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Files posted by jaspeter

  1. Oye Como Va

    This zip file contains the Stage Setting and the Percussion file needed to reproduce the sound in the included sample MP3. Don't forget to update the phrase location in the stage setting with whatever phrase slot you end up using for the percussion loop.
    Sliders 1 and 2 control the two organ layers.  Pedal 1 switches between fast and slow rotary, which also switches between the C1 and C3 chorus settings.  Pedal 2 toggles the percussion off and on.

    I heard this song on a long road trip recently and I couldn't help but think about how to replicate it on the PX-5S. For hours, I tried many different settings and tried to "brew" my own effects, but I found that layering the stock Distortion Organ patch with an octave higher worked surprisingly well! Unfortunately, we don't have a lead guitar player in the band, so I probably won't actually use this, but I enjoyed the challenge.


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  2. 9 Drawbar Organ

    I'm just getting into the Hammond B-3 sound and I was really impressed with the 9 Layer Organ that Jimmyjames posted back in July. I started looking into the way the drawbars worked and found some pretty good pages on the net that have some of the more popular registrations. Unfortunately, you need 9 drawbars to do that and the way they were tied together in the 9 Layer Organ didn't allow you to adjust all of them independently. So, I wanted to build something that would allow me to experiment. This really won't be a performance Stage Setting as much as a "play around with" Stage Setting that you can then solidify into different presets as you find them.
    I really think that the key to pulling off a B-3 sound will be in presets because there aren't 30-some-odd drawbars on the PX-5S, for good reason! Here are some of the key notes you'll need to be aware of for this stage setting:
    Drawbars: There are nine "drawbars". On the Hammond, they are organized this way: 16' 5 1/3' 8' 4' 2 2/3' 2' 1 3/5' 1 1/3' and 1'. They are on the PX-5S as follows, respectively: ModWheel, S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6, K1, K2.
    Rotary effect: I like being able to experiment with these effects, so I moved them to K3.
    K4: This controls the volume of the percussion. More on that below.
    Pedal 1: This switches between 2nd percussion/slow decay and 3rd percussion/fast decay. I didn't think the 3rd harmonic sounded very nice when it suspended for too long, but you can adjust that as you like by editing the Stage Setting parameters.
    Pedal 2: This turns the percussion on and off.
    Percussion: I don't have a Hammond B-3 to sit next to, but I do have the internet! I found a good YouTube video in which some of the different sounds and registrations were isolated:
    . With the laptop plugged into the audio in port of the PX-5S (good thinking, Casio!) I played this video through the same speaker as the keyboard. True to some of the other articles I read, the percussion sounded quite marimba-like, so that's on the percussion channel (zone 3).The way the original organs were built, percussion only happened for the first note struck in a legato passage, i.e. as long as any keys were held down, no more percussion sounded. To duplicate this effect, I created a phrase that plays one single note, and then dummy-fill (with expression controller values) to extend the phrase for awhile. Percussion will repeat if you hold down a note long enough, but at a tempo of 20, it hadn't repeated after 2 minutes of sounding a note. I think that'll do. If you want to bypass this effect and have percussion strike every note, regardless of other keys held down, simply turn off the arpeggio button. You will also need the OrganPercuss phrase file in slot 910 for this feature to work.


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  3. Walk of Life - Dire Straits

