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Posts posted by FlashyEagle8

  1. Looking for

    1. Capoeira (brazil) instruments and how are they called in Casio ?


     2. Tone of LINDNER (upright piano) from ABBA in Casio ?

            =>  ie : that tone sounds like honky tonk or some dischorded piano or organ-like...from 70s

            => that piano u hear on Dancing Queen, i know how to play that song, but it be great if i could play it with closest tone to the original one !


    Need your help in finding them ! Thanks



  2. 4 hours ago, Panda and Cub said:

    Thanks guys we shall give it a shot!


    add-up : make sure that from your Casio, the sound is switched OFF, either through Settings>Speakers OFF or simply by inserting an Audio Jack (with or without Headphones) on your PHONES socket from Casio !
    But the Sound will still be diffusing through Casio Master Volume, but u'll hear the sound Directly from your Audio Interface, which is of course, that your Headphone + Audio Jack plugged into ur Audio Interface !

    That really helps if u dont want to annoy your neighbours from your Building  😂

    So far, u're ready to do ! Good luck
    and you're most welcome for the help !   

  3. 9 hours ago, Panda and Cub said:

    Super simple question I hope... we are want to play a homemade sequence and get it off the ctx3000 onto Garageband on a MacBook. How do we do this please?

    first, if u wana record u need an Audio Interface, your Casio and Computer and then plug them together, so it functions.
    Then, within ur computer you will need some Music Maker (StudioOne, Abletton, Reaper) to record with, so u get u song.wav. Until then, you can edit, mix, render and master ur song, so you've produced your home-made song !

  4. For those who owns any CTX keyboards and use REAPER, i would need some help with Recording !

    I'm really new in Reaper, and im totally lost with Reaper !

    Any tutorials, links, simple step-by-step guides, "Getting started with Recording and setting up Casio CTX into software etc 

    All these tools would be for the greatest help for me !

    Hope that any of u would help me, coz bought specially this great Casio keyboard for saving them onto computer !

    Thanks in advance ! :)

    • Like 1
  5. For those who owns any CTX keyboards and use REAPER, i would need some help with Recording !

    I'm really new in Reaper, and im totally lost with this Music making software !

    Any tutorials, links, step-by-step guides, "Getting Started with Reaper", Getting started with Recording and setting up Casio CTX into software etc 

    All these tools would be for the greatest help for me !

    Hope that any of u would help me, coz im "bowing" and bought this great Casio keyboard, and my first wish was to record the nice stuff i longly made and save them onto computer (previously had floppy disk), now its new HIGH TECH, and i would have to have my albums over my Computer !

    So far, i hope u understand me at those points, and wishing to get some "help" somehow. THANKS !

  6. Im trying to record Audio from Casio to AudioBox !

    With good pluging process, i do hear what im playing on Casio over my AudioBox, BUT music from Casio still goes lively through Speakers !

    How to mute my Casio Speakers ?


    Should i go within SETTINGS and do  LOCAL OFF => Speakers ?

    If i do that, does my Recording wont be diffuse to my AudioBox/Phones ?


    is there another option for "Muting" like some button, or Joggle/Knob that's hidden at Back of Casio, or anything like this ?

    it would be really great for me, to know that !


    Otherwise, i would just plug some extra headphones on Back of Casio "to close" the sound ouput, and listen INLIVE (with my headphones) through the AudioBox, coz it does Monitoring !


    So just post me over here, if u get some tricks about that !

    Thanks ! 

  7. 1. On AudioBox, how to control the knobs for Mic (1), Inst (2) that are dedicated to my Casio CTX ?


    2. (a) is AUDIO + MIDI possible to do with Casio while recording on Reaper ?

         (b) or is it better to use either AUDIO or MIDI ?


    3. For Reaper, AudioBox, Casio, do i need to set stuff within Windows 10 (sound, speakers etc) ?


    4. When i have Casio Midi IN, AudioBox which goes for Input/Output in Reaper's settings ?

    5. In Reaper, it asks me which Driver u want to use 
        Which kind of Drivers does Casio CTX uses for Audio Devices ? 


    Hope getting some help from u !

    Thanks in Advance !


  8. 1 hour ago, Just Alex said:

    Well, I'm doing this in a following way - play desired sample on PC in the loop, while playing same note on keyboard and adjusting it's settings. It is quite easy, just long press the SET button and there you have all the parameters you can edit.

    Yes, ok i do it on PC, plzy thatnsample into my Casio as virtual keyboard and im fixing the PC's sound note according to my keyboard and be quite close to the sample ?   Znd for adjustement, jjust do a kong hold press in SET. Yeahhh ! Am i right ?

    Thanks a ton !

  9. 13 minutes ago, Brad Saucier said:

    You can connect the USB to host port to a computer or mobile device like a tablet and use the CTX as a MIDI controller for software instruments to expand the number of sounds you have access to, however it is not possible to install new sounds into the keyboard itself.  

