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Everything posted by goblinandrogyny

  1. Hi everyone!! I have tried searching and checked the manual, and have found nothing so figured I would have to ask. I have a second hand CA-110, it has a weird glitch where the middle C sharp sounds out both the C# and the D at the same time? The D doesn't do this, only the C sharp and it does this across all sounds. I have tried the keyboard with new batteries, and with a wall adapter. I cleaned the keyboard thoroughly when I first got it last year, and since then i wipe it down with a microfibre cloth whenever I'm cleaning the collection. I keep all my keyboards in a spare room, and the power outlets which are not in use get switched off at the wall so there shouldn't be any interference happening from other devices. I found a reddit thread with someone having the same issue with a Yamaha keyboard due to water damage, and seeing as this one is second hand there's a chance the previous owner might have done something and not told me about it, but there are no other signs of damage that I found. Does anyone know what I should try next to fix it? thanks
  2. ok it's been a few weeks and i have finally figure out how to play midi phrases off the trackformer in case anyone else finds this as confusing as i did, the issues were: the drum numbers are different on the trackformer as opposed to the keyboards, so i had to transpose everything to the right number. when i did that, it started playing the kick and nothing else, it seems to not recognize notes which have a different velocity? i'm not sure if this is due to how my DAW assigns the velocity value, but when i changed everything to default full velocity it was able to play everything. the track isn't quite as nice with everything the same velocity but for now it at least works...
  3. i've tried searching but haven't found an answer for the specific issue i'm having, i'm trying to convert a midi file i have of a drum loop into a phrase i can play from the trackformer to use with my keyboards that don't let me have custom drum rhythms, i can convert the midi file and import it using the trackformer studio software but when i try to play the phrase there is no sound? the other pads still have sound, but the phrase i converted doesn't. is there something i'm forgetting to do when i make the midi file? thanks
  4. ive noticed the same thing with the s350 i wish there was an EQ option... if your s100 is the same then unfortunately anything going into the audio output will completely mute the speakers, regardless of what's going in so far the only options i've found that improve the bass are: splitting the keyboard's note range and setting the organ notes you want in your left hand to be an octave lower (which of course doesn't always sound as nice depending on what you're playing...) splitting the keyboard's note range and setting the left hand to be on the "organ bass" tone from the bass category layering the organ sound with a bass sound (but once again, may not sound as nice on the right hand parts) connect the keyboard to the casio xw trackformer and i set one of the pads to function as a low pass filter if i'm doing a two- tier keyboard set up anyway, then i'll use a direct-box to connect the cdp to my CTX mic input, and then i use the mixer on that keyboard to change the EQ (but obviously that requires you to have two keyboards so may not be the most practical) or i just use a keyboard amp that has a built in EQ, or i run the keyboard into an EQ pedal and then into an amp... i'm not sure if any of those options are suitable for you but i have not yet found anything else 😕
  5. i use a Behringer UCA222, by using a 3.5mm stereo jack to RCA cable into the keyboard's auxiliary output, and i record it into reaper set to record in stereo (otherwise you only have sound in your left ear). you don't necessarily need an interface with digital keyboards, but i find that the sound quality is much clearer with one which helps a lot with fixing eq levels and applying plug in effects. you can also use that interface i mentioned with amps that have some kind of output jack, i've used it both with my bass amp's heaphone jack and also with my keyboard amp's trs output, which means you can record the sound using hardware effects!
  6. you can use pedals that accept guitar level current if you run the keyboard through a reamp box! i have a Joyo combination reamp/DI, but i think the Radial is the more popular one? with the Joyo i've been able to connect CDP, SA mini keyboards, some CTK tonebanks and some of my vintage casiotones into both analog and digital guitar pedals, without any weird distortion or anything. you may need to use an isolated power supply if you go analog and digital together to avoid extra noise, but volume pedals aren't generally doing a lot of processing so you'd probably be fine just reamping the keyboard if you can only find guitar ones.
  7. i may not be understanding this properly, but with my CDP when i save tracks to a USB it moves them to the end of the song bank. so i'll have the songs the keyboard comes with, then the user recordings that are still on the keyboard, any songs i've loaded onto the keyboard from a USB, and then at the very end i finally have the things i saved onto the USB. do the tracks show up if you go through the 'media > load > smf' to load them into the song bank?
  8. I looked at the service manual for the CDP130 and it seems like all of the keys you are having problems with have the same 2 contacts so it's probably an issue with those. Do you clean your keyboard often? sometimes contacts wont work properly if there's too much dust between the strip and the actual board. another thing that might be affecting it is if the conductive powder has worn off. for that you can try colouring in the contacts with a B pencil to add more carbon (you can google fixing a piano keyboard with a pencil to find videos of this) otherwise if neither of those things work you may need to replace the contact strips/board or take it to someone that can repair it. if you have access to a multimeter you could try testing the contact points to see if the path for the connections is working? but that might be better left to a professional if you are unsure... if you need new parts then make sure you check your local facebook marketplace and other websites for people to sell second hand things, there are a lot of people who sell keyboards for parts only or specific parts of keyboards! i had this same issue with one of my Korgs last year and unfortunately i needed to replace the entire board but i havent been able to find a replacement yet but casio use the same boards for a lot of keyboards so if you need a replacement then it should be much easier to find also i am by no means qualified or an expert in this stuff, i've only fixed 3 keyboards so far and its been over a decade since my high school electronics class, so if anything i said is wrong then im sorry lol just use my advice as a starting point for further research
  9. I tried searching the forums but I couldn't find any clear answers. I've been looking into ways of adding vibrato effects to my keyboard. I have a zoom multi effects pedal which can create some of the sounds I want, but I wanted something that's easier to switch on and off without interfering with other effects I'm using. I found this Akai expression pedal which claims to be universal https://www.akaipro.com/akai expression pedal-akaiexp Would this work with my S350? If not, I've had a lot of luck using Behringer guitar pedals with my keyboard (with a reamper to make sure I'm not overloading anything), and I know that they also make a vibrato-only pedal, but the Akai one seems more versatile and also straightforward to use. The other option I found online which is a similar price to the Behringer is the Sonicake 5th Dimension guitar(?) pedal, which can do a several types of modulations, but I feel uneasy about plugging something from aliexpress into my keyboard lol and I haven't found many videos of people using this brand with their keyboards so I'm not sure if it's compatible ? If anyone has other suggestions please let me know! Thanks
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