    Here is my attempt at Walk of Life by Dire Straits. It was easier than I thought it would be because of the VOX Continental organ stage setting from Mike Martin. Until I heard that, I had never associated that sound with that instrument. Thanks Mike!
    I made a couple of tweaks to the VOX, though. The first is that the drawbar organ layer was to mellow. I replaced that with a sawtooth. The other is that there wasn't enough "ping" on the attack, so I added the GM Thumb Piano, which has become a remarkably useful patch.
    On the FX, I realize that I have greatly underestimated the impact of delay, reverb, and chorus in the past, so that is added in there. However, I have some strange settings, so if you want an explanation, read on... We don't have a drummer so I usually have the percussion and the rest of the keys split between the left and right channels. Each channel goes out independently through a DI to the mixer. When I practice at home, though, I like to use the headphones and I like the channels balanced. To help with this, the drum pan is assigned to K1 and everything else to K2 (usually on the right channel). Unfortunately, the FX aren't usually channel-specific, so I have bleedover into one or the other channels or, in this case, I have the delay set to the right channel.
    The percussion loop is assigned to Pedal2. Load the phrase into slot 180. The other item of note is that I have a kick drum assigned to Pedal1. I wish there was a way to do this natively within the PX-5S, but for now, I'm running MIDI out from the PX-5S into a MIDI Event Processor then the MIDI out of the event processor back into the PX-5S. I use an unused CC message assigned to the pedal and the event processor turns it into a note-on/off message
    It sounds a little bare in the sample MP3, but when you get a band behind it, you're in business!
    Oh! I almost forgot! There is another keyboard part that I don't attempt to mimic here. If you listen to the VOX, you can hear a layer behind it which sounds like a sawtooth-ish sound playing harmony. I thought I'd add that as layers, but it changes with the chords, i.e. it's not just simply 3rds and 5ths. Because I run out of hands between the rock organ and the VOX, I didn't bother adding it in, instead opting to just add some harmony on the VOX.
    The rock organ isn't quite perfect, either, but because I use Zone 1 for percussion, I couldn't add the upper drawbar which you can hear in the original recording. It's close enough for rock 'n' roll, though!


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  4. Superstition (JP)

    Someone in the forum mentioned it would be useful to have the MP3 of the stage setting uploaded to check out before going through the trouble of downloading and transferring. Also, I'm a little disconcerted about the fact that the package ZPK file has a substantially shorter file length than the stage setting ZPF file. Maybe it compresses? Or maybe I don't fully understand how to use the package files? I'll try to test it and update, if necessary.
    It just occurred to me that not everyone would be using the editor. So the different files need to be here:
    Brasstition: Hex U:62
    JasonSet1: Drm U:20
    Superstition: Phrase 127 (Not a Zone phrase. Start using panel start/stop button.)


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  5. Beat It - Intro

    I was trying to produce a "gong" tone, but this started to present itself and I had to follow through! Play your lowest G - G - E - E - G - G - D.


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  6. Squabble

    Fiddling with the presets and watching the video in the notes of the 9 Drawbar Organ sound, I put together this keyboard split resembling the Squabble style registrations that Tony Monaco uses toward the end of the video. The left side of the keyboard (up to Bb5) represents the lower manual with registration 848000000 tuned up two octaves. The right side of the keyboard represents the upper manual with registration 800008888 and tuned down one octave. This allows a quite a bit of pitch overlap without going too high or too low.
    The mod wheel controls the leslie speed, K2 controls the percussion volume, K3 controls the Vibrato/Chorus, and K4 controls the reverb. As in the 9 Drawbar Organ stage setting, Pedal1 toggles the 2nd-percussion-slow/3rd-percussion-fast, and Pedal2 turns percussion on and off.
    I wish I could upload a sample of a tune played in this style, but I'm just learning and couldn't do it justice. Maybe a more experienced player could make a sample tune for it, should it end up being useful for someone.
    Have fun!


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  7. Whiter Shade of Pale

    Of course an organ upload section can't be complete without A Whiter Shade of Pale. The MP3 starts at the lead-in to the chorus where the glissando kicks in with the C3 chorus setting. Yes, I know that the background is kind of cheesy in the MP3, but I usually play with a group, so I wasn't too concerned with sequencing a better backup.
    Here are the files this stage setting expects:
    - The drum set (JasonSet1) in user area 20. This is optional, and originally I put the lower keyboard manual here instead.
    - The phrase OrganPercuss in user area 910. This, too, is optional. It just lends to the Hammond sound by hitting the 2nd harmonic percussion only at the beginning of a legato phrase. Make sure to turn LOOP: On and write it back into slot 910. The load defaults to LOOP: Off, for some reason.
    - The WhiterShade.ZPH for the drum track phrase in user area 911.
    Other notes:
    - The sliders 1-3 control relative volumes of the drum set, organ, and bass, respectively.
    - Slider 6 controls reverb.
    - Footswitch 1 turns the C3 rotary speaker option on (for the chorus).
    - Footswitch 2 turns the drum phrase on.
    - Knobs 1-4 control the equalizer.
    It's a shame that you can't string DSPs together, because I really like the sound of the organ through the MStack amp simulator. It might be possible to replace the C3 rotary chorus with the native PX-5S chorus and still get a good sound while routing through the Distort/Amp simulator. That's left as an exercise to the user.
    I should also mention that I got the information for the organ registrations and other settings from http://www.procolharum.com/awsop_reg-cerdes.htm


