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Posts posted by FlashyEagle8

  1. Hi

    Wanted to know few aspects about Midi and Rythms.


    Does this keyboard can use any Midi files from any artists' songs ?


    Does the CT-X5000 can be compatible in importing Rythms files from other brand's keyboard or just between Casio Models ?


    As for Midi files related to CT-X5000, in the Download section, only 3 files are enclosed.

    It be cool if in the near future a new variety of files would be stored, because there are tons on other series and models....


    As for Rythms, quite same story, and it'd'be great if more packs would be posted here !


    With Rythms files/packs, is the CT-X5000  compatible with other hrands or just with Casio series or only from same model ?


    Please, feel free to post me your usefull answers, so that i can easily go beyond

    Thanks for helping me !

  2. On 11/7/2023 at 3:13 PM, Brad Saucier said:

    The link will lead you to instructions for installation.  Download the update manual and download the firmware on the same page.  Open the manual, read and follow along.  

    Yep, i saw u need to use a Flash memory stick to save all ur data before u make the Jpdate and ultimately to Format that "stick" when you're inserting for the 1st into your keyboard, so that it automatically creates a Folder named CasioMidi.dat which will be then used for future  Recordings that u want to import/export...

    Is that true ?


    Also, for that Usb Flash stick, can u use it for the Update and for your Recordings, or do they need to be in seperate Usb Flash ?


    Other noob question as im lost.

    Can i first Format my Usb Flash through Keyboard then Save my recording file, transfer to Laptop, then

    Take another Usb Flash with my downloaded Update File on it, to then Load It into Keyboard so it'will upgrade from V:01:07 to V:01:08 ?


    Thanks for clarifying those details, coz it never been really mentionned in those guides !



  3. 30 minutes ago, Brad Saucier said:

    The link will lead you to instructions for installation.  Download the update manual and download the firmware on the same page.  Open the manual, read and follow along.  

    Alright !

    Ho i checked that link and found all infos required, just some time before your answer 


    On the other hand, i'vr also checked my manual referring'to Update, and just'checked within my keyboard and realised that im on V:01:07, so obviously got outdated, as i own the Old version and i'm glad that u pointed out as being the Issue.

    I'll do that Update and Thanks a lot

  4. 7 hours ago, Brad Saucier said:

    It sounds like a physical issue unfortunately.  The keyboard resets each time the power is turned off.  Have you checked the firmware version and updated accordingly?




    Yes, it looks like so but its some minor problem, actually it does work but sometimes, its messing between  2 functional buttons where the 2nd one does the job of the 1st one, knowing that i'm pressing the right Functionnal Button on the right place. Beside this, i did press the wrong button which gives the wrong function, it obviously won't work.

    However, for my problem, i rather think that some earlier unexpected little forcing/puling Hit affected the system, so that some Functions dont work properly as it should.

    Would u think that it could be the case ?


    As for the Update, i was suspecting of this potential factor as i read along and it would be great if that would solve my issue, because i don't see my Keyboard being hardly damages whereas it works fine (80%) in general.


    Now, for the Update, i don't know how to proceed for that. I guess i should download it from your enclosed link, but then, i dont know how to transfer to my Keyboard.

    Would it work through an USB Flash card/Key (with downloaded Update) or

    with my Usb Cable by connecting from my Laptop through my Keyboard, then load it from Media Menu and install it there?


    So far, I see that the Update might Fix from my issue (from Bugging Functions), i'll try try that, but i need your support.


  5. Hi,

    I have a Casio Ctx 5000 and I encountered some functionnal issues where my buttons doesnt work properly, (it jumps randomly or conflicts  with other functions), cozfor the kids harsly touched all the buttons all'at once, as well as my keys (which got noisy, but id mind this, as i got used to.)


    Anyway, do u think its a system issue or a physical issue ?


    If it is rather a system issue,'is there some Reset button, so that i can have back my Functions buttons as it was before?

    Or'is there another way to fix this functionnal buttons ?

    At last, maybe'to send'back to my Shop for a Repair ?

    But'tbh, wanted'to fix'it on my own with ur advices


    Please, feel free to post me any useful answers to solve my annoying issue.



    Ie: for dysfunctions, at beginning it was just the Tones, then figured out that all my settingw and categories are quite messed-up...

  6. As i saw somewhere, the key is made of plastic as well as the hammer that holds the key (press)...

    Any rubber to stick on those key-T hammers or some grease solution bind those 2 plastic surfaces ?


    Any tricks to fix by clipping back the noisy key ?

    Please feel free to post any useful infos in helping me with it


  7. I've been playing with those 2 tones.

    I felt really confortable with the AMP GT-2, but im wandering about the strange sound which makes the AMP GT 1.