    Are u implying that through computer u can import new sounds while playing and Recording Alive, coz Casio is a Midi controller ?

  10. 5 minutes ago, Just Alex said:

    Yes I have modified some, of course they're not same as tones used in specific songs, but they sound better than built-in ones. I've made SynBrass tone for "Final Countdown" intro. Kalimba for "Shape of You", SynthClavier for "Take on me" and so on.

    Cool ! And what's the easiest-fast way to create a User tone ? Im just Newbie, and i've seen once or twice, but quite wacky for remembering the steps...maybe some step-by-step link on that ?


  11. 4 hours ago, Brad Saucier said:

    It is not possible. CTX series does not have sample expansion memory.  

    Yes, i was afraid of that, coz the Yamaha psr e463 had that quick sample ability, and through sampling it allowed that.

    Now back to Reality, i can still Create new EDM Tone through a User Tone and then put it on some Bank.

    However, i was thinking of the Flash Stick "option", could i transfer some EDM as midi and save it into some Bank, just as User Tone being made or it will just play songs or'voices as playback ?

    About that, im not sure what is the purpose Function of Flash Stick (when plugged as USB to Device) ?

    Im feeling it just play any song as a "cover" and u play over it. Am i right ?


    Other point, referred to ur main statement, is there any possibility expand memory somehow, somewhere with some extra toole and stuff ?

    Im also afraid that the possibility would be again that Flash Memory Stick, coz its only one that does'this job, coz its'"extended memory" am i right ?

  12. 3 minutes ago, Just Alex said:

    Headsets from cell phones, which have mics and (or) buttons, can't work directly in "normal" equipment, you need a special adapter, which converts them from 4 pin standard to 3 pin standard, to use with any musical gear.

    I understand, but the alcatel old version doesnt have a Mic XDD

    I have the 6,35 Adaptator Jack.  No sorries , it works perfection !


  13. Im using earbud headphones connected into PHONES socket. In one ear the sound is loud and in the other one, it's so weak/low volume.

    Is it pbm of my earbud or from the in-built speakers that has like 1 mono & 1 stereo. Should it be both stereo on both ears at same loudness ?

    Does this qCasio has pbm with internal Audio Speakers or PHONES socket ?

    Just post me, if u experiencednthat pbm. Thanks

  14. i've installed Sythesia for Android Tablet, i've imported some .mid files, and my screen was full of many colors (yellow, green, purpble, blue, pink), i'm guessing that it's full arrangement, like drums, guitar and ofc, (4to6 hands been used...)

    But is there any option to switch OFF some colors, so u can just Focus on a Single one, like Blue or Blue & Purple Only?

    I need help for this, coz intending to purchase Synthesia, but I dont want to pay if u cant switching OFF  some "colors", i',d be a waste of Money for nothing ! THANKS !


  15. Yes, thanks for ur Video, it will help !


    However, from the Casio Music Youtube (8 Chapters), where it shows u how to do it, it shown all the steps, but quite quickly and not so clear, coz i played back like 10x the "Ending" process in Naming my new Tune's File !


    Anyway, thanks for fast feedback, Brad ! O.O !

  16. 2. ok, no overdubbing !

    3. tones and phrases still saved, ok !


    I. for flash drive, it get saved as MIDI, unde SMTF, is it a good quality Temp file like a .mid or better ? 

    II. For PreSonus, i'll try @ place u suggested me !


    III. Press and Hold the Button ! ikr but which one ?  the Record/Stop ?

        Where's the Rename button, and how to get the Letters Pad, to type a Name ?


    IV. I tried it 2hrs ago, and it worked !   Sorry, i miss-explained it was ON, and switched to "OFF" 

         so after 30mns, my keyboard was still ON !


    Thanks all clear, except [III]

  17. For Recording,

    I.(a) Is there a way to record something within the Casio CT-X5000 before "Recording Inlive with PreSonus ?
      (b) can i still record "TEMP file" through my USB Flash connected to Keyboard ?


     II. (a) Does Casio Music Forums handles topics about "Audio Interface", such as PreSonus ?

         (b) IF Casio Music Forum doesnt support "Audio Interfaces", where would u recommend me to go, to have help from it ?


    III. User Tone
        A/ i've created a user tone (reverb, etc etc) successfully up to No Name01
        B/ on video tutorial says, "Press Rec/stop" and should appear "User Tone" on display, 

            But all i got are  RecTrk01, 02, 03

        C/ My Tone is still registered in the Keyboard under #800 to #900 (users banks)

        D/ When creating a Tone, can u layer it with an another one ?


    IV. Turning OFF the "Shut Down after 30mns"

         A. I've selected "NO" to change it into "ON" then I Pressed ENTER > EXIT

             After 30mns, my keyboard turned OFF

       HOW to Validate a Setting that u created ?

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