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  8. Boulevard of Broken Dreams

    The band wants to play Boulevard of Broken Dreams by Green Day. At the risk of sounding too much like we're trying to sound like the recording, I've put together a Stage Setting for this tune. There are two other files besides the Stage Setting file:
    - The ZPH is a drum track phrase for phrase slot 158. I originally had two of these to switch between verse and chorus, but I realized the only big difference is banging on the two crash cymbals on the eighth notes during the chorus. Figuring I can handle that manually, I left it out. Oh yeah, you can start it with Pedal 2.
    - The ZAR apreggio file contains only the expression CCs to give that heavy vibrato so prominent in the intro. I could have used an LFO, but then it wouldn't sync with the drum track/tempo. Thanks Brad Saucier for giving me the arpeggio control track recommendation! It uses arpeggio slot 100. I usually try to use high numbers to avoid slots that others may already have filled, but I forgot and already uploaded this one. Sorry! You'll probably want to change that in your Stage Setting.
    - I'm still unsure about the drum track file. I don't use a standard set so I can put the drums where I want them. If you hear anything besides a kick, snare, open hi-hat, and cymbals, you'll need JasonSet1 in drum slot 20.


       (2 reviews)



  9. Indonesian Nights

    The attached MP3 is a sample of the tune that inspired me to do this song. I didn't feel comfortable putting it in the "Song Ready" list, since the tune is fairly obscure. I was listening to Tony Monaco - Celebration when this track came on. Due to its lower tempo and cool sound, I wanted to try to duplicate it. This is my take on it, the organ sound is all from this stage setting on the PX-5S (explained below) and the backing track is from my android smartphone running IRealb.
    This setting simulates a two-manual organ, with the split point being at middle-C. Here are the settings for each manual:
    Lower - Registration 666000000 (sort of), rotary on (permanently)
    Upper - Registration 008666000 (sort of), percussion 3rd harmonic, rotary can be turned on and off
    The tweaky bits:
    Mod wheel - overall volume
    S1 - Overdrive
    S2 - Percussion decay speed
    S3 - Percussion volume
    S4 - Lower manual volume
    S5 - Upper manual volume
    S6 - Reverb
    K1 - Rotary Slow rate (not used, since I didn't include a way to switch between slow and fast)
    K2 - Rotary Fast rate
    K3 - Chorus/vibrato
    K4 - Wet/Dry mix
    Pedal 1 - Percussion on/off
    Pedal 2 - Upper manual rotary on/off (This seems to take two taps the first time you use it in this stage setting, thereafter it functions normally. I haven't figured that one out yet.)
    It should operate correctly without uploading the associated arpeggio needed to make the percussion envelope work properly. That still kinda weirds me out, but it seems to work.


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  10. Brass Trio

    This Stage Setting uses three arpeggios on three zones to separate a tuba, trombone, and trumpet into the lowest, middle, and highest notes of a triad. Because it's an arpeggio, the main "gotcha" is that it repeats. However, the step size is set to be a quarter note to help minimize this effect. You can also press the sustain pedal and release the keys for a full sustain with no repeats.
    The attached MP3 has a "before and after". The first sample is with the arpeggiator turned off. All voices are sounding on all notes in unison. The second sample is with the arpeggiator on, separating the instruments.
    I chose brass sounds in response to an old post in the forums about the "more perfect brass section," but I'm sure there could be plenty of other applications!


