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Teslas Children

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  1. @pianokeyjoe When my CZ-101 glitched once a number of years ago, after losing most of my sound data in the programmables, I ended up with one "happy accident" patch which sounded cool, which I kept and still use occasionally (I reprogrammed all the rest).
  2. Yeah--it's probably something like that. Anyway, you've been a lot of help. Cheers! 😊
  3. @IanB Thanks again! Well, that should help me figure out what I'm doing. Lol! Yeah, the part about only being able to name the bank file, and only have numbers for the individual sounds makes sense to me. That's kind of what I was thinking, but I wasn't sure. As to the banks, on the Synth page, 00 and 01 have the 1-16 CZ presets, which are the same on all models. I think Brass is the first one--I forget which is the second one. But it's the same on the CZ-101 as it is on the cz-5000, anyway. Banks 02 and 03 on the Synth page of your app are puzzling, because it repeated the presets all again. ... The CZ-101 has 32 onboard patches, including the 16 presets and the 16 Internal programmable patch spaces. I lost the 16 Internals (of my own creation) due to a connection issue with the power cord (I should order a new one), so I thought that at the very least, Bank 02 and 03 on the Synth page of your app would be blank, rather than being a repeat of the 16 Presets. ... So, yeah--definitely confusing. Anyway, I guess the question for me now is simply in overwriting the presets now ensconced in Banks 00-03 on the Synth page.
  4. Thank you @IanB! 🙂 ... For the most part it's wingable, I'm just not computer software savvy enough to wing my way entirely through a program new to me--even a relatively simple one. I'm pretty okay once I've learned the basics of a program, but what might take others 10 minutes to figure out (such as your program), could take me days before I see what I missed (which I will kick myself for when I see how obvious and easy it should have been to me). Lol! 😏 ... A short 10 minute YT tutorial for idiots like me would be awesome. Okay, here are a couple of questions: 1) You have six patch banks on the Synth page, but 00 through 01 already has the 16 presets, and 02 through 03 is a duplicate set of 00 through 01. I was wondering if that's because I inadvertantly dumped the presets in twice while I've been figuring things out. (And is it possible to just delete all the sound data in those banks and dump in the four banks from my cartridge?) 2) The other question, sort of related, is that I saved a couple of my data redos to a file on my computer desktop, which are now Number 1 and 2 in bank number 04 on the Synth Page, but bank number 00 on the File page. 🤔 3) Also, when I upload one of the sound data files from my desktop to the File page, both of them pop up in bank number 00 on that page, but both under the same name in the box at the top, which is the name of whichever sound I chose to upload first. I know I'm just missing something which is probably super-simple... it's kind of embarrassing, tbh. 4) Finally, so, are you saying that I can create as many banks of sounds as I want, but am simply limited to only using as many banks as are open on my respective cz synthesizers (I also have a cz-5000) at any given time? That makes perfect sense to me, if I'm interpreting your answer correctly.
  5. I downloaded your app onto my laptop last night after a power surge wiped the internal memory on my CZ 101, and I plugged the CZ in with a brand spanking new midi to usb cable. Basically, I was just looking for a program which would save all of my sound data on a laptop and/or thumb-drive so I don't have to reprogram all of my own sounds by hand (fortunately, I wrote most of my patches down), and your software seems like it's exactly what I needed. But I'm just wondering, is there any limit to how many sounds I can save? Or will it only save as many as will fit into the banks? Also, do you have some sort of brief tutorial, as I'm just kind of winging it, and I'm a bit thick? Lol! 😝
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