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Everything posted by blaster-b

  1. I routinely get this problem as well if I haven't used my PX-5s in a couple of weeks. I've always had the latest firmware installed (1.13 currently), and I still get the problem. I have to re-install the firmware, which allows me to boot the keyboard.
  2. I bought the PX-5S with the secret hope that either someone clever on the internet would be able to make a simple mod to the pedal jack (to replace with a continuous one)...or perhaps even Casio would recognize this and provide a way to upgrade your unit. (Actually, I'm even more secretly hoping it could just be a firmware update, and the pedal jack is already continuous.) It's obvious the sound engine supports it…would be nice to have this functionality standard on the unit. Otherwise, I have absolutely no complaints about the PX-5S. I bought my sight unseen, and it is truly an amazing sounding board.
  3. Nope, didn't talk to Brad (or anyone for that matter). Just used their web store.
  4. Got my PX-5s from Axe Music on Tuesday - basically a 5 day turnaround. Arrived in perfect shape, and Axe was great to deal with. Highly recommended. Just started scratching the surface of what this board can do, but overall I'm extremely happy with the piano and e-piano sounds. Looking forward to trying out some of the downloads and putting in some time learning the sound engine. Thanks again for all the advice.
  5. Thanks for the advice everyone. Just ordered one from Axe Music. First time I've ever ordered a board without playing it, but I am confident I made the right decision! See ya'll over on the Facebook users group.
  6. Thanks for advice. I'll likely do like other users have mentioned and "buy without ever playing it" because the reviews and user stories have been so positive (and the PX-350 sounds and plays great). Fwiw - I live in Waterloo, about 1 hour west of Toronto. Thanks again.
  7. Have any Canadians been able to track down where to buy the PX-5S in Canada? I've been in conversations with Long & McQuade and they finally told me today that they would not be carrying the PX-5S (even though you can get the PX-150 and 350), and we'll probably see them available at "the big box stores". This news was apparently direct from the nationwide purchasing manager. Someone from Casio should talk to their purchasing manager. Not like this is a toy keyboard or anything!
  8. Thanks for the clarifications. Much appreciated.
  9. I'm trying to make a purchase decision between the PX-350 and the PX-5S. I'm mostly looking for a great piano sound (that the 350 has), but am excited about the PX-5S. Not very much more money for better Rhodes & Wurly sounds, effects, and more controllers. However, I'm not quite sure what piano features I'd be missing by going with the PX-5S. Does anyone know how the piano experience is different? (Are they identical?) I think the PX-5S doesn't support half pedalling, but are there any other differences in sound, features, keyboard feel, etc.? Thanks for your input!
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