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  11. Let's Go - The Cars

    There are two stage settings here that I switch between for verse and bridge rhythms (phrases). I set them in two adjacent stage settings to easily swap between the two. The only really important controller is Pedal 2, which is the start/stop for the phrase.
    The MP3 is a quick sample of the different sounds in the setting and, admittedly, sounds a little cheesy without the rest of the band playing along.


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  12. You Might Think - The Cars

    This consists of two stage settings that I swap between. Pedal 2 is the phrase (rhythm) start/stop. The phrase in the second stage setting does not loop, since it covers the entire bridge part.


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  13. Low Rider - War

    Simple, one-phrase beat. Nothing fancy, but fun!


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  14. Come Dancing - The Kinks

    There's probably a better tone combination to use than the steel drum/pad, but it kinda grew on me when we were trying to do this tune with my old PX-320.


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  15. Forgiven, Not Forgotten - The Corrs

    This tune is a bit obscure, and I questioned putting it here, but there may be some usefulness in there somewhere.


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  16. Mary Jane's Last Dance - Tom Petty

    There really isn't a keyboard part to this tune, but when we cover it, I usually use an electric piano with overdrive.
    The most difficult part of it is picking out a believable harmonica. This isn't totally believable, but it works for this song. The Mod Wheel controls a wah effect to simulate cupping, with a slight downward pitch bend.


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  17. Ob-la-di Ob-la-da - The Beatles

    We actually play this in F for the singer, so I had to transpose it down 7 semitones to get it into The Beatle's key for the attached MP3 sample. When I did this, I had to bump zones 3 and 4 up an octave in pitch. You'll have to fiddle with that, depending on what key you play it in.
    The saxes are set up strangely on zones 3 and 4. Originally, I thought I'd use two different tones and I wanted to split them into a lower and upper part. It turns out that the sound I settled on was the same tone (Baritone Sax) for both. You can turn off the arpeggiator and one of the zones (3 or 4) and get pretty much the same thing, without all the fancy business.


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  18. Walking Accompaniment

    This is kind of a cheesy attempt, but it was more to prove to myself that I could program something like this with the arpeggiator. First time around, it took about 30-45 minutes from inception to me uploading this.
    This "auto-accompaniment" for the PX-5S in a walking bass style. The lowest octave is reserved for drums, the next two octaves for bass and brass. Because the PX-5S is not an accompaniment keyboard, it won't figure out the chord roots, so you'll have to play them in root position. It uses the arpeggiator for the walking bassline and for the brass hits, and a phrase for the drumset (in slot 103). The rest of the keyboard is open to the piano.


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  19. Every Breath You Take

    Well, the band wanted to do Every Breath You Take by the Police. The attached MP3 is me playing a sample of the keyboard parts and a percussion loop so you can get a feel for it. I add the crash and ride bell myself during the bridge.
    Our singer is pretty good... but he's not Sting, so we had to drop the key a touch. I recorded it, however, transposed back to the original key. The keyboard splits are arranged for the key I play with the band, so you may need to adjust the split points if you play a different key without transposing.
    The Stage Setting expects to see the percussion loop in slot 175.


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  20. BrassFallsRelease

    This stage setting is a rip-off from the one that Mike Martin created. It occured to me the other day as I was snooping the MIDI data from the PX-5S. At first, I thought it was annoying that Casio decided to use a "Note Off" message instead of a "Note On: Velocity Zero" message to end notes. For processing purposes, it added extra code to handle the different messages. But then I noticed that the Note Off messages really did carry the information about how quickly the key is released.
    So, in this setting, hex layer 1 does normal note-on/note-off behavior for "nominal" playing rates. But if the keys are released very slowly, hex layer 2 kicks in and initiates the "fall" effect. There are some other snazzy things that one could do, but I don't have time to follow that tangent at the moment. I had really no reason to do this now except out of curiosity. I thought someone might find it useful, though.
    The MP3 is a quick sample to see what it sounds like.


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