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Everything posted by Kurzweil

  1. I just bought a used PX-5s, probably from 2016. BANK, 0, 2, 3, 5, 7, & 8 LEDs all work. I have yet to see 1, 4, 6, and 9 indicators come on. It already seemed strange that the top row has independent lights (bank and 1 thru 4) while the second row integrates the lights with the buttons (5 thru 9). This model is quite different from my past Privias (100, 310, and 330) but I suspect that I have four dead LEDs. Fortunately, the display duplicates the information but it's a mite disappointing. Note that the buttons themselves work fine. Giving it some thought and the regular pattern of the missing lights (1 is above 6 and 4 is above 9) leads me to believe that there is a fault and it is in the wiring to the display/button assembly. It looks like a matrix issue. I had an issue with a Kurzweil PC3x that turned out to be a connector that had not been pushed all of the way in, presumably during assembly. It caused the unit to occasionally fail to boot and could be temporarily bypassed by a sharp rap upon the case with the hand palm. The likelihood of four failed LEDs is near zero. I love that I play a black keyboard if in right profile and a white one in left profile.
  2. I just connected mine to a pair of Yamaha HS-5 powered studio monitors and noticed the same thing. I had to turn their volume controls almost to the top; something unnecessary with both a Kurzweil PC3x and also a Yamaha Montage. I would say that Casio uses a lower output from the factory. You could turn off the internal speakers and then raise the volume using the L-2 volume control (page E-13). It is explained on page E-133 of the manual. Beyond this, I suspect that it is what it is.
  3. I do no believe that you can connect another keyboard or keyboard controller directly to a USB-only MIDI unit, such as the WK-7600. That would include your organ pedals. I see it as new MIDI vs. old MIDI. The old 5-pin DIN connector was actually intended to interconnect MIDI equipment and only later was also used to connnect to a computer, usually using some sort of interface device or even using a Joystick port; something that is also obsolete. New MIDI is very compatible with computers but not with other equipment. I have a MIDIMan USB to MIDI converter box but it also has the square connector and hence, like the WK 7600, only wants to see a computer at the other end. I hope that I'm wrong about this, as I have a Yamaha KX-8 88 key weighted controller and would love to connect for better piano work. Does not appear to be likely either. Same problem as your pedal keyboard. Would love to hear that I am mistaken.
  4. I just bought the 7600. I went to print the tone list and it is not going to be legible with that mass of data on two sheets of paper. Has anyone done an Excel version, or even simply cut it up into four, vs. two, pages? THANKS.
  5. That has been a problem with all Casio WK series. The (now) current WK-7600 is the first to deal with it; a dedicated button. You can sort of fake it by playing in EDIT mode with the Rotary Speed parameter on the screen. What is interesting is that they did the proper ramp-up/down programming to do the realistic motor speed change (single rotor, I believe). I did that on an old CTK-900 this week at a rehearsal and was impressed at how realistic the effect works (called ROTARY). Software is cheap, buttons are expensive. One additional workaround is to save your organ tone with the default rotary effect (SLOW) as a patch on the registration buttons. Then edit the DSP Rotary effect so that the speed parameter is set to FAST and save it again on the next button; same page. It will not transition smoothly but you can do some sort of trick, such as a glissando to the bottom of the keyboard, switch patches, and gliss back up with the rotary now on FAST. It can work. Where else can you get a Leslie for $200 bucks that includes the Hammond?
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