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Posts posted by XW-Addict

  1. On 6/21/2018 at 5:22 PM, elephantmanmusic said:

    Is there a mandolin sound on the 5S? If there is, I haven't been able to find it.

    This one comes close, feel free to browse the user download. 

    Certainly you'll find something to the liking. 



  2. I am in need getting the wave form list to reference the changes made during each update. 

    Practically I need the waveform list from each update. Reason needing it is that some older 

    stages don't give the correct wave form although they play correct, It doesn't help studying them. 

  3. 34 minutes ago, Abraham_M said:
    2. Another concern is the implications of the new AiX sound engine of the Casio CT-X. I wondering if Casio will be releasing a new top of the line board with the better sound engine.

    Better I don't think it will not be a comparison issue but different and suitable for the target keyboard yes I do think so.

    The CT-X is just wow and the hex technology in the MZ and PX as you can see it addresses a specific need in how you 

    can make it work for you're music. Its ready to go sounds versus synthesis. 



  4. Panning would be the first way to go using mono sound plus you would get a distinctive sound with panning mono tones.

    The second way would be how to program the delay. The DSP of the PX5S is very broad to do so. 

    The third method would be using arpeggio CC# and let it make a slight pan. 


    How to go at it depends what you want in the end result in case of the arpeggio you need to consider if tempo has to change 

    the way it sounds etc.  

  5. AllPack Festival edition.

    View File

    Most of my performances are build for the looper.

    I also did stand alone performances and regular ones.

    I will present a recording of one of them so now and then.


    In this pack there are performances.

    A set of solo-synth sounds I'm building up.

    Step sequence for drum patterns.


    I'm going to edit this pack and probably make seperate ones specially the bass 

    performances of which some sound pretty cool. 


    I haven't spend much time cleaning out by deleting unwanted parts.

    But I'll work on it and update this zall file. 


    Explore it, change it , play it , record it.   


    I've recorded loops with these performances in the sample looper "Press Play" discover them. 

    Ive added two MP3's Festival Pack is how some of the patches sound like.

    Sample loops are loops I've made in combinations with step sequence , performance and solo synth. 


    Festival Pack sounds.MP3

    Sample loops.MP3


    • Like 1
  6. 1 hour ago, Brad Saucier said:



    Ummm let see, The pedal does a forced sync when you press it to start with.

    Whatever you  might do else during that the wanted sync happens with the pedal ones you pressed it.

    Changing the performance behavior during that changes that sync effect. 


    There are actually two sync's one when you press the key's and the assigned arpeggio's play from all zones,

    And the other with the pedal where you can hear it play's exactly cycle or time correct


    So you have to press it every time for that perfect nice sync effect.

    Thus Zone 1 to 4 don't necessarily sync tight or hard what ever it's called desirably with the key's.

  7. 3 hours ago, Brad Saucier said:

    You can stop a zone by turning the zone off.  The arpeggiator will remain running in the background and stay in sync when you turn the zone back on.  Use a slider or the zone buttons to do that.  You can also enable arpeggio hold by pressing the two buttons labeled "hold" without needing a pedal.  

    Useful but yet not practical, We want to establish full sync and in a weird way sync happens only with the pedal assigned to arppegio.

    Sadly hold won't keep the sync going the pedal does this in a forceful way.


    I've been pondering a better way on and off for a whole zones sync like Striggi28 said is fully correct you can't separate the zones 

    each either they all do it  when you press the pedal , But when you've triggered them by pedal over again even on hold one of them 

    if one zone falls out the sync, the others bout to fall out also. Its an all to one or nothing situation. 

  8. I had something similar a while back and found sync of arp and phrases happened when you toggle or 

    momentary the arpeggio with the pedals which could be set in the common menu of a stage setting.


    I think there is an order what go's first and it might be the arpeggio this sync with all arpeggio and the phrases.   


  9. I have no clue what this layout does for the PX5S its the first time I'm using it. 

    And in no way its like the XW Midi Designer app which does what you've expect,

    certainly recommend anyone using it to create sound for the XW. 


    But this one for the PX5S is kinda lame, I was expecting something like the XW layout,

    maybe I expected to much or downloaded an old version of some sort. 


    When you open the layout in midi designer you see an resonance panel and sliders to 

    control the layers and a few buttons that it. I would like to know if this is what the PX5S

    version does and really is. 


  10. On 4/24/2018 at 2:10 AM, Chas said:

     Looking forward to trying this patch when it's ready!

    Took another look at it and start editing mostly tuning the right key.

    I've tuned a bunch of them in different key and am working to correct that.

    This time without headphone, Anyone reading this ditch the headphone with

    creating you're own patches.  



  11. I've assembled and made a crazy sound package for the XW G1. 

    A few day's ago I made a loop in the S.L and boy that sounded so great

    to my ears just jamming on it was a joy. I never got this far with the XW 



    All of it was constructed from sounds of the whole package itself. 

    Every time I play that specific loop with a performance of that same package

    I get shivers from it knowing these sounds comes from this keyboard.


    I wanted to rush and put the file out for everyone but its better I still work on it 

    for a few day's and arrange things so I can post it on the end of the week. 



    • Like 2
  12. There has leaked some info that Casio will release 3 more keyboards at Frankfurt Music Messe.

    Which consist of a SA type keyboard with synth and a small display, The other two have been kept 

    closely shut in details but it is said a PX that will change the way how classic and new sounds will 

    be experience. 


    With the introduction of those new keyboards their going to be two more apps these apps have been

    described as to change the way how one imagine's sound. I want to believe myself that somehow it 

    going to be finally manageable to interchange all you're sounds. Guys lets hope these exciting smart 

    things are as much more then a flimsy hype. 


    I am totally stoked and can't wait to see what this other SA type will look like and how much sound is 

    packed in such a small form and wow a display at it. With the CT-X in the picture these are exciting times






    • Like 1
  13. On 3-3-2018 at 2:33 PM, yamahamusicians said:

    One thing that definitely surprised me was the keys. I was expecting pretty poor quality at this price level but Casio have done really well here. Ok it's not a weighted hammer action jobby but really it's very good and certainly as good if not better than keyboards costing twice as much. 


    Oh by the way you CAN control the effects over midi so that is one way to solve the above issues.


    The CT-X700 can respond to the following CC messages (in addition to the usual ones):

    - Portamento Time (not available on the PSR-E models)
    - Portamento Switch (not available on the PSR-E models)
    - Sostenuto (not available on the PSR-E models)
    - Soft Pedal (not available on the PSR-E models)
    - Filter Resonance
    - Release Time
    - Attack Time
    - Filter Cutoff
    - Decay Time (not available on the PSR-E models)
    - Vibrato Rate (not available on the PSR-E models)
    - Vibrato Depth (not available on the PSR-E models)
    - Vibrato Delay (not available on the PSR-E models)
    - Portamento Control
    - Reverb Send Level
    - Chorus Send Level
    - Delay Send Level (not available on the PSR-E models)


    The speakers although not high on output are not bad, certainly good enough for home use. 


    One thing I do miss is the pitch bend wheel. It doesn't have one of course and I keep reaching for it. Perhaps they should have sent me the CT-X800 ;)


    To sum up I would say it's a great entry level keyboard and I would certainly have no problem recommending it as an alternative to a PSR.

    If the CC message also means to response multi-timbrel on each channel that would be sweet,

    cause that means you can hook it to a DAW and do some narly stuff with controls messages. 

  14. Went out to try me sum CT-X today, It sounds inspiring there are sounds in there that gives the creative

    jitter-bug and make music, Heck it sounds darn good for that level and price. The guy at the store said 

    it will take a while before they have the 3000 and 5000. 


    This keybed is also something it feels different then WK, LK and other CT types a week of keyboard 

    pouncing should test its sturdiness. I don't have high expectations of a CT keyboard but these new 

    sounds makes a big difference some even put a smile on the face. 

  15. I've been using song mode lately as a drum machine to keep zone 1 free for sounds. 

    Now I've been diving in stage menu if there was any possibility to start song mode 

    by any key or if song mode would start by other means then the start / stop button itself.


    Phrase and song mode can start simultaneously when the start /stop button is pressed.

    But to do that Phrase and song mode have to be lit on for that to work same go's for audio play.

    So there is a bit of versatility there but what if I just want to hit a chord and have it all play. 

    I've been menu diving to look purely if I could start song mode when I press a key as it seems

    It can't however. 


    I needed a few things for a performance using the PX5S stage.


    1 : Can the PX have song mode triggered when I hit a chord.

    2 : Can the PX use the fifth phrase instead of song mode for drums.

    2 : Can the PX have tempo sync either sync song mode and arpeggio or all together.


    I've looked in the Stage Common menu to find a way to make it work. 

    And found something interesting about the pedals which can be programmed 

    for anything including tempo sync and starting arpeggio , phrase or songmode.

    Not exactly what I've opted for but that'l work to get the show running. 


    First triggering song mode by pedal, because the way I use it to apply a drum sequence its

    clearly different then using phrase sequencing which start and stop with key presses. 

    But if you want to use two hexlayers this is one of the many ways using the PX5S only.

    Certainly if you want to keep the pedal free for sustaining or other. Cause I'm not sure if 

    song mode sync's with arpeggio or phrases. 


    Tempo sync is a bit of an oddity in a stage arpeggio / phrases are synced  as is the fifth phrase

    which sync also this phrase can also be selected which phrase to play in the common menu.

    I've still to figure out how to set it up for drum sequence instead of using song mode.   


    Tempo sync can be done by pedal I've assigned pedal two for when it is pressed it hits in. 

    I'm still figuring out how this all work to make a stage sound tight and how I want it.  




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