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  1. Hello- I took piano lessons for a few years as a child, during COVID 20+ years later, I decided to pick it back up. Therefore, I'm not sure I know the all correct terms to ask this question correctly,, so please bare with me. I purchased the CDP-S350 and learned about about Casio Chords. I also saw the video posted on youtube below. I am wondering..... Is there a way to play only the chords with different tone, using any simplified chord method (esp. Casio Chord) without an accompaniment/rhythm/bass on the CDP-S350? It appears that is what they are doing in the video below using the the PX-S3000. I can not figure out how to get my CDP-350 to do that, if it can even be done. If it can not be done using the CDP-S350 which Casio Keyboards is it available on? Thanks in advanced for all your help. BMK
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