    Actually, its main volume is quite low compared to GT-2, it sounds quite metallic like some Background whining/crying guitar that some Jimmy Hendrix, Scorpion, U2 musicians use.

    But just wandering why is the vocal archetype between AMP GT 1 and GT 2 are so different ?

    ie Casio tone :  160 & 161 

    Is it normal ? did any of you encountered that issue ?


    If it is normal, its ok.


    But according to the AMP GT 1, i wanted to know from which part of some famous song, Musicians usually use the AMP GT 1.

    So i can have a straightfoward idea about its "strange" tone sound that im unconsciously facing when it's its normal tone (sound).


    Other point, if it is not normal and that it is part of some common issues, is there a possibility to RESET my CASIO Keyboard back to Default (Manufacturer) ?

    So it resets all the tones back to earlier times...


    Please let me know about this issue,


  8. For "key touch", nothing went wrong actually, i was over-thinking...
    However, to fix their flexibility if the key was "forced" a bit...i just lifted the key in question, so it went back to its original status.


    But once again, i obviously think that, i got used to the key touch for month, as i had a quick adaptation, so at this level, it's really "hard" to see the "big" difference, tho.

    So far, i've been playing nearly everyday and the key's voice, touch etc are same. So Nothing got affected in there !

    and im keeping great curse in playing and enjoying it !

    So This Issue is solved !

  9. Since i bought the keyboard keys had dynamism and could feel the "hammer effect touch", just 1 or 2 keys were a bit sliding to right or left but there were still "tough" ; it was a lillte minor "pbm" that i've observed but nothing defectuous, everything was'perfect ! Just found it a bit strange




    Now, my 2 nephews (2yrs 4yrs) visited me and they hit all the keys quite hard few times for few days and now all the keys lost their little hardened dynamism and they slides R to L, like its slippery. So less control...

    I dont feel anymore playing on some'real "Grand Piano" as it was when i bought it since "-they arrived".

    About the sound nothing got'affected.

    However, for touch mode'was always on 3=normal.


    Now ive switched to 4=heavy, its not hard as it was'from very beginning, but somehow looks like it was in mode 3 but not quite.


    Is there is some way to fix the "keys" as it was originally (with same'dynamism and touch) ?

    Ie: to adjust back by tighting the keys, so they wont slide from right to left, like to recenter them !


    I really do need your help, coz that pbm pushes me away from keyboard, and before this awkward incident, i used to play for hours everyday...


    So far, my keys arent broken at all, but it feels like the kids pulled the "string"'quite hard that "the springing effect is very loose, almost to the edge'of being blown out, and wanted to strenghten back a little harder so i get back the tougher dynamism that i want.


    How to proceed ? Any ideas to fix that by myself or some technician ?

    Baš, my keyboard is just 5 or 6'month old...and i do have the garantee, tho


    Just feel free to post asap ! Thanks


    P.S : if any questions on specific detail, just feel free to ask me !


  10. 3 minutes ago, Brad Saucier said:

    Can you post an audio clip?  

    Oof, i cant do that now coz Im at work and my keyboard is at home.

    However, i can try record a short "clip" as an Wav file, but i dont know how to attach files over here, tho !

    on meantime, i just saw right now, on "Other media", i might enclose my file from that.

    Oh, i just saw the "Trombone", right below the message window.

    and yes, thats the place to go for attaching files ! alright !
    So far, i know what to do, now ! ;)

    ok, as i said, i'll do that clip and post it in here ("Trombone"drag files over here)

    just let u know !


  11. As a former Keyboard-player, i tend to slide or roll all keys between Upper and Lower Octave with a Grand Piano Keyboard and i tried to do the same on the CASIO CTX 5000, by selecting any Guitar (or by layered with Strings) and awkwardly hear some slight piano sound instead of Guitar...
    it does that when i slide fast the keys, but when i hit slowly the keys it disappears... 

    So just wandering if you got that problem when using the Guitar instrument and rolling/sliding the keys, to find out if i aint the only one facing that issue, or is it just who hear a "piano sound" when its actually the real Guitar's sound that needs some pitchin effect over it ?  

    However, if anybody can help me with this issue, it be nice, so i wont doubt my awesome Casio, and from your help i'd get the solution !

    So far, im will to slide/roll the chords from Lower to Upper Octaves (or vice-versa), like does Eric Clapton or Carlos Santana when playing some Refrein and making their guitars cries, usually at Upper octave and pitching the strings...

    so i was wandering how to do like them !

    Need help,

    Thanks !

  12. On 3/13/2021 at 5:32 PM, Fábio Pavan said:

    I own a CT-X800. I already recorded a song in Reaper, by auxiliar cable. And tested it as a MIDI controller, for VSTis that I already had, it worked. I used an auxiliar cable to send the sounds back to keyboard. Tell if the tutorials worked, if not, maybe I can help.

    It's all good, i've been recording for a month already !
    Anyway thanks guys !

    edit: i think we can close this topic as resolved !

    • Like 1
  13. 20 minutes ago, RogerBannister said:

    The USB interface is MIDI only, not audio.  You'd have to plug the audio output from the Casio in to your audio interface if you want audio to go to the PC.


    yes, i already plugged 2x 1/8 Audio Jacks  (R & L) between Casio and Audio Interface ! 

    Ok, this is Audio which goes to PC , but how do u know if its Mono or Stereo ?

    On the other hand, i do have a "Printer Cable / USB" that can be connected from Casio (on USB to Host) to Computer,
    But what does this cable diffuse ? Midi/Audio or Mono/Stereo ? 

  14. 19 minutes ago, Brad Saucier said:

    What kind of recording setup are you using?  I think it would be better if the keyboard was recorded to a stereo track and vocal to a separate mono track.  Any good DAW software could handle that and mixdown the final song to stereo, or mono.  The X3000/5000 can pan things, but it is a long process to pan the entire accompaniment section and save it that way.  I would look for other alternatives.

    AudioBox USB 96 as my Audio Interface

    Reaper as my DAW


    Yes, for recording, u mean   my Rythm in Stereo fro Track 1 and the Melody (Vocal), Mono in Track 2, Right ?

    Yes, any DAW could adjust/mix final song to Stereo...but wanted to avoid that, so its all done from Casio, so in my DAW i wouldnt do any complex procedures...

    Yes, i understand that within Casio it's tough and not really worthy !


    Nevertheless, if u find some alternatives, just let me know !


  15. Im trying to record Rythms (Accomp) & Melody (song) into 1 Track where it be obviously using Mono signals to any Music Design Softwares !

    Now, as this Mono will be saturated by too much drums and melody's instruments, i was wandering if it's better to record in STEREO.


    For getting STEREO, the Stereo Picture should be, as Rythms are Left Side of keyboard, and Melody is on Right of Keyboard, is it Possible to PAN these 2 sides in Casio ?

    For example, For Pans, my Left at -7 and my Right at +7. (or the opposite {L=+7 & R=-7} if i was wrong) 

    By Paning, i will adjust the source sounds L&R in Stereo, so that it be recorded correctly from Audio Interface into DAW.

    and of course, in this way, on my DAW, i won't need to make further PAN re-Adjustments for arranging the Stereo mode, as it was alreadt done within CASIO itself.


    Now, for Pan in Casio, i would like to know if its possible to adjust that, and some explanation in how to do that !


  16. 19 minutes ago, Brad Saucier said:

    I can't think of anyone better to teach pitch bend than the master. 



    I didnt mean from a Professional aspect, but just to use the tools correctly !
    Anyway, I'll still have a glance at it, to be familiar with that Wheel !

    Thanks a lot tho ! :)

    Just glanced it just visually (coz at work), but that Guy has a Sewing Machine Bend  XD 
    With all kind of Knobs, which reminded me of the Yamaha PSR E463 and actually, the Korg EK 50 had the Full Joystick for pitchBend and Modulator (up/ down  Right-Left)
    i'll watch and listen it, later ! 
    it looks impressive so far !

  17. How to use the Pitch-Bend Wheel ?


    i know that you can Press Up or Down the wheel, but how to proceed ?

    Should i push it Up or Down, and (release) let it go back to the Center (Mid Wheel) ?


    Then when Bending, should it be slight before the last note / After Touch up to the End and slight after After Touch ?
    or just Bending only from the After Touch note ?


    On the other hand, on keyboard, just above that Pitch Bend Wheel, there's that Button "Assign Mod"...i've tried it and its "bending" like the Wheel.

    Now, i dont know the difference between those 2 features !

    Can someone explains me these two ?



  18. 45 minutes ago, Just Alex said:


    Yeah, everybody was doing the kung-fu fighting......... :D

    (Those kids were fast as lighting :P) 

    About kids fighting, i saw once in YouTube, a 5yrs old Asian kid doing the Bruce Lee's moves in front of TV screen ! Impressive with Nunchaku O.O ! And he was twice or 3x faster than Bruce..😱 

    At some point, he improvised his new styles over, like with double nunchaku !

    Heres the video   ! 😱😳😂


  19. 4 hours ago, ConfusedRedditor16 said:

    Isn't capoeira a martial art?😲

    Yes. It is, but it's played with percussions, drums, instruments lol


    1 hour ago, Just Alex said:

    Pianos on casio are really bad. Maybe PopPiano or RockPiano will suit that song...


    Yes, i've tried those, actually LA.Piano or PopPiano as u mentionned, but could that Galaxy Piano tho..

    Yes, its hard to find, coz its "bad", but tbh the sound would a mix between LA, POP and Galaxy.

    Thanks tho !

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