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User 29303

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Everything posted by User 29303

  1. you could use ..AIR Display to send the Screen from your Mac to the Tablet IOS ,,and voila work on the Tablett with the Editor....
  2. today i tried the KMS Piano CD made by yes MIKE MARTIN for Kurzweil some years ago ,,,,with a 9ft Steinway,,,from Horowitz in 16 mb 32mb and 64mb .Samples looped with 6s.....wow ....nowi know why the Casio Px5S Piano sounds like it does.....the " Piano maker Mr. Mike Martin was involved and for shure ...the PX5S is a litte Monster like the K2000-2600 Series are still today.... My compliments !
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  3. i run the PX5S as a primary Master and the K2000 as Slave....but i also use some DAW modules,....like drummer and Seq....only is to programm the K2000R wich is impossible since the handbook is like a telephone book i use Midiquest ,,,for now,,,,i think the power of the K2000R was never used in all these Years just the possibility of routing everything and modulating everything with everything is crazy ,,adding the >FUN`S thigs goes out of understanding what´s happen ......of course Sound is Vintage but try some Moog Bass and the Boxes are blowing away ... the funny is lot of the future inside makes me think Casio did stole some ideas there ! ,,,and samples who know the flute is 1:1 .....for my ears.. Funny i forgot Mike was long time @ Kurzweil The samples in the K2500 Piano ROM daughterboard are from the same source piano as the PC88 which makes them sound similar. The K2500 Piano ROM was recorded in stereo instead of mono, it also contains longer samples and more samples per octave. The K2500's VAST engine is also a huge factor in how musical, expressive and versatile the K2500 Piano ROM is compared to the PC88. -- Mike Martin - Kurzweil"
  4. thx
  5. I have the following problem ,,,my PX5S goes out to my Mac ,,,,as USB MIDI .....on the mac i run a M Track with midi in / out connected to my Kurzweil Rack i need in and out because i tweak sounds with Midiquest but how do i route the USB out from the PX5S now to play my Kurzweil ?
  6. ok i try this actually i can have a Kurzweil pc2x cause a friend likes my emperor regent jazz guit..and he is willing to change....i ask myself if this could be the better controller adding it to my equipment .......i miss some easy way to switch record play on the px......
  7. i wonder how to setup a Stage setting to play along on my Kurzweil it has normal mode Channel 1 .,..and on Setup mode Layer 1 2 3 on midi 1 2 3 of course if i play with an stage setting ready made on the PX5 on normal mode channel 1 is playing but also al the other midi channels because the Kurzweil is always in multi mode, so i have to disable the zones ...if i then play setups i have to set them on to hear all layers..... how can i make a stage setup for external without having the zones in the PX5 playing...or whatever is the trick wo play both from the PX5? kindly maurizio
  8. damn now i have to retry 1.13 again ...this spoooke me up ,....Beam me Scotty to level 1.15
  9. since ADSR can have negative values this could be possible how to start the second wave when the first is over ? did not try already what i the maximum time fot attack & decay in sec..
  10. this is a big question to the CASIO ENGINEERS could it be made to add a loop to ADSR for Amp&Filter having the possibility to reverse the loop ...
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