is packed (like zip) !

    If you rename the ZPK file to [filename].zip, you will be able to unpack it with a standard unzip application.

    Then you will see what the file contains.

    0.ZDR -> This Drumset will be transferred to the first slot for dumsets (starts with 0), which is numbered as U20 in the editior.

    12.ZLT-> Hextone will be transferred to the 12th slot for Hextone (which are numbered from 50 upwards, so it goes to 62)

    127.ZPH > This is the Phrase which goes to 127 (start with 0) 

    20.ZPF -> This its the Stagesetting for Slot 20 (start with 0) 

    package.dat : This is a parameterfile , which manages where the components will be saved in PX5S. I also contains some additional data. So I expereimented to rename 20.ZPF to 21.ZPF and inside that file also the included name. But there is a following code included which forces the data to go into Slot 20. So, we can not easy manipulate the slots by renaming the files inside the package file.

    The missing names, like "Superstision" and "JasonSet1" are included in the files itself. So if you put "0.ZDR" to the left side of the PC Editor and dragg it to the right side into slot 21 for drums, you will be surprisingly see the name JasonSet1 on the PX5S .

    So your question about the lower filesizes is answered.
    The mp3 or a recorded wav will not be included in the ZPK file, but it coud be supported. I zipped it into the file and I still was able to open it inside the editior. The edior just ignores the mp3 file inside the zpk.


    Another important thing you must know:

    - You must not include the (Hex)Tone Data into a Packagefile. It is already included inside the StageSetting data.

    - You must not include the DrumTone Data into a Packagefile. It is already included inside the StageSetting data.



    I tested that by removing the ZLT and JasonSet1.ZDR file from the Package and still found the "Brasstition" after transferring the ZPK to the PX5S in Zone1 


    -The ZPK file overwrites the existing slots for the stagesetting, drum and Phrase. (I guess also the other included fieles)

    So, if you have some important data there you have to backup them before.

    The easiest way is to create a full backup with the keyboard before testing a zpk file and restore, if you don't like it.

    I recommend the following steps before using a package file

    In the PC press the Button "Package Edit" and then the Keys Str "o" or the Load Button to load the package file

    Then press the TAB button inside the right window.
    Then you can see what is included and where it will go to. (Slot Number)

    If you want to change this, you have to select the corresponding category on the left side (e.g. phrase)
    Then klick the Tab "Current category" on the right side !!! and then

    you are able to dragg the component left side. 
    Then you klick the "Transfer" button and dragg the file to the destination you want.


    Be aware, that stagesettings contain a slot number for Drumsets, arpeggios and phrases. So you will have to correct this if you select a different destination for a phrase or arpeggio.

    So as a conclusion I would use Packagefiles for publishing new StageSetting with phrases and arpeggios with fix numbers.

    Every user should "free" the slots for experimental use.
    I suggest:


    Stagesetting 9.0

    Phrase 990 - 999 (press the NUM key and the numbers or if you are on 0 press the - key  key to have quick access to the high values)


    The following categories must not included into packagefiles. But if you want this, then use.


    PNO U39

    EPN U109

    ORG U49

    STR U89

    GTR U59

    VAR U120  

    HEX U199

    DRM U39


    If we use these slots nothing will be overwritten. 

    If you like the data, you simply must correct the slotnumber inside the Stagesetting for Phrase and Arpeggio for each zone which uses them.




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  7. It is a geat idea to use both methods to have playing drums.

    You don't need an external controller, and to send SysEx is too complex.

    I figured out a method to toggle 2 drumpatterns via Pedal2.

    I use a song for the normal beat. This is in Slot 9 (I call This SongPhrase: Use my demosong to configure Drums for channel 10 independent from stagesetups)

    I use a stage setup with drums on Zone1  ( I call this StagePhrase) 

    and a configuration for pedal 2 in the StageSetting

    This Pedal2 must have 2 configurations:

    1 Start/Stop for the song which has 99 bars

    2 Start/Stop for the phrase, which has 1 bar 

    Use Toggle for Pedal2 !

    Then select Song and Song 9

    Then press Phrase and select the phrase you want (this can be stored in the stagesetup)

    Now press the left pedal-- the phrase and the song will start.

    After one bar the phrase will stop, and the song will continue


    After that, we can toggle between the two drum patterns with the second pedal, to use the StagePhrase as a fill in  :)



    A variant is to use the Arpeggio on/off. But this only works if you press a key exactly on the beginning of the bar to keep the beat.



    We only have 10 Songs. But it is easy to change the rhythm: Press song edit enter and then + - keys to change the drumpatterns.


    Remember: Each Song is a Stagesetup for Zones 5-12. This is for tracks 1-8 which use MIDI Channels 5-12. So you can use the Mixer inside the Song to select the sounds for the Zones.

    I have set a drum setup to channel 10. This is why Songs are independent from StageSettings, which use Zone 1-4.


    On weekend I will post a package with song, stagsetup and phrase to demonstrate it.



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  8. Volume usually is set for the used MIDI channels at the beginning of the file. So you can not predict it. But you can adjust some sliders or knobs to the expression controller of 4 midi channels. Usually you find on channel 10 the Drums.

    Your stage setting is also influenced by the midi file. You are able to select a stage setting before you start the playback. But the volume for the zones will be overwritten by the volume infos which are usually included in the first bar of the midi file. In most cases it will also change your sound. 

    So you will be able to play the Sound which is used by channel 1 of the MIDI file in the keyrange you have set in you stage setting.
    The 4 zones are fix coupled to channel 1 - 4 of the the MIDI file. If you use a stage settings with 4 Zones you will be able to control and play 4 channels. You can change the MIDI channel for the SENDING out Data, but this parameter has no influence what the MIDI files does to your stagesetting. But during playing Zone 1 you are able to set the absolute volume with CC 7 or the relative volume with the expression value (CC 11) . I have not tested that, but it might be possible to set a "Start-expression value" to Zone 1-4 when calling the Stagesetup. On "Start" the MIDI file will send "Volume" value for channel 1. This is the maximum level. Now you have 127 steps to lower it by the expression level. You will be able to change the relative volume by moving the slider for expression.
    For testing program on the editor "Parameter edit", "Stage Setting", "Common" the  the maximum level for the first slider (which is to be set to CC11)  to 64. This should change the volume of the midi track on the channel 1 to the half value. Please report on this, if this slider which is used for expression and maximum = 64 will influence the volume before you have touched it. I guess the value will be "send" after moving the slider.
    The problem is still how to change the volume for the other channels. This is possible via the "Mixer" which is a bit hidden in "Parameter Edit" and Tab "Mixer". You find it also on the keyboard, but very hidden. Look into the manual if you really want to use this, but I don't recomend this.

  9. Yes it can be done: In  PC Edtior go to 

    Tone Z1 on Tab Zone and on Osc1 scroll down to Amp

    turn Vleocity Sense to 63.

    Repeat it for all used oscillators.

    There is another veloctiy parameter for the filter. Experiment which effect in sound you want to control over velocity.

    Then go to Tone Z2 if used and  repeat the procedure

    The velocity parameter on the StageSetting Tab Zon Mixer "Velo Range" controls the "input" range.

    So if you adjust it to 64, then soft attacks will not be send to the tone generator.

    I have done these changes on Jim's 9Draw Org4. Here I also changed the usage of Pedals.
    I moved the vent control on Pedal 2 and assigned Pedal 1 for Sustain ( Organ players would forgive me, I am also a PianoPlayer!)


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  10. Where did you find a "Rename page"?

    You must move the files in a folder named "MUSICDAT". The PX does not read the USB Sticks root, only that directory and no subdirectory.

    Short Press on button "AudioRecorder" allows to playback these files.
    During wav play unfortunately you can not change the sound or a stage setting. You have to select them before you press the START button.
    So if you have an external player it might be the better choice to plug it into the AudioIn.


  11. Have you tried this on ZONE 1? Or in other words does it depend on the zone you use? Maybe helpful for a ticket is file which demonstrates the unexpected behaviour.

    I don't understand what you mean with "the next bug". If we want Casio to analyse it, they need a procedure to reproduce the bug. Write what you were expecting and what happens, if you do the steps you will describe. I don't work for casio, but I am testmanager for other kind of software.


  12. Howto Convert a Phrase to a MIDI File (.mid)

    Here are the essential steps:
    - record a phrase
    - create a new song and put the phrase in it (insert key)
    - save the song

    - insert a USB Stick
    - long press on "AudioRecorder" Button
    - select "Save" ENTER Button
    - select "Song Seq" ENTER
    - select "SMF save" ENTER
    - select place to save and give a name and press Enter
    Then you will find a .mid file on your USB Stick

    If you use more than one tracks, you will find by default Track 1 on channel 5, Track 2 on channel 6 and so on. You can change this by using the EDIT Function of the songsequencer:
    Go to SongMixer and on page2 you find "Channel"
    Be sure to change your drum Track to 10, because this is the standard MIDI channel for drums on SMF Files

    To convert a Standard MIDI File to a Phrase use the PC Editor. 
    A phrase is one one instrument and so you have use the fiter function within that  PC-Edtior during convering by filtering one channel.
    If you have more than one channel, repeat converting for each channel. (up to 8 tracks).

    Put them togehter on the SongSeq on the PX5S.
    Restriction each ph
    rase has a limit of 8 KByte Data. (enough for 3 minutes playing)

  13. Yes your suggestion with a MIDI File is feasible, if you first select the Stagesetup and the start play for the MIDI File. But it is a pity that the most  functions are restricted during play. This makes sense when you play a MIDI File with many tracks and you only want to add one instrument, which is already regitered in the MIDI file.
    But if you use it just for a a drumtrack, in my opinion it is better to convert this drum MIDI file to a phrase and play it with the SongSeqencer.

    This method does not restrict the usabilty of the keyboard.

    I am still waiting for someone, who will convert his drumtracks to phrases and upload it here. I could do that, but I have not much experience with handling drum loops and think there will come many people who have arranged drums with a DAW and could better give advice and select the most wanted drum patterns and upload them.
    I still hope Casio will fix the timing problem on the loop point, but as a workarround it might be better at firmware 1.1 not loop by bar, but to use phrases already looped for 4, or 8 bars. This makes it easier to combine precount, Variantion1, Fill-In1, Variation2, Fill-In2 and then start again with Variation1 ...

    If Variation 1 and 2 are ready for 4, or 8 bars (or other usefull amounts) it will be very easy to create a song, by just tapping "insert" and then select the next Phrasenumber and the press insert again. So I would suggest to name those Phrase e.g  Beat_01_4  Where 01 is Variation 1 and 4 the amount of bars.

    I guess not to use the loop function in the Songsequencer will be a workarround. If Casio will fix it, I would like to have an additional loop to repeat a whole Song excluding the precount endless. This would give us a complete solution for a drum accompaniment.
    I hope more people will ask for that feature and maybe Casio will add this

  14. Conversely the P5S has fixed MIDI IN 1-4 for the 4 zones. But it can receive on the 16 channels of course, but you can not change the MIDI IN for ZONE 1 to an other channel. Even if the MIDI Out for Zone 1 is set to Channel 5, it will receive on channel 1.

    Are you sure that the channel you changed on the Kronos is for MIDI IN?
    Like Mike I guess the Kronos has one MIDI IN channel for the whole keyboardrange where you had set multiple sounds.

    But if you use a different channel than that one which is configured for the "Combi" it should reproduce different sounds, because you can set the MIDI OUT for each zone on the PX5S to a different MIDI channel. Otherwise you would not be able to play a standard MIDI file on the MIDI IN.

  15. On the PX5S you can assign sliders and knobs to Zones. Each Zone can have a separate MIDI channel (MIDI out on/off)  and optionally set to "Generator off" so that it can be used to control an external device. The restriction is that on calling a stageSetup on the PX5S it will send programChange to an external Keyboard (even with MSB...) but no configuration data (SysEx, pan, chorus, ambiance) But you can send them at once via the Songseqencer if necessary or send them by touching a slider or knob.

  16. The timing problem occurs sometimes in the Arpeggiator within a StageSetup and in the SongSequencer or simply if you loop a phrase.
    It is sometimes a very short delay on the loop point, when the phrase does not excatly end at the end of a bar, or if some configration Data is send at the beginning of a phrase, which delays the beginning of the the first note a bit.
    Normally you will not recognize it, but if you play more than one track looping in the SongSequencer the tracks begin to differ a bit after some loops.

    It is not inside a phrase. So as Brad write we all hope that Casio will fix this soon.

    I have prepared a "Song" just for the Metromone here http://www.casiomusicforums.com/index.php?/files/file/70-metronome-package/

    This method imports the Song and the Phrase in one step. So it is automatically located in the correct position. (Song No 9 and Phrase 999)

  17. I can reproduce that. It is not a bug, it's a feature ;-) It was the same on all my Privia Pianos before.

    But on the PX5S you can program "Generator off" for each Zone. This will have the same effect, and is accessible via one key.

    Now with this configuration the StageSetup does not sound. If you want to use it for the internal sound, you must not reprogramm the StageSetting, you can simply connect MIDI OUT to MIDI In. The only restriction is, that some parameters (reverb, pan, chorus) will not be send via MIDI.

  18. The second method is using the SongSeqencer.

    Put the phrase in a song, and you will be independent from a stage setting.

    It is not necessary to edit Stage setups. You can use a 4 Zoned StageSetup plus a full drum track from the Songsequencer

    It is all described in the drum pattern thread


    Or simply download the example http://www.casiomusicforums.com/index.php?/files/file/36-1ntitle/

    and replace the patterns with that one you like.

    In SongSequencer you have to set the amount of repeatings. It does not play endless. This is the only restriction


    I hope that one of us will soon upload some standard drumloops ready converted as phrases and we could use the SongSequencer  as a drum partner. It is just a (diligent but) routine piece of work.


  19. Yes you are right. It is a cool effect and you must know which level you need after pressing the pedal. Therefore you have 2 volume levels, like the normal soft pedal, but with a configurable 2nd level and a adujstable time from level 1 to level 2. Maybe usefull for a fade out. 
    I have not programmed that, but it is your idea. So it would be helpful if you describe the steps to get that effect.

    But you can not emulate  a real volume pedal, which you can use to adjust the volume in 128 steps depending on the angle of your foot. 


  20. Brad: What do you mean with "Volume envelope"? Pedal 2 is just a switcher and can not operate as Volume pedal CC7 or CC11. I have testet that by plugging a volume pedal to the jack and I were not able to use it to control the volume. Sorry but this is not supported. The normal function of the 2nd pedal is a damper (soft) which reduces the volume with a fix value, but I think this is not what tylywt was asking for. The Volumen pedal normally has 3 contacts and the Pedal 2 Input only has 2 contacs.



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