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  1. I have already cleaned them all. EDIT: when i switched ribbon cable upwards, keys on the left side of the piano had no sensitivity, after that keys on the right side of the piano hadn't
  2. Hello, I would like to start with that my native language isn't English. Unfortunately something awful happened to me, while i was away(at school), door to my room was left opened, my cat went in and what did she do? She peed on my digital piano, i didn't know that before i turned it ON to play after i came back, i have immediately noticed that my piano isn't giving any sound, i noticed yellow liquid on keys, after i saw it i turned off the power. My first thoughts were that warranty is useless there because it's liquid damage so i decided to open it and clean it which i think was a good idea because keys started working again, some of them had no sensitivity, also i have 4 non working keys from that moment( D6, F6, A6, A#6). So after couple of days all keys except those 4 started working normally, they had full sensitivity, but between days they had not. Now it's in such state that almost every key has no sensitivity + when i press one key, multiple are giving sound and i don't know what to do. How do I fix